Interested in learning more about venture capital careers? Check out this session with Guarini alum, Scott Alpizar. Excited to join Susanna Harris, PhD (Xontogeny) and Michael Wong (Flagship Pioneering) this Thursday December 16th at 12PM ET to share our experiences turning our PhDs and STEM backgrounds into venture capital careers! We’ll also chat about the different types of careers/opportunities that VC has to offer – and how to get them!
This FREE and VIRTUAL event is hosted by the Foundation for Health Advancement, Rutgers | School of Graduate Studies iJOBS, and Princeton Innovation Center BioLabs. Our moderator, Michael Wiley (Foundation Venture Capital Group, LLC), will be facilitating the discussion and Q&A.
If you’re currently a STEM graduate student and want to hear how you can leverage your experiences to break into VC, don’t miss out and register below!
#phdstudents #postdocs #stem #stemeducation #graduateschoolsandstudents #stemcareers #innovation #lifesciences #biotech #PICB #iJobs