Causes and Consequences

​The current Causes and Consequences Program Project Grant (PPG) focuses on inequities in healthcare services and delivery for persons with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD). This PPG has four projects:  


Project 1

Inequities in Home and Community Services Access and Receipt and Disparities in ADRD

Project 2

Resident Services Coordination to Support Aging-in-Place in Affordable Housing for Persons with ADRD

Project 3

High-Quality Primary Care for Older Adults with ADRD: A National Mixed-Methods Study

Project 4

Improving Acute Disease Management for Patients with ADRD

XX Institutions, XY researchers

Over the years, we have advanced fundamental scientific knowledge about the sources of inefficient and unequal care, particularly the roles of healthcare providers and geographic location.

2024 Retreat

May 11-12 @ Crawford Notch, NH

Interdisciplinary discussions that provide a wide range of tools, work in progress, and findings to help advance our research.

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