Recorded online presentation (90 min)
September 14, 2020 (12:15–1:45 pm)
As medical providers, it is imperative to know about Human Trafficking. With this class, learners will be able to define human trafficking (both labor and sex trafficking), identify indicators of trafficking, patient screening techniques, review of barriers to leaving or the acceptance of help, and mandatory healthcare provider reporting requirements of trafficking.
Janet Carroll, RN, CEN, SANE-A, SANE-P
Donna Plourde, Executive Director, Real Life Giving
Additional resources:
Power and Control Wheel (Polaris)
Healthcare Providers Task Force Training (PowerPoint)
AMA Association Journal of Ethics article on the intersection between human trafficking, mental illness, and addiction.
Recorded online presentation (45 min)
October 3, 2020
Courtesy Geisel Global and Urban Health Scholars
Laura McGlashan, JD, MPH
NH State Refugee Health Coordinator
Office of Health Equity
NH Department of Health and Human Services
Recorded online presentation (60 min)
October 3, 2020
Courtesy Geisel Global and Urban Health Scholars
Anna J. Thomas, MPH
Public Health Director
City of Manchester Health Department
Recorded online presentation (45 min)
November 19, 2020
This training will help health professions students better understand the foundations of gender based violence that lead to domestic and sexual violence, to identify the signs and symptoms of this in patients, and to learn how to respond effectively.
Presenter: Chelsea Williams, Prevention and Education Program Manager, WISE
WISE provides advocacy for survivors of gender-based violence, prevention education in schools throughout the region, and training for local service providers.
Recommended Article: A Hidden Cause of Chronic Illness (April 10, 2014)
By Alexis Jetter, Jennifer Braunschweiger, Natasha Lunn, Julia Fullerton-Batten
Studies show that ACEs are significantly associated with the development in young adulthood of the most severe forms of SUDs. This session will give learners the most current framework for understanding this connection.
DHMC Faculty, Holly Gaspar, CCLS, CTRS, and Rebecca Parton, MSW, LICSW
Recorded online presentation (60 min)
January 21, 2021
This intro offers students an understanding of epilepsy and its treatment, common challenges people and families living with epilepsy face, and strategies for managing chronic disease and lifestyle choices that lessen the impact of epilepsy. This session will share with students opportunities they can explore to work as Cognitive Health Coaches, trained to provide one-on-one coaching to patients living with epilepsy in their homes via telehealth, to positively impact health outcomes and quality of life. Social determinants of health and their impact on chronic disease management are a focus of this session.
Facilitator: Elaine T. Kiriakopoulos, MD, MSc, Assistant Professor of Neurology, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College
Presentation: January 19, 2021
Recorded online presentation (80 min)
May 18, 2021
Recorded online presentation (60 min)
May 28, 2021
Food Insecurity and Social Determinants of Health in Rural NH, an event organized by Year 2 AHEC Scholars in the UNH DEMN Program
Lori Garrett
Warner Connects, NH Food Pantry & Community Resource Center
Lori discusses her work with residents of rural NH who are experiencing food insecurity and the impact this has on health—as well as other social determinants of health she has identified within the population she serves.
Recorded online presentation (60 min)
September 7, 2021
Studies show that ACEs are significantly associated with the development in young adulthood of the most severe forms of substance use disorders. This session—from DHMC staff members working to address it at both a macro and micro level—gives learners the most current framework for understanding this connection .
Holly Gaspar, MEd, MPH, CCLS
Senior Community Health Partnership Coordinator, Co-Director Project Launch, Population Health: Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center
Becky Parton, MSW, LICSW
Project Director, Dartmouth Trauma Interventions Research Center.
Recorded online presentation (60 min)
October 26, 2021
Ashley Wentworth, MS, RD, LD, is a Health At Every Size(R) aligned Registered Dietitian providing weight neutral, non-diet nutrition therapy with a focus on intuitive eating. Ashley has over 10 years of experience in many different areas of nutrition, including clinical and public health and wellness. She is currently the owner of Ashley Wentworth Nutrition, a nutrition private practice in northern New Hampshire. She challenges us to ask we we are battling "obesity" in the medical field, and what if our fight is actually making our patients' overall health worse? Ms. Wentworth will guide us through the research on health, weight, how weight stigma affects physical and mental health, and how to provide weight inclusive care.