All posts by Kate Semple Barta

Newsletter 2020.2

Hello Scholars

We have three new opportunities to engage with NH communities, detailed below.  We will be offering some Lunch and Learn Zooms—the schedule of those will be coming out soon—but we also have the option for hands-on work that will help you all better understand social determinants of health.

Please consider and let me know ASAP if you want to participate, and on which date(s):

1. The North Country Public Health Network has invited NH AHEC HS Scholars to volunteer to assist with its drive-through flu vaccine clinics.  They need a few reliable volunteers.  These new adult clinics are organized with COVID safety in mind, as well as with the aim of being a model for administering a COVID vaccine later.  I don’t have exact info on what type of work will be required, but anyone who volunteers will need to be there from 8am-2pm, and will need to be available for a Zoom session in advance to discuss roles.  Dates and locations:

October 10 – Clifford Memorial Building, 65 South Court St, Woodsville, NH 

October 17 – Lancaster EMS Building, 10 Mechanic St, Lancaster, NH

2.     The Southern NH AHEC runs an after-school program for high schoolers in Manchester, NH, called Health Careers Quest.  They have invited Scholars to speak on a panel for one of their sessions. Scholars would share their journey into a health profession, including the ups and downs and any tips that can help the younger students understand what is achievable.

Dates that have been offered are: November 4, November 18, December 16, and January 20.  The session run from 5-7pm, via Zoom.  If you would like to participate, please indicate which dates would work for you!  We will just choose one.

3.     Health Careers Quest is also seeking mentors. They are inviting AHEC Scholars to meet virtually with a high school student once a week, checking in with them and offering support and encouragement.  This coaching/mentorship is a regular a component of the program, which begins on October 21 and runs until early May, 2021.  The students enrolled are chosen for the program because they face disproportionate hurdles to entering health careers. If you are interested, please let me know and I will share more details as they become available.  

Virtual Options

Happening today at 4 pm: A unique interdisciplinary conversation.
Today, humanitarian and planetary questions abound:

How will we create ways to exist and coexist as humans on Planet Earth?
How will we ensure a future for the next generation and craft a more equitable and unified society?
Is it possible to do all of this in joy?

Her Excellency Joyce Banda, Southern Africa’s first female head of state and one of the world’s most influential women, sits down for a chat with Pastor Barry Randolph, globally renowned spiritual activist at the helm of the Church of the Messiah in Detroit, Michigan; and Dr. Marcelo Gleiser, Appleton Professor of Natural Philosophy at Dartmouth, acclaimed author and speaker. These three boundary-breakers will explore the convergences of science, politics, and spirituality as they pertain to our existential future as humans living collectively on Planet Earth. They will unlock the mysteries behind their unique processes and they will make friends. Curated and moderated by Everard Findlay.  Today at 4pm.  Virtual and Free to all. 


Now available: Video recording of Treating and Identifying Human Trafficking Victims, Basics for Medical Providers and Health Professions Students. As medical providers, it is imperative to know about Human Trafficking. With this class, learners will be able to define human trafficking (both labor and sex trafficking), identify indicators of trafficking, patient screening techniques, review of barriers to leaving or the acceptance of help, and mandatory healthcare provider reporting requirements of trafficking.

Training provided by
Janet Carroll, RN, CEN, SANE-A, SANE-P and
Donna Plourde, Executive Director, Real Life Giving

This recording is in the new Archive section of our website.  This is where we will put all recorded sessions.  After you view, please make sure to do the Activity Log that follows each program description.

Log Reminder!

Remember to log any Scholars-related activities online. If you have been able to do independent clinical work or community service, please make sure to enter it in the Independent Activity Log.

Best wishes,