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Images and Other Media


Add Media screenshot

You can upload images to individual posts or pages, or directly into the Media section.

To upload an image to a page or post, place your cursor where you would like the image to appear, then click on the Add Media icon above your post/page editor. 

upload image screenshot

Simply drag and drop your files into the box that appears, or click on the Upload Files tab, then the Select Files button to choose a photo from your computer to upload.

Thumbnail versions of the image will automatically be generated as well. You change change the default thumbnail sizes under Settings > Media on your dashboard.

If you have already uploaded an image, you can find it again by clicking the "Media Library" tab and finding your image.

Image Gallery

gallery screenshot

If you would like to create a gallery of images, use the Create Gallery option after clicking the Add Media button. You can insert the gallery into the page, rather than images one-by-one. The gallery will appear as a series of thumbnail images that link to the full-sized images.

If you'd like to embed an image from the web into your post or page without uploading it from your computer, you can do this by clicking the "From URL" tab.

Audio, Video and Other Files

You can post other media into your post as well. Due to file upload limits, and for better performance, it is best to post large audio or video files on an external hosting service such as YouTube or Vimeo (for video) or SoundCloud (for audio files).

If your video is uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo, it can be embedded into your post simply by copying and pasting the video URL into the body section of your post or page. The URL should look something like:


Once the page is published, the video should be embedded automatically. This means that you should see an image of the video with a Play button in the middle.

If you are using a different hosting service, or an audio file, or the video does not display automatically, you can use the "embed" code supplied by the video, and paste that into your body text.