NH AHEC Health Equity Scholars Recorded Events
1. Health Care and Domestic Violence

This training will help health professions students better understand the foundations of gender based violence that lead to domestic and sexual violence, to identify the signs and symptoms of this in patients, and to learn how to respond effectively.
Presenter: Chelsea Williams, Prevention and Education Program Manager, WISE
WISE provides advocacy for survivors of gender-based violence, prevention education in schools throughout the region, and training for local service providers.
Recorded November 19, 2020
2. Recognizing and Treating Human Trafficking: Basic Information for Medical Providers

As medical providers, it is imperative to know about Human Trafficking. With this class, learners will be able to define human trafficking (both labor and sex trafficking), identify indicators of trafficking, patient screening techniques, review of barriers to leaving or the acceptance of help, and mandatory healthcare provider reporting requirements of trafficking.
Janet Carroll, RN, CEN, SANE-A, SANE-P
Donna Plourde, Executive Director, Real Life Giving
Recorded September 14, 2020