Getting to Know the Biomedical Libraries’ Staff: An interview with Jeremy Klockars

1. What is your job and how long have you worked for the Dartmouth Biomedical Libraries?

I am the Library Supervisor at Matthews-Fuller Health Sciences Library. I’ve worked for the Biomedical Libraries for over 12 years.

2. What is your favorite part about your job?

My favorite part is definitely working with patrons at the information desk and assisting them with all of their information needs.

Homemade cookies on an orange plate3. What is your least favorite part about your job?

The fact that I work in an office that doesn’t have any windows. A window would be distracting but enjoyable.

4. How are you spending your isolation?

I have gotten back into baking, which has been great. I’ve been using cookbooks I have that I’ve never opened before, and finding great recipes from King Arthur Flour; and stealing recipes from @violetcakeslondon on instagram. She published a cookbook a while ago that I want to buy: The Violet Bakery Cookbook

homemade ham and pineapple pizza5. What pantry meal are you proudest of? 

My new favorite recipe is the King Arthur Flour Crispy Cheesy Pan Pizza. I’ve made it half a dozen times and love it. 

6. What are you reading/watching during your isolation?

I usually listen to presidential biographies while driving, but since that isn’t happening as much I have picked up a short book on the American Revolution, and I’m re-reading Barbara Kingsolver’s Animal, Vegetable, Miracle.

7. What is your hobby? Name your top 5 (hobby-related) recommendations and why.

homemade bunt cakeMy hobby is working on my family genealogy. This pandemic has given me lots of time to work on that during my evenings and weekends. 

My top 5 recommendations are:

  1. American Ancestors
  3. America’s Historical Newspapers, all three available at Dartmouth, as well as their extensive collection of books in print
  4. And for what they don’t have, there is the internet archive, which is another great resource.

cactus growing in the desert8. Where’s a favorite place you have traveled and where would you most like to travel to next?

I think one of my favorite places I’ve been is Copan, Honduras. It’s a really cute little town with cobblestone streets and home of the famous Mayan ruin site, and there’s a great museum. Someday I hope to go back there.

I collect National Parks; I’ve been to half, though they keep making new National Parks. I’m looking forward to when I can visit the 8 in Alaska; I haven’t been there yet.

9. What frivolous things do you miss about being out in the normal world?

Not frivolous, but freely traveling around New England on weekends visiting friends and family, and going out to eat and visiting museums. I love visiting museums. I was hoping to use the summer to visit some but that’s not going to happen. One of them is The Portland Museum of Art in Portland, Maine, as well as The Winslow Homer House that they own. 


This post was written by the Water Cooler Committee, Samara Cary, Paige Scudder, Elaina Vitale, and Samantha Wiebkin, for the Biomedical Libraries.

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