All posts by Kate Semple Barta

Special Edition!

Hello Scholars,

I wanted to make sure everyone had the opportunity to attend this student-led session, whether in person or remotely. 

Best wishes,


2023 Minnesota Indian Health Service Trip Presentation

Friday, April 14, 2023
12:00–1:00 p.m.
Location: Kellogg Hall 200
(or via Zoom; Meeting ID: 997 9447 8683; Passcode: 236067)

Dear Community Member,

This year, 20 medical and public health students embarked on a journey to Minnesota for spring break. We spent time in Minneapolis with the urban American Indian Community and visited the Leech Lake, Bois Forte and White Earth Indian reservations across northern Minnesota. The trip gave us a glimpse into American Indian history, culture, and health and we would love to share our stories with the larger community. 

Join us to hear more about our trip while enjoying a wild rice soup harvested by Shawn O’Leary and his father, prepared by Shawn himself! There will be meat and vegetarian-friendly options.

Everyone is Welcome! We look forward to seeing you there! 

Rich Rosato and Grace Palmer