Assyrian Cuneiform Inscription 亚述楔文铭文

9th Century B.C.E. Assyrian Cuneiform Inscription (detail).
Gift of Sir Henry Rawlinson through Austin H. Wright, Class of 1830; S.856.3.3
公元前九世纪亚述楔形文字铭文(局部;霍德艺术博物馆 S.856.3.3号藏品)
(Susan Ackerman, “The Ideology of Assyrian Kingship,” The Assyrian Reliefs at the Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College” (Hanover: Hood Museum of Art, 2005), 10.)

Translation of the whole Assyrian cuneiform inscription
by British Museum and Prof. Susan Ackerman of Dartmouth College
(The Assyrian Reliefs at the Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, 8.