Welcome to the NH AHEC Health EQUITY Scholars Program!

We changed our name . . . but not our mission. If you are a 2nd year student, you’ll remember joining the ranks of the NH AHEC Health Service Scholars. Last year, we were lucky to support students from Franklin Pierce PA program, Geisel School of Medicine, and UNH’s Direct Entry Masters Nursing program in dozens of opportunities, both in-person and virtual, academic and service oriented, some inter-disciplinary, some not. After reflection, we realized that the underlying thread holding our programming together was our Scholars’ interest in addressing inequities in the health care system for rural and urban underserved populations. Our mission is to support you all as you work towards your goals.

Fall Trip!  

The North Country Service Trip is an opportunity for Scholars to shadow with rural NH health and human service providers, to connect with each other and members of the healthcare workforce.  NH AHEC Health Equity Scholars are invited to join us between Thurs. 10/27 in the evening through Sat. 10/29 in the afternoon. See the draft description based on last year’s trip.

Please respond to this very brief survey about your interest in participating:

We would like to hear from you before the end of the day Friday, Sept. 30th.  Thank you!

What Else Is New…?

Participation Guidelines

To earn the certificate of AHEC Scholarship, each academic year (September through June) each student should participate in:

2 live NH AHEC sponsored events, such as “lunch-n-learns’” or evening seminars.

2 NH-based community experiences, such as

  • North Country Service Learning trip (Fall)
  • Southern NH Service Learning trip (Spring)
  • Other: home visits, shadowing, volunteering, etc

2 hours of asynchronous or synchronous didactic webinar or other educational session (outside of regular coursework)

Newsletters and Website

Announcements of new opportunities will be shared via newsletter and our website, which is new and (we hope) improved.