Newsletter 2023.6

Greetings, First and Second Year NH AHEC Health Equity Scholars,

Below is a refresher of how our program works. Information about our upcoming events will be coming soon. We hope you are enjoying fall in the Upper Valley!

Background and Requirements of the NH AHEC Health Equity Scholars Program

The AHEC Scholars program is a somewhat new national program (began in 2017) hosted by each state’s AHEC network across the country. Its primary goals are to encourage interdisciplinary training and facilitate shared experiences learning about issues of health equity and health care access.

NH AHEC Health Equity Scholars (AHEC Scholars) are students from Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine’s Medical (MD) and Public Health (MPH) students and Franklin Pierce University’s Physician Assistant students (PA), and, potentially, University of New Hampshire’s Nurse Practitioner (NP) students (in the near future). 

What We Offer

Our NH AHEC team strives to offer AHEC Scholars:

  • A 2-day long interdisciplinary immersion event in clinics, hospitals, and social service settings in rural medically underserved northern NH for 30 Scholars October 27 and 28th (more information on this event will be shared next week).
  • A 1-day event in urban medically underserved areas in southern NH for 30 scholars in the spring (date TBD)
  • A monthly newsletter with optional didactic offerings and events in NH and elsewhere, many offered virtually, some in person
  • Meeting space for a social gathering with Scholars from GSM and FPU

What We Ask of You!

As a program funded by the federal program HRSA (Health Resources and Services Administration, a department of U.S. DHHS), we have certain requirements that we will ask you to meet:

  • Completion of a baseline questionnaire and program/event evaluations
  • A 2-year participation commitment (plus a quick check-in a year after graduation)
  • Documentation of 40 hours/year of didactic learning opportunities (this includes electives at your academic institution)
  • Documentation of 40 hours/year of community-based/clinical experiences (this includes AHEC-organized events as well as any other community-based volunteer activities)

Thank you for your interest in AHEC Scholars! Over the past five years we have been privileged to get to know over 200 students at the three above-named schools, and continue to be so impressed by—and grateful for—your spirit, enthusiasm, and commitment to bettering others’ lives.

Warmly, Kristina (on behalf of the NH AHEC Network)

NH AHEC Health Service Scholars