

Goedert and Calsbeek, R. Experimental evidence that metamorphosis alleviates sexual conflict. The American Naturalist, revision re-submitted.

PDF Brady, S., Zamora-Camacho, F.J., Goedert, D., Comas, M., and Calsbeek, R. Fitter frogs from polluted ponds: interpreting the complex effects of human altered environments. Evolutionary Applications 2019:1-11.

PDF Calsbeek, R. and Careau V. Survival of the fastest: tradeoffs structure the multivariate optimization of performance phenotypes. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 51: 330-337


PDFErritouni, Y., Reinke, E., and Calsbeek, R. A novel body coloration phenotype in Anolis sagrei: implications for physiology, fitness, and predation P.L.O.S. One 2018; 13(12): e0209261.

PDF Reinke, E., Erritouni, Y., and Calsbeek, R. Maternal allocation of carotenoids to eggs in an Anolis lizard Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A. 218 56-62.


Killen, S.S., Calsbeek, R., and Williams, T.D. The ecology of exercise: Mechamisms underlying variation in behavior, activity and performance. Integrative and Comparative Biology :1-10.

PDF Bonneaud, C., Sepil I., Wilfert, L., and Calsbeek, R. Plasmodium infections in natural populations of Anolis sagrei reflect tolerance rather than susceptibility. Integrative and Comparative Biology in press

PDF Reinke, E., Calsbeek, R., and Stuart-Fox, D. A test of an antipredatory function of conspicuous plastron coloration in hatchling turtles. Evolutionary Ecology in press.

PDF Calsbeek, R. and Goedert D. Metamorphosis, multisport athletes, and the resolution of ontogenetic conflict. Integrative and Comparative Biology (doi:10.1093/icb/icx014)


PDF ‡Duryea, M.C., Bergeron, P., †Clare-Salzler, Z., and Calsbeek, R. Field estimates of parentage reveal sexually antagonistic selection on body size in a population of Anolis lizards. Evolutionary Ecology in press.

PDF ‡Logan, M.L., ‡Duryea, M.C., Molnar, O.R., †Kessler, B., and Calsbeek, R. Spatial variation in climate mediates gene flow across an island archipelago. Evolution in press.

PDF Calsbeek, R., and McPeek, M.A. On utility of meta-analyses in the study of natural selection. Journal of Evolutionary Biology


PDF Calsbeek, R., ‡Duryea, M.C., ‡Goedert, D., Bergeron, P., and Cox, R.M. Intralocus sexual conflict, adaptive sex allocation, and the heritability of fitness. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 28: 1975-1985.

PDF ‡Logan, M.L., †Fernandez, S. and Calsbeek, R. Abiotic constraints on the activity of tropical lizards. Functional Ecology 5: 694-700.


PDF Cox, R.M., and Calsbeek, R. Survival of the fattest? Indices of body condition do not predict fitness in the brown anole (Anolis sagrei). Functional Ecology 3: 404-413

PDF Logan, M.L., Cox, R.M. and Calsbeek, R. Natural selection on thermal performance in a novel thermal environment. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. in press.

PDF Cox, R.M., Lovern, M.B., and Calsbeek, R. Experimentally decoupling reproductive investment from energy storage to test the functional basis of a life-history tradeoff. J. Animal Ecology 83: 888-898.

PDF Calsbeek, R., *Parker, E., Duryea, M.C., Cox, R.M. Sex-biased dispersal is adaptive but does not create genetic structure in island lizards. Behavioral Ecology doi:10.1093/beheco/aru102


PDF Duryea, M.C., Kern, A.D., Cox, R.M., and Calsbeek, R. A novel application of Approximate Bayesian Computation reveals first-male mating advantage in the brown anole lizard (Anolis sagrei). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67 1867-1875

PDF Reedy, A.M., Cox, C.L., Cox, R.M., Calsbeek, R. Sexual canabalism in the lizard Anolis sagrei. Herpetological Review. 44 (4)

PDF Logan, M.L., Huynh, R., Precious, R., Calsbeek, R. Measuring the impact of climate change at relevant spatial scales: new hope for topical lizards. Global Change Biology 19: 3093-3102

PDF Urbach, D., Cox, R.M., and Calsbeek, R. Progeny sex ratios in a short-lived lizard: seasonal invariance despite apparent sex-specific effects of hatching date on fitness. Evolutionary Ecology 27: 205-220 DOI 10.1007/s10682-012-9575-1


PDF Calsbeek, R., and Cox, R. An experimental test of the role of predators in the maintenance of a genetically based polymorphism. J. Evolutionary Biology In press

Calsbeek, R., Gosden, T.P., Kuchta, S.R, Svensson, E.I. Fluctuating selection and dynamic adaptive landscapes. In: Evolution on Adaptive Landscapes eds: Svensson E.I., and Calsbeek, R. Oxford UK: Oxford University Press.

