Sustainability Science

What does sustainability science mean to us?

As we enter an age of finite resources, newly evolving climactic patterns, expanding populations worldwide, and a demand for more critical resources than ever before, those involved in the science of sustainability work to provide real solutions to novel problems. In a word, the main goal of sustainability is resilience.

Resilience is a system’s ability to resist major collapse in the face of chaotic events and drastic change. Today, although anthropogenic influence is at its highest, we still depend on the environment as much as ever. In order to maintain the resiliency of ecologically and human driven systems, and make improvements that enrich both the human and the environmental aspects of our world, we need to make efforts to transition into a sustainable society.

Our approach works to enhance the collaborative science and practice of sustainability through soultions-driven research that encompasses concerned scientists, community leaders and policy makers. So, that through our interdisciplinary scope and combined effort, real effective change can be implemented.



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