Below are a list of the publications that have been attributed to the Dartmouth’s Causes and Consequences grant:


  1. Ran X, Morden NE, Meara E, Moen EL, Rockmore DN, O’Malley AJ. Exploiting relationship directionality to enhance statistical modeling of peer‐influence across social networks. Statistics in Medicine. 2024 July.
  2. Grodstein F, James BD, Chen Y, Capuano AW, Power MC, Bennett DA, Bynum JP, Barnes LL. Identification of dementia in Medicare claims compared to rigorous clinical assessments in African Americans. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A. 2024 Jan 1;79(1):glad235.
  3. Chen G, O’Malley AJ. Bayesian hierarchical network autocorrelation models for estimating direct and indirect effects of peer hospitals on outcomes of hospitalized patients. Applied Network Science. 2024 Jun 14;9(1):24.
  4. Ran X, Meara E, Morden NE, Moen EL, Rockmore DN, O’Malley AJ. Estimating the impact of physician risky-prescribing on the network structure underlying physician shared-patient relationships. Research Square. 2024 Mar 26.


  1. Mohan D, O’Malley AJ, Chelen J, MacMartin M, Murphy M, Rudolph M, Engel JA, Barnato AE. Using a Video Game Intervention to Increase Hospitalists’ Advance Care Planning Conversations with Older Adults: a Stepped Wedge Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2023 Nov;38(14):3224-34.
  2. Bobak CA, Mohan D, Murphy MA, Barnato AE, O’Malley AJ. Constructing within and between hospital physician social networks for modeling physician research participation. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 2023 Oct 28;23(1):253.
  3. O’Malley AJ, Bubolz TA, Skinner JS. The diffusion of health care Fraud: a bipartite network analysis. Social Science & Medicine. 2023 Jun 1;327:115927.
  4. Bobak CA, Zhao Y, Levy JJ, O’Malley AJ. GRANDPA: GeneRAtive network sampling using degree and property augmentation applied to the analysis of partially confidential healthcare networks. Applied Network Science. 2023 May 11;8(1):23.
  5. O’Malley AJ, Ran X, An C, Rockmore D. Optimal physician shared-patient networks and the diffusion of medical technologies. Journal of data science: JDS. 2023 Jul;21(3):578.


  1. Barnato AE, Birkmeyer JD, Skinner JS, O’Malley AJ, Birkmeyer NJ. Treatment intensity and mortality among COVID‐19 patients with dementia: A retrospective observational study. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2022 Jan;70(1):40-8.
  2. Barnato AE, Johnson GR, Birkmeyer JD, Skinner JS, O’Malley AJ, Birkmeyer NJ. Advance care planning and treatment intensity before death among black, hispanic, and white patients hospitalized with COVID-19. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2022 Jun;37(8):1996-2002.
  3. Einav L, