Newsletter 2021.6

NH AHEC HS Scholar Opportunities

NH’s North Country Health Service Learning Trip

Our colleagues at the North Country Health Consortium/Northern NH AHEC are working on a two-day agenda, all day Friday 10/29 and Saturday 10/30.  They are looking for clinical/experiential sites that will welcome small groups—aiming for groups of 4 students per site.  Ideally, we would ask you to choose a track based on what we line up and your interests, including potential sites in maternal health, rural primary care, substance use treatment, and wilderness emergency medicine.  Friday would consist of 2 tracks per student, and Saturday would allow for larger group gatherings (either outdoors or indoors with COVID protocols) to meet with providers and other public health experts from the region.  In 2019, students and providers convened over a meal and a facilitated discussion of living and practicing rurally.  The 2019 agenda is below for your reference. 

Please indicate your preference for attendance here

Upcoming Live Events

Dr. Dan Jurman Discusses Poverty and Health

Tuesday, October 5 (6:00 pm)

Location: Live via Zoom.  Registration Link 

Virtual Presenter: Dan Jurman, DMin

As the Executive Director of Pennsylvania’s Governor’s Office of Advocacy and Reform, Dr. Jurman is now able to make state-level changes on behalf of our poorest communities. His personal story has impacted many and helped to identify harm done to those in poverty.

What the Eyes Don’t See: Dartmouth Institute Book Club Discussion

Friday, October 8 (12:00-1:00pm)

Location: Live via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 963 7077 5157
Passcode: 594802 

Virtual Presenter: Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, MD, MPH, FAAP

WHAT THE EYES DON’T SEE is a first-hand account of the Flint water crisis. Dr. Mona used science to prove Flint kids were exposed to lead.  With persistence and single-minded sense of mission, she spoke truth to power. The book explores the reality of how austerity policies and bureaucratic indifference placed an entire city at risk. A medical and scientific thriller, the book grapples with our country’s history of environmental injustice while telling the personal story of Dr. Mona—an immigrant, a doctor, and a scientist—whose family roots in social justice activism helped her turn the Flint crisis around.

Volunteer Opportunities

Community Opportunities

Tutor a Manchester, NH, Elementary, Middle, or High School student.  The MCAC Community Tutoring Program offers free academic support to K-12 students and their families from BIPOC, Immigrant, Disability and other historically marginalized communities in Manchester. Tutoring sessions held by zoom, take place in the evening, for 1 or 2 hours per week.  This program started last year in response to challenges students faced learning virtually.    The NH AHEC Scholars who participated found it to be a rewarding way to support this community.  Sign up or read more here:

Experiential and Clinical Learning

Our NH AHEC partners need your help!

COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics.  The North Country Health Consortium/Northern NH AHEC is conducting COVID-19 vaccination clinics in ‘the North Country’ and they rely upon volunteers to help with these efforts.  Scholars helping out must be trained as Medical Reserve Corp volunteers— a virtual process that we can assist you with getting started.  The upcoming clinics include:

Thursday Friday
9/30/2021 10/1/2021
School(s) #1 – Stark, Stratford & Groveton School(s) #2 Mildred C. Lakeway, Daisy Bronson/Littleton High School
10/7/2021 10/8/2021
School(s) #3 Profile Regional and Lisbon Regional   
10/14/2021 10/15/2021
School(s) #4 School(s) #5 Woodsville High School, Woodsville Elementary School
10/21/2021 10/22/2021
School(s) #6 Lafayette Regional School & Bethlehem Elementary  School(s) #7 Haverhill Cooperative Middle School, Bath Village School
10/28/2021 10/29/2021
School(s) #1 – Stark, Stratford & Groveton School(s) #2 Mildred C. Lakeway, Daisy Bronson/Littleton High School
11/4/2021 11/5/2021
School(s) #3 Profile Regional and Lisbon Regional  School(s) #4
11/11/2021 11/12/2021
  School(s) #5 Woodsville High School, Woodsville Elementary School
11/18/2021 11/19/2021
School(s) #6 Lafayette Regional School & Bethlehem Elementary School(s) #7 Haverhill Cooperative Middle School, Bath Village School

 If you are interested and need assistance, please let me know and I will help you figure out which MRC unit to connect with and what training is required—there are several across the state.  Find the Upper Valley Medical Reserve Corps link here.

Recorded Live and the Archive

Social Determinants of Health: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Substance Use Disorders (SUDs).   Studies show that ACEs are significantly associated with the development in young adulthood of the most severe forms of SUDs. This session will give learners the most current framework for understanding this connection from DHMC staff members working to address it at both a macro and micro level. 

Recording Date:    Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Presenters: Holly Gaspar, MEd, MPH, CCLS.  Senior Community Health Partnership Coordinator, Co-Director Project Launch, Population Health: Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center.  

Becky Parton, MSW, LICSW. Project Director, Dartmouth Trauma Interventions Research Center.

Participation Tracking: What, How Why?

NH AHEC HS Scholars is funded by HRSA, the Health Resources and Services Administration, an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.  HRSA is the primary federal agency for improving health care to people who are geographically isolated, economically or medically vulnerable.  This means, of course, that with the funding comes the need to report on your activities.  We aim to make this easy.  Here’s how it works:

  1. Apply to the NH AHEC Scholars program here.  Give us a few sentences that describe your interest in doing so.  Answer a few questions.  Approx time needed: 5 min.
  2. Once we review and accept your application, we will email you a baseline survey to gather information about you as you begin the program.  Approx time needed: 7-10 min.
  3. You check out our website, with recorded sessions and other didactic resources.
  4. We will email you regular newsletters about upcoming opportunities that we organize or that we think are of interest and relevant.   
  5. Attended a session organized or advertised by the AHEC?  Great!  We want to know.  There are two ways to report it:
    • Go to the link of the event on our calendar, and in the description of the event, click on the Activity Log.  Give us a brief response to our questions.  Approx eval time needed: 5 min.                     -OR-
    • Keep track of it on your own, and report your attendance in the December or June Participation Tracker Survey, which will be emailed to you.
    • If you report some activities via the Activity Log and some via the Participation Tracker Survey, that’s good too!
  6. Attended a non-AHEC session pertaining to one of the following topics?  Also great!  Report it via the Activity Log, as well as the emailed Participation Tracker Survey, as above.
    • Rural health care
    • Care for medically underserved populations, including those in urban areas
    • Primary care
    • Telehealth
    • Substance use disorders and treatment
    • Social determinants of health
    • COVID-19
    • Addressing health disparities and inequities in NH
    • Interprofessional education and health care delivery
  7. Did you do community volunteering?  You rock!  Seriously. Tell us via the Activity Log or the Participation Tracker Survey—no matter what the activity.  Let us decide if we will be able to report it for AHEC purposes.
  8. Tell us about your clinical work, including volunteering, shadowing and interning, even that which is required by your academic program.  Report it via the Activity Log or the Participation Tracker Survey.

Questions?  Let me know!

Scholars’ Bios

Add your bio to our Scholars page! Please forward a photo (png, jpeg fine; as high a resolution as possible) and a brief introduction to yourself (150–250 words). You are welcome to re-use something you’ve already used elsewhere! 

NH AHEC Health Service Scholars