About Us

What is Amarna?

Amarna, one of two Undergraduate Societies on campus, is a coed residential social organization.

We are open and non-exclusive, with no rush and no pledge period for new members.

We embrace, affirm and appreciate individuality and diversity with respect to gender, race, color, ethnicity, class, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, and lifestyle.

We promote a strong sense of community among our members through mutual respect and support.

We encourage a spirit of voluntary, not obligatory, participation in house activities. We plan and hold a variety of events, from dance parties to weekly dinners with faculty and administrators, from our signature ‘Wine and Cheese’ to community service activities and events addressing issues of diversity.

Amarna location

Visit Us!!!

23 East Wheelock St. (Across the street from KKG)

Our house is always open to visitors, but if you want to be guaranteed that something will be going on, please join us for Monday Night Dinners (7pm), or our regular weekly meetings, Tuesdays at 9pm.

If you have a more specific question that you’d like answered or you would like to be added to our update list, blitz the Amarna account.

Email: amarna@dartmouth.edu

Hinman Box: HB 5229

Visit us at 23 East Wheelock St

Across the street from KKG

Blitz amarna@dartmouth.edu to learn more