NIH BRAIN Meeting Poster 2022

Mapping the dimensions of agency and the impact of neuropsychiatric symptoms.

Walton, A. E.1, Roth, R. M. 2,3, Holtzheimer, P. E. 2,3, Roskies, A. L. 1.

1Dartmouth College, Department of Philosophy, 2Dartmouth College, Geisel School of Medicine,  3Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry

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Neuroethics research conceptualizes agency as a multi-dimensional construct1,2. Both the effects of neuropsychiatric disease, as well as interventions to treat disease, can result in changes from baseline across the different dimensions of agency. 

Exactly how to define the relevant agency space, and how to measure these changes is a focus of current research. We address these questions by means of a convergence of qualitative and quantitative findings regarding the experiences of a range of patient populations. 

The overall goal of our project is to articulate a framework for assessing agency and to develop an Agency Assessment Tool (AAT) for capturing changes in agency that result from disease and ameliorative neurological interventions. We ultimately aim to use the AAT to assess agency in a population of Parkinson Disease (PD) patients before and after DBS treatment.

1. The Agency Assessment Tool (AAT)

The Agency Assessment Tool (AAT) is an online survey that includes 124 questions using a 7-point Likert scale. We have grouped the questions into 20 theoretical/conceptual dimensions relevant to agency : Behavioral Control; Decision-making; Emotional Control; Goal Pursuit; Life Control; Morality; Responsibility Attribution; Motor Control; Need for Cognition; Philosophical Worldview; Privacy; Rational Integrity; Reflective Skills; Imaginative Skills; Relational; Risk; Self-trust; Self-conception; Temporal Continuity and Volition.

The AAT was administered online via Amazon Mechanical Turk, Qualtrics and Prolific. A total of 2,468 adults took the survey who reported no history of reading disability and a minimum of an 8th-grade reading level. As part of the survey, participants were asked about any past or active diagnosis of a mental condition, and filled out self-assessments for neuropsychiatric symptoms (see below).

2. Measures of neuropsychiatric symptoms

All 2,468 participants filled out the Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD7)3 , Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ9)4as measures of the severity of their anxiety and depression (see Figures 1 & 2). While all participants filled out the PHQ9 and the GAD7, out of the 2,468 total participants 1,878 participants filled out the the self-report Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (YBOC)5 as a measure for OCD symptom experience.

Assessment scores on the PHQ9 range from 0-27, where scores of 1-4 indicate minimal depression,
5-9  mild depression, 10-14 moderate depression, 15-19 moderately severe depression, and 20-27 severe depression.

Assessment scores on the GAD7 range from 0-21, where scores of 1-4 indicate minimal anxiety, 5-9  mild anxiety, 10-14 moderate anxiety, and 15-21 severe anxiety.

3. Exploratory Factor Analysis: Plotting participants with neuropsychiatric symptoms in “agency” space

To identify potential dimensions of agency and examine how neuropsychiatric symptoms impact an individual’s position in a multi-dimensional “agency” space, we used an exploratory factor analysis.

As is common with these conditions, there was significant co-morbidities where only a small number of participants scored highly on only the anxiety, depression or OCD assessments. In order to best visualize the overall impact of neuropsychiatric symptoms on agency we ran a factor analysis on a sample that included both “control” participants (blue) whose scores on the self-assessments indicated no symptom experiences related to anxiety, depression or OCD, as well as participants whose scores indicated symptom experiences of all three conditions (orange). We excluded individuals that scored highly on only one or two of the GAD7, PHQ9 or YBOC (see Table below).

The scree plot indicated that 4 components account for a large proportion of the variance. We ran a factor analysis with 4 components, using an oblique rotation. This non-orthogonal rotation was chosen because it allows factors to be correlated, which we expect of the different dimensions of agency.

Color  Participant Group  N  Assessment Scores
  Control  268  PHQ9 < 5; GAD7 < 5; YBOC < 8
  Anxiety/Depression/OCD  977  PHQ9 ≥ 5; GAD7 ≥ 5; YBOC ≥ 8
Each dot represents one participant’s loadings on the first three factors from either the Control (blue) or Anxiety/Depression/OCD group (orange), plotted in 3-dimensional space.

4. Exploratory Factor Analysis on Control Participants: Creating a short version of the AAT

Factor analysis was used to developed a short form of the AAT, where questions that load highly on each factor were selected. Only the control participant data was employed.  Factor analysis was run with an oblique rotation using AAT data from 587 control participants. To maximize sample size, we included additional participants who did not complete the YBOC. The scree plot indicated that 4 components accounted for the large proportion of the variance, so we ran a 4-factor analysis with an oblique rotation. The questions that loaded onto one of the factors with greater than or equal to a value of .5 were selected, as shown below.

Factor 1: “Positive” Agency

Loading AAT Question
.75I live in accordance with my values and beliefs.
.71Most of my decisions are consistent with my deep commitments.
.69I have the ability to form my own character.
.66I have free will.
.66I usually take measures to achieve my goals.
.66When faced with a tough decision, I carefully consider the pros and cons.
.64Free will is a basic part of human nature.
.63I try to use the same moral criteria to judge myself as I use to judge others.
.63I am who I am due to my own choices.
.63I am still an author of my story, even if others play a role.
.62I generally feel very present in my life.
.61Every person is responsible for their own actions.
.60Even when I’m fearful, I’m capable of calming myself down or pushing through it.
.60I trust my own perceptions of the world.
.59I see my life as an ongoing project that is continuous and coherent.
.59I am able to negotiate boundaries of my private spaces in a way that is comfortable to me.
.59I try to identify and do what makes me happy.
.59I am the author of my life’s story, at least to a considerable extent.
.58I know how to look at my emotions from a more objective perspective.
.57The skills I’ve developed and my abilities are central to who I am.
.56I have ability to initiate gross motor movements (walking, running, throwing, ect.).
.55My actions align with my beliefs.
.55The shape of my life so far informs my choices today.
.55I am in full control of what I do.
.55I have the ability to carry out fine motor movements (writing, grooming, folding or buttoning clothes, ect.).
.54Even though I’ve grown and changed, who I am at my core stays constant.
.54Most people in my life respect my ability to make my own choices.
.54I take responsibility for my mistakes.
.53When faced with a moral choice, I will do the right thing even if it is the more difficult course of action.
.52I have control over my body.

Factor 2: “Negative” Agency

LoadingAAT Question
.62Fear keeps me from doing projects that are important to me.
.61I have trouble functioning due to anxiety.
.60I find myself in emotional ruts that I don’t know how to get out of.
.59There are thoughts that won’t go away even when I try to get rid of them.
.58I sometimes do things and I don’t understand why I’m doing them.
.57I feel like I’m just going through the motions.
.57I can become overwhelmed by sadness.
.57My behavior sometimes doesn’t make sense to me.
.55I have trouble motivating myself.
.54I feel like I’m trapped in my life and have very little ability to change anything.
.52I find myself doing things without really willing them.
.51I feel alienated from myself.
.51I lost interest partway through projects.
.50I worry too much.

Factor 3: Risk-taking

LoadingAAT Question
.80I take risks that could have harmful physical consequences.
.79I take risks that could harm me.
.69I engage in dangerous social behaviors.
.68I take risks that could harm others.
.64I take risks that could have legal consequences.
.62I take risks that could have financial consequences.

Factor 4

No questions loaded onto Factor four with a value of equal to or greater than .5.

5. Relationships between participants’ scores on AAT Factors and neuropsychiatric symptoms

In order to observe differences in agency across individuals with neuropsychiatric symptoms, we took the ”shortened” version of the AAT that included all questions that loaded onto a factor with a value equal to or great than .5  and summed the scores for the control, anxiety/depression and OCD participants. Groups were defined based upon their assessments scores as described in the table below. This data includes only the 1,878 participants that filled out the YBOC.

ColorParticipant Group N Neuropsych Assessment Scores
  Control  288  PHQ9 < 5; GAD7 < 5; YBOC < 8
  Anxiety/Depression  368  PHQ9 ≥  5; GAD7 ≥ 5; YBOC < 8
  OCD  44  PHQ9 < 5; GAD7 < 5; YBOC ≥ 8

Participants’ scores on Factor 1-  “Positive” Agency questions

Histograms of participants’ score for the 30 questions that loaded onto the “Positive Agency” factor.  Scores could range from 30-210. There was a significant difference between the scores of the Control and the Anxiety/Depression group (see Figures 4-6), but not the Control and the OCD group (see Figure 7).

 Participant Group Mean Median STD
  Control  175.0 176 19.8
  Anxiety/Depression  158.5 160 20.6
   OCD  171.5 175 25.8

Median scores for the Control and Anxiety/Depression group on the “Positive” Agency questions were 176 and 160; the distributions of the two groups differed significantly (Mann–Whitney U = 26,528.5, n1 =  288 n2 = 368, P < 0.05 two-tailed).

Median scores for the Control and OCD group on the “Positive” Agency questions were 176 and 175; the distributions of the two groups did not differ significantly (Mann–Whitney U = 5,857.5, n1 =  288 n2 = 44, P >.05 two-tailed).

Participants’ scores on Factor 2- “Negative” Agency questions

Histograms of participants’ scores for the 14 questions that loaded onto the “Negative Agency” factor. Scores could range from 14-98. There was a significant difference between the scores of the Control and the Anxiety/Depression group (see Figures 8-10), as well as the Control and the OCD group (see Figure 11).

 Participant GroupMeanMedian STD
  Control  35.9 35 11.8
  Anxiety/Depression  59.8 60 12.4
   OCD  46.2 44.5 13.6

Median scores for the Control and Anxiety/Depression group on the “Negative” Agency questions were 35 and 60; the distributions of the two groups differed significantly (Mann–Whitney U = 9,233, n1 =  288 n2 = 368, P <.05 two-tailed).

Median scores for the Control and OCD group on the “Negative” Agency questions were 35 and 44.5; the distributions of the two groups differed significantly (Mann–Whitney U = 3,580, n1 =  288 n2 = 44, P <.05 two-tailed).

Participants’ scores on Factor 3 –  Risk-taking questions

Histograms of participants’ scores for the 6 questions that loaded onto the “Risk-taking” factor. Scores could range from 6-42. There was a significant difference between the scores of the Control and the Anxiety/Depression group (see Figures 12-14), as well as the Control and the OCD group (see Figure 15).

 Participant Group Average scoreMedian STD
  Control  8.9 8 3.7
  Anxiety/Depression  11.3 9.5 5.8
   OCD  12.7 10 7.5

Median scores for the Control and Anxiety/Depression group on the Risk-taking questions were 8 and 9.5; the distributions of the two groups differed significantly (Mann–Whitney U = 39,207.5, n1 =  288 n2 = 368, P <.05 two-tailed).

Median scores for the Control and OCD group on the Risk-taking questions were 8 and 10; the distributions of the two groups differed significantly (Mann–Whitney U = 3,993, n1 =  288 n2 = 44, P <.05 two-tailed).

Correlation between participants’ scores on anxiety, depression and OCD assessments and their scores on AAT factors

Participants’ scores on the “Positive” Agency factor were negatively correlated with their scores on the assessments for anxiety (GAD7), depression (PHQ9) and OCD (YBOC). Their scores on the “Negative” Agency and Risk-taking factors were positively correlated with their assessment scores (see Figure 16).


Our aim is to develop an assessment of agency that is able to differentiate between different neuropsychiatric groups and is sensitive to the sorts of changes that can happen with deep brain stimulation. We are employing a data-driven approach to discern dimensions of agency, and as part of this approach factor analysis has identified survey questions for quantifying differences in agency experience between a control population and individuals with Anxiety, Depression and OCD symptoms.

The questions that loaded highly onto the factors broadly correspond to things that contribute to agency (“positive”), things that detract from agency (“negative”) and attitudes toward risk. However, there is complexity and nuance to the relationship between agency and attitudes toward risk that needs to be considered– where in addition to having different attitudes toward risk, different people and different groups may assess risk differently. For example, an individual with Generalized Anxiety Disorder or OCD may perceive their behavior as more risky than someone without these symptoms, and therefore would rate their behavior as more “risky”. This is partially a limitation of self-report measures, but an important aspect to understand when attempting to describe an individual’s agency experience.

Future work will employ different quantitative approaches to explore this complexity and further inform thinking about the dimensions of agency by investigating the relationships between these three factors, as well as the relationships between the different questions included within the “positive” and “negative” agency factors.


  1. Roskies, A. L. (2015). Agency and intervention. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 370(1677), 20140215.
  2. Schönau, A., Dasgupta, I., Brown, T., Versalovic, E., Klein, E., & Goering, S. (2021). Mapping the dimensions of agency. AJOB neuroscience, 1-15.
  3. Spitzer R.L., Kroenke K., Williams J.B.W., Löwe B. A brief measure for assessing generalized anxiety disorder: The GAD-7. Arch Intern Med. 2006;166(10):1092-1097. doi:10.1001/archinte.166.10.1092
  4. Kroenke K., Spitzer R.L., Williams J.B.W. The PHQ-9: validity of a brief depression severity measure. J Gen Intern Med. 2001;16(9):606-613.
  5. Federici, A., Summerfeldt, L. J., Harrington, J. L., McCabe, R. E., Purdon, C. L., Rowa, K., & Antony, M. M. (2010). Consistency between self-report and clinician-administered versions of the Yale-Brown Obsessive–Compulsive Scale. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 24(7), 729-733.