Svensson, E.I., and Calsbeek, R. Evolution on Adaptive Landscapes. Oxford UK: Oxford University Press. purchase:


PDF Calsbeek, R, and Kuchta S.R. Predator mediated selection and impact of developmental stage on viability in wood frog tadpoles (Rana sylvatica) BMC Evolutionary Biology 11: 353-364. (Open access version available here:

PDF Calsbeek, R., and Cox, R.M. Competition, predation, and natural selection in island lizards. Nature 475: Brief communications arising E1-E2 DOI 10.1038/nature10141.

PDF Cox, R.M, Duryea, M.C., Najarro, M., and Calsbeek, R. Paternal condition drives sex-ratio bias in a lizard that lacks parental care. Evolution 65: 220-230.

PDF Cox, R.M. and Calsbeek, R. An experimental test for alternative reproductive strategies underlying a female-limited polymorphism J. Evolutionary Biology 24: 343-353.

Calsbeek, R. Phenotypic selection. Oxford Bibliographies Online: Ecology. Ed. David Gibson. New York: Oxford University Press.


PDF Calsbeek, R., and Cox, R.M. Experimentally assessing the relative importance of predation and competition as agents of natural selection. Nature 465: 613-616. Supplementary Information Nature PodCast (5/13) Nature News

PDF Calsbeek, R., Bonvini, L., Cox, R.M. Geographic variation, frequency dependent selection, and the maintenance of a female limited polymorphism. Evolution 64: 116-125.

PDF Alonzo, S.A. and Calsbeek, R. The unstable dynamics of multiple alternative reproductive tactics. J. Evolutionary Biology 23:2614-2644

PDF Cox, R.M, *Parker, E.U., *Cheney, D.M., Liebl, A.L., Martin, L.B., and Calsbeek, R. Experimental evidence for physiological costs underlying the trade-off between reproduction and survival. Functional Ecology 24: 1262-1269

PDF Cox, R.M. and Calsbeek, R. Cryptic sex-ratio bias provides indirect genetic benefits despite sexual conflict. Science 328: 92-94. Supporting online material Press Coverage

PDF Gasc, A., Duryea, M.C., Cox, R.M., Kern, A.D., and Calsbeek, R. Invasive predators deplete genetic diversity of island lizards. PLoS One.5(8): e12061doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0012061

PDF Cox, R.M. and Calsbeek, R. Sex specific selection and intraspecific variation in sexual size dimorphism. Evolution 64: 798-809.

PDF Connallon, T., Cox, R.M., and Calsbeek, R. Fitness consequences of sex specific selection. Evolution 64: 1671-1682

PDF Cox, R.M. and Calsbeek, R. Severe costs of reproduction persist in Anolis lizards despite the evolution of a single-egg clutch. Evolution 64: 1321-1330.

Sinervo B., and Calsbeek R. Behavioral concepts of selection: experiments and causes of selection on the sexes. In: Evolutionary Behavioral Ecology, Oxford University Press. Eds. Fox C. and Westneat D.


PDF Cox, R.M., *Stenquist, D. S., Henningsen, J. P., and Calsbeek, R. Manipulating testosterone to assess links between behavior, morphology and performance in the brown anole, Anolis sagrei. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 82: 686-698.

PDF Cox, R.M., *Stenquist, D.S. and Calsbeek, R. (cover photo) Testosterone growth and the evolution of sexual size dimorphism. J. Evolutionary Biology 22: 1586-1598.

PDF Calsbeek R. Experimental evidence that competition and habitat use shape the individual fitness surface. J. Evolutionary Biology 22: 97-108.

PDF Cox, R.M. and Calsbeek R. Sexually antagonistic selection, sexual dimorphism, and resolution of intralocus sexual conflict. The American Naturalist 173: 176-187.

PDF Calsbeek R., Beurmann W., and Smith T.B. Parallel shifts in ecology and Natural selection. BMC Evolutionary Biology 9:3 (open access available here:

PDF Calsbeek, R. Sex-specific adult dispersal and its selective consequences in the brown anole Anolis sagrei. Journal of Animal Ecology 78: 617-624.


PDF Calsbeek R., and Bonneaud, C. Postcopulatory fertilization bias as a form of cryptic sexual selection. Evolution 62: 1137-1148.

Calsbeek R., and Sinervo B. Alternative reproductive tactics in reptiles. pp. 332-343 In: Alternative reproductive tactics: an integrative approach. Eds. R.F. Oliviera, M. Taborsky, and H. J. Brockmann. Cambridge University Press.

PDF Calsbeek R. An ecological twist on the morphology-performance-fitness axis. Evolutionary Ecology Research 10: 197-212.

PDF Calsbeek R., and Smith T.B. (cover photo) Experimentally replicated disruptive selection on performance traits in a Caribbean lizard. Evolution 62: 478-484.

PDF Calsbeek R., Bonneaud, C. and Smith T.B. Differential fitness effects of neighborhood density and immunocompetence in alternative female lizard morphs. J. Animal Ecology 77: 103-109 .


PDF Calsbeek, R., and Irschick, D.J. The quick and the dead: Correlational selection on morphology performance, and habitat use in island lizards. Evolution 61-11: 2493–2503.

PDF Miles, D.B., Calsbeek, R., and Sinervo, B. Corticosterone, locomotor performance, and metabolism in the side blotched lizard, Uta stansburiana. Hormones and Behavior 51: 548-554.

PDF Calsbeek R., and Smith, T.B. Probing the adaptive landscape using experimental islands: density dependent natural selection on lizard body size. Evolution 61: 1052-1061.

PDF Calsbeek, R., and Sinervo B. Correlational selection and the evolution of alternative morphs: experimental manipulations of territory quality and nest-site quality. Evolution 61: 1071-1083.

PDF Calsbeek, R., Bonneaud, C.,*Prabhu, S., Manoukis, N., and Smith, T.B. Multiple paternity and sperm storage lead to increased genetic diversity in the Cuban anole, Anolis sagrei. Evolutionary Ecology Research 9: 495-503.

PDF Calsbeek R., Smith, T.B., Bardeleben, C. Intraspecific variation in Anolis sagrei mirrors the adaptive radiation of Greater Antillean anoles. Biological Journal of the Linneaen Society. 90: 189-199.


PDF Sinervo, B. and Calsbeek, R. The physiological, behavioral, and genetical causes and consequences of frequency dependent selection in the wild. Annual Review of Ecology Evolution and Systematics. 37: 581-610.

PDF Sinervo, B., Calsbeek, R., Comendant, T., Both, C., Adamopoulou C., and Clobert, J. Genetic and maternal determinants of dispersal in color morphs of side-blotched lizards. The American Naturalist. 168: 88-89

PDF Sinervo, B., Chaine, A., Clobert, J., Calsbeek, R., Hazard, L., Lancaster, L. MacAdam, A., Alonzo, S., Corrigan, G. and Hochberg, M.E. Color morphs and genetic cycles of greenbeard altruism and greenbeard mutualism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. 103: 7372-7377

PDF Calsbeek, R., Marnocha, E. Context dependent neighbour recognition in Anolis sagrei: the importance of habitat structure to territory defense. Ethology 112: 537-543.

PDF Calsbeek R., Knouft, J.H., Smith, T.B. Variation in scale numbers is consistent with ecologically based natural selection acting within and between lizard species. Evolutionary Ecology 20: 377-394.


Thompson, J. N. and Calsbeek, R. Molecular and ecological differentiation of species and species interactions across large geographic regions: California and the Pacific Northwest. Pages 405-421 in Fellowes, M., G. Holloway, and J. Roff, eds. Insect Evolutionary Ecology. Royal Entomological Society, London.

PDF Smith, T.B., Calsbeek, R., Wayne, R., Holder, K., Pires, D., and Bardeleben, C. Assessing the relative roles of allopatry and parapatry in morphological and genetic diversification of the African Little Greenbul (Andropidus virens). J. Evolutionary Biology 18: 257-269.


PDF Bardeleben, C., Palchevskiy, V., Calsbeek, R., and Wayne, R.K. Isolation of polymorphic tetranucleotide microsatellite markers for the brown anole, (Anolis sagrei). Molecular Ecology Notes 4: 176-178.

PDF Calsbeek, R., and Sinervo, B. Within clutch variation in offspring sex determined by differences in sire body size. J. Evolutionary Biology 17: 464-470.


PDF Sinervo, B. and Calsbeek, R. Physiological epistasis, ontogenetic conflict and natural selection on physiology and life history. Integrative and Comparative Biology 43: 419-430.

PDF Calsbeek, R. and Smith, T.B. Ocean currents mediate gene flow in island lizards Nature 426: 552-555

PDF Calsbeek, R., Thompson, J.N. and Richardson, J . Patterns of molecular evolution and diversification in a biodiversity hotspot: the California Floristic Province. Molecular Ecology 12: 1021-1029


PDF Calsbeek, R. and Sinervo, B. An experimental demonstration of adaptive female preference in the wild. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. 99: 14897-14902.

PDF Calsbeek R. Alonzo, S. Zamudio K. and Sinervo B. Sexual selection and alternative mating behaviors generate demographic stochasticity in small populations. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London series B 269: 157-164.

PDF Calsbeek R. and Sinervo B. An experimental test of the ideal despotic distribution. J. Animal Ecology 71: 513-523

PDF Calsbeek R. and Sinervo, B. The Ontogeny of Territoriality during maturation. Oecologia 138: 468-477.