Journal Articles

“Central Bank Undersight: Assessing the Federal Reserve’s Accountability to Congress” (with C. Parajon Skinner). 2025. Vanderbilt Law Review.

A Hierarchical Bayesian Model for Estimating Age‐Specific COVID‐19 Infection Fatality Rates in Developing Countries” (with S. Pugh, G. Meyerowitz‐Katz, S. Soman, N. Owusu‐Boaitey, A. Zwi, A. Malani, A. Wilson, and B. Fosdick). 2024. Statistics in Medicine.

Diverse Views in Monetary Policy” (with D. Blanchflower). 2023. IMF Finance and Development.

Dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 seroassay sensitivity: a systematic review and modelling study” (with N. Owusu-Boaitey, T. Russell, G. Meyerowitz-Katz, and D. Herrera-Esposito). 2023. Eurosurveillance 28 (21), 2200809.

Do Monetary Policy Frameworks Matter in Low-Income Countries?” (with A. Carare, C. De Resende, and C. Zhang). 2022. IMF Economic Review.

“Assessing the burden of COVID-19 in developing countries: systematic review, meta-analysis and public policy implications” (with N. Owusu-Boaitey, S. Pugh, B. Fosdick, A. Zwi, A. Malani, S. Soman, L. Besançon, I. Kashnitsky, S. Ganesh, A. McLaughlin, G. Song, R. Uhm, D. Herrera-Esposito, G. de los Campos, A. Peçanha Antonio, E. Birru Tadese, and G. Meyerowitz-Katz). 2022. BMJ Global Health.

COVID-19 Prevalence and Mortality in Longer-Term Care Facilities” (with J. Jylhävä, D. Religa, and L. Shallcross). 2022. European Journal of Epidemiology.

Assessing the Age Specificity of Infection Fatality Rates for COVID-19: Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis, and Policy Implications” (with W. Hanage, N. Owusu-Boaitey, S. Walsh, K. Cochran, and G. Meyerowitz-Katz). 2020. European Journal of Epidemiology.

The Rationale for Issuing E-Krona in the Digital Era” (with H. Armelius, G. Guibourg, and G. Soderberg). 2020. Sveriges Riksbank Economic Review, 2:7-18.

“Pitfalls of Make-Up Strategies for Mitigating the Effective Lower Bound” (with A. Sinha). 2020. Cato Journal.

US Digital Cash: Principles & Practical Steps” (with M. Bordo). 2019. Cato Journal.

Policy Credibility and Alternative Approaches to Disinflation” (with M. Bordo, C. Erceg, and R. Michaels). 2017. Research in Economics.

Cyclical Changes in Firm Volatility” (with E. DeVeirman). 2018. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.

The Design and Communication of Systematic Monetary Policy Strategies.”  2014. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.

Labor Force Participation and Monetary Policy in the Wake of the Great Recession ” (with C. Erceg).  2014.  Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.

When did Firms Become More Different? Time-varying Firm-specific Volatility in Japan” (with E. De Veirman).  2012.  Journal of the Japanese and International Economies.

Are Long-Run Inflation Expectations More Firmly Anchored in the Euro Area than in the United States?” (with M. Beechey and B. Johannssen).  2011.  American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics.

Bifurcation in Perturbation Analysis:  Calvo Pricing Examples” (with J. Kim and T. Yun). 2011.  Computational Economics.

Does Inflation Targeting Anchor Long-Run Inflation Expectations?  Evidence from Long-Term Bond Yields in the U.S., U.K., and Sweden” (with R. Gurkaynak and E. Swanson).  2010. Journal of the European Economic Association.

Limitations on the Effectiveness of Forward Guidance at the Zero Lower Bound” (with D. López-Salido, E. Nelson, and T. Yun).  2010.  International Journal of Central Banking.

Macroeconometric Equivalence, Microeconomic Dissonance, and the Design of Monetary Policy”  (with D. López-Salido, E. Nelson, and T. Yun).  2008.  Journal of Monetary Economics.

Identifying Nominal and Real Rigidities in Aggregate Price-Setting Behavior”  (with G. Coenen and K. Christoffel).  2007.  Journal of Monetary Economics.

Reconsidering the Natural Rate Hypothesis in a New Keynesian Framework” (with T. Yun).     2007.  Journal of Monetary Economics.

Optimal monetary policy with durable consumption goods” (with C.J. Erceg).  2006. Journal of Monetary Economics.

Inflation Targeting And The Anchoring Of Inflation Expectations In The Western Hemisphere” (with R. Gürkaynak, A. Marder, and E. Swanson).  2006.  Journal Economía Chilena.

“Sectoral and Aggregate Inflation Dynamics in the Euro Area” (with F. Altissimo, L. Bilke, T. Mathä, B. Mojon).  2006.  Journal of the European Economic Association.

“New Evidence on Inflation Persistence and Price Stickiness in the Euro Area: Implications for Macro Modelling”  (with I. Angeloni, L. Aucremanne, M. Ehrmann, J. Gali, and F. Smets).  2006.  Journal of the European Economic Association.

“Data Uncertainty and the Role of Money as an Information Variable for Monetary Policy” (with G. Coenen and V. Wieland).  2005.  European Economic Review.

“The Macroeconomic Effects of Inflation Targeting” (with F. Natalucci and J. Piger). 2004.  Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Economic Review.

Robust Monetary Policy Rules with Competing Reference Models” (with J. Williams). 2003.  Journal of Monetary Economics.

“Patience, Persistence, and Welfare Costs of Incomplete Markets in Open Economies” (with J. Kim and S.H. Kim).  2003.  Journal of International Economics.

Performance of Forecast-Based Monetary Policy Rules under Model Uncertainty” (with V. Wieland and J. Williams).  2003.  American Economic Review.

Imperfect Credibility and Inflation Persistence” (with C. Erceg).  2003.  Journal of Monetary Economics.

“Recent Improvements in US Macroeconomic Stability:  Good Policy, Good Practices, or Good Luck?” (with S. Ahmed and B. Wilson).  2004.  Review of Economics and Statistics.

Unit Roots in Panel Data:  Asymptotic and Finite-Sample Properties” (with C. Lin and C. Chu).  2002.  Journal of Econometrics.

“What Determines Support for Affirmative Action?” (with M. Iyigun).  2002.  Southern Economic Journal.

Optimal Monetary Policy with Staggered Wage and Price Setting” (with C.J. Erceg and D.W. Henderson).  2000.  Journal of Monetary Economics.

“The Evolution of Macro Models at the Federal Reserve Board” (with F. Brayton, R. Tryon, and J. Williams).  1997.  Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy.

“Complementarities between Exports and Human Capital in Economic Development: Evidence from the Semi-Industrialized Countries” (with L.K. Raut).  1997. Economic Development and Cultural Change.

“Evaluating International Economic Policy with the Federal Reserve’s Global Model” (with J. Rogers and R. Tryon).  1997.  Federal Reserve Bulletin.