Humboldt Fund Industry Collaboration Seminar

Dartmouth Biotech Club and Dartmouth Technology Transfer Office have partnered again to host another exciting industry collaboration seminar! Join us to hear from Francisco Dopazo, a General Partner at Humboldt Fund. Francisco will review some of the technologies that are currently being developed. He will also discuss career advice as well as brining traditional strategy and financial frameworks to biotech! Please register for the event here.

Time: April 27, 2022 11AM-12PM
Zoom meeting: 
Meeting ID: 967 9202 1562
Passcode: 425457

Upload your Science to the Cloud

Engage Workshops: Upload your Science to the Cloud

A special edition of GSAS Harvard Biotech Club and Benchling.

Workshop Overview

Do you want to learn how to use digital tools to accelerate innovation at biotech startups? Join Drake Garner, PhD and Aaron Steger, Benchling’s academic evangelist and startup lead for a discussion about emerging startups trends. Then learn to use Benchling to build an investor pitch.

 Description and Structure

This course, designed in collaboration with Benchling, aims to educate academic trainees about the current trends and strategies within the biotech startup ecosystem.

During the first session of the course, students will hear about example startups and gain insights into what made them successful.  Then students will learn how to centralize and organize their science by working through an example Investor Pitch completely within Benchling. 

Before the second session, students will form groups and design their own investor pitch within Benchling. Working collaboratively on Benchling the students will virtually design a CRISPR edited organism and compile their findings in the form of an investor pitch. In the second session, a panel of investors will choose the group with the best pitch!

Workshop Expectations

During this virtual workshop, participants can expect to gain insights into sharing and organizing data, working virtually with collaborators, designing plasmids, running batch CRISPR experiments, creating sequence alignments, analyzing NT and AA files, and more all within the Benchling product.

Attendance is not required for both sessions, but strongly encouraged. 
To be eligible to win “Best Pitch” you must attend both sessions.

Expect to commit ~10 hours when building your investor pitch!


Session 1: April 20th, 3-5PM EST

Session 2: May 4th, 3-5PM EST

Zoom link will be provided upon acceptance 


Benchling’s mission is to unlock the power of biotechnology. Come join over 200,000 scientists using Benchling to power life science R&D! At its core, Benchling is a virtual lab notebook combined with a suite of molecular tools making documenting and visualizing scientific data easy. Between 2020-21 over 1 in 4 biotech IPOs came from companies running R&D on Benchling

Benchling is always FREE to academics.


MilliporeSigma Industry Seminar

Are you a student or faculty member who wants to know more about the production side of Biotech? Come join us as James Hoberg discusses how MilliporeSigma is enabling scientists to become more productive at the bench. James will discuss reagent commercialization, and different types of reagents/technologies that would be of interest in a Millipore collaboration.

This seminar will be held on Friday, April 1, from 12-1pm over Zoom. Scan the QR codes to register or find the links below:

Course Spotlight: AI for Managers

This Spring Term, the Tuck School of Business is offering an exciting new course called AI for Managers! This class provides an overview of a wide range of AI/machine learning techniques and how they can be applied to specific challenges and opportunities that companies face.

If you’re interested or have questions, please email Mina
( and she will put you in touch with the instructor!

Dartmouth Biotech Club: Fresh Graduates in Industry

Join us for a talk  on Wednesday, 2nd March  at 6:30PM with recent Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB) alums – Harini Natarajan, Katie Bauer and Rachel Brog; working in industry and learn about their experience. PFA the flyer!

All grad students interested in biotech are welcome, and will learn about our panelists experiences in their transition from academia to biotech. There will be a focus on current job market and how to secure a job. Hopefully it will be interesting and beneficial for all!

Brief Bios:
Harini Natarajan – Harini graduated with her PhD in Microbiology and Immunology from Margie Ackerman’s lab in June 2021. She is currently a Scientist in Infectious Diseases, Biomarkers and Assays at Moderna.

Katie Bauer – Katie received her PhD from the Biochemistry and Cell Biology department working in Mike Ragusa lab in September 2021. She currently works as an Application and Product Development Scientist at New England Biolabs in Ipswich, MA.

Rachel Brog – Rachel graduated with her PhD in Microbiology and Immunology from Yina Huang’s Lab in August 2021. She founded the Dartmouth Biotech Club in 2020, and is currently a Senior Scientist at Thunder Biotech working in R&D and Manufacturing.

Facebook event page:

Zoom details:…

Meeting ID: 944 7440 7125
Passcode: 807044


FFMI fastPACE is a project-based, experiential course designed to help academics launch new innovations, including medical devices/diagnostics, digital solutions, drugs, educational/training interventions, research tools, and many others.

The multi-week course, delivered completely online, matches innovators with expert teaching team members for guidance on the development of a business case for adoption, implementation, or commercialization.

Graduates of the course have gone on to use their business case to forge new development partnerships, secure funding, and extend their network of support.

Registration closes on Friday, April 15 at 11:59pm.

First Yale-Princeton-Columbia (YPC) Case Competition

The Yale-Princeton-Columbia Case Competition is an annual event where advanced degree students, master’s students, and undergraduates from top universities across the country compete as teams to solve real-world business problems and present to professional consultant judges. Students from all institutions are welcome to apply. No prior experience is required! This is a fantastic opportunity if you are interested in a consulting career: it will allow you to sample consulting and better develop your skills, with direct feedback from professional consultants. This event will have numerous benefits for your career development, including exclusive networking opportunities with professional consultants, current offer-holders, and other candidates from top schools.

The YPC Case Competition will be held all day on Friday, March 25th, 2022. The format will be either in-person at Yale or virtual based on public health guidelines. Register to learn more and find a team:

Apply for SMDP Biotech or MedTech by April 1st, 2022

What is SMDP? The one year career mentoring program pairs ethnically diverse students (Baccalaureate, Master or Ph.D.) and early career researchers with industry mentors who work at companies in the medical technology, biotechnology and consumer healthcare industries.

With their mentors, Scholars attend a 5-day training session to learn about career opportunities in industry and receive career development coaching. They also attend a major industry conference.

For more info: