NH AHEC Health Service Scholars Opportunities
Live Virtual Sessions
These events are open to all and can be “counted” toward NH AHEC HS Scholar activity hours.
Interprofessional Grand Rounds Seminar: Human Trafficking Awareness with Homeland Security, with NH Updates
Friday, January 28, 2022 (12:00–1:30 pm)
Location: Webex
Charles Pendlebury , Deputy Sheriff/Task Force Officer, Homeland Security for the NH Human Trafficking Task Force, Manchester, NH
Human Trafficking is often overlooked by healthcare providers. Many clinicians are not aware of the presence of victims of human trafficking in their practices or clinical arenas. Others believe that human trafficking does not occur in their geographical area: they may lack the educational knowledge or awareness of what trafficking entails. Join us as we learn from NH Homeland Security about the status of human trafficking and what is currently occurring in New Hampshire.Human Trafficking is often overlooked by healthcare providers. Many clinicians are not aware of the presence of victims of human trafficking in their practices or clinical arenas. Others believe that human trafficking does not occur in their geographical area: they may lack the educational knowledge or awareness of what trafficking entails. Join us as we learn from NH Homeland Security about the status of human trafficking and what is currently occurring in New Hampshire.
Motivational Interviewing (MI): A Conversation about Change
March 8 and 15, 2022 (9:00 am–12:00 pm each day, with breaks)
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Southern NH AHEC
Cost: $45.00 Up to 10 scholarships are available for NH AHEC Scholars. Please email Kate if you are interested in one of these spots. To register without the scholarship, follow this link.
Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a very specific way of having a conversation about change. The process of Motivational Interviewing discovers each person’s value and interests. It is designed to decrease barriers and increase readiness to make a change. It provides concrete, person-focused tools that help to address ambivalence and engagement both on an individual level and at a group level. These interactive training sessions will help you learn how to bring awareness to individuals about the discrepancy between their current behavior and their future goals. You will learn how to assist them to make meaningful healthy lifestyle changes.
Fellowships of Interest
Scaife Medical Student Fellowship in Substance Use Disorders
This program offers medical students an intensive learning experience about addiction and its treatment.
The deadline to apply is Friday, February 18 at midnight.
HRSA’s National Health Service Corp Loan Repayment Programs
HRSA’s National Health Service Corps (NHSC) works to connect primary and behavioral health care clinicians to people in the United States who have limited access to healthcare. The NHSC Loan Repayment Program is accepting applications until Thursday, February 3, 2022 at 7:30 p.m. ET. Click here for more information on additional Q&A sessions, eligibility for the programs, and the link to the application.
Participation Tracking: What, How, Why?
NH AHEC HS Scholars is funded by HRSA, the Health Resources and Services Administration, an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. HRSA is the primary federal agency for improving health care to people who are geographically isolated, economically or medically vulnerable. This means, of course, that with the funding comes the need to report on your activities. We aim to make this easy. Here’s how it works:
- Apply to the NH AHEC Scholars program here. Give us a few sentences that describe your interest in doing so. Answer a few questions. Approx time needed: 5 min.
- Once we review and accept your application, we will email you a baseline survey to gather information about you as you begin the program. Approx time needed: 7-10 min.
- You check out our website, with recorded sessions and other didactic resources.
- We will email you regular newsletters about upcoming opportunities that we organize or that we think are of interest and relevant.
- Attended a session organized or advertised by the AHEC? Great! We want to know. There are two ways to report it:
- Go to the link of the event on our calendar, and in the description of the event, click on the Activity Log. Give us a brief response to our questions. Approx eval time needed: 5 min.
- Keep track of it on your own, and report your attendance in the December or June Participation Tracker Survey, which will be emailed to you.
- If you report some activities via the Activity Log and some via the Participation Tracker Survey, that’s good too!
- Go to the link of the event on our calendar, and in the description of the event, click on the Activity Log. Give us a brief response to our questions. Approx eval time needed: 5 min.
- Attended a non-AHEC session pertaining to one of the following topics? Also great! Report it via the Activity Log, as well as the emailed Participation Tracker Survey, as above.
- Rural health care
- Care for medically underserved populations, including those in urban areas
- Primary care
- Behavioral health integration into primary care
- Telehealth
- Substance use disorders and treatment
- Social determinants of health
- COVID-19
- Addressing health disparities and inequities in NH
- Interprofessional education and health care delivery
- Practice transformation
- Did you do community volunteering? You rock. Seriously. Tell us via the Activity Log or the Participation Tracker Survey—no matter what the activity. Let us decide if we will be able to report it for AHEC purposes.
- Tell us about your clinical work, including volunteering, shadowing, and interning, even that which is required by your academic program. Report it via the Activity Log or the Participation Tracker Survey.
Questions? Let me know!
Scholars’ Bios
Add your bio to our Scholars’ page! Please forward a photo (png, jpeg fine; as high a resolution as possible) and a brief introduction to yourself (150–250 words). You are welcome to re-use something you’ve already used elsewhere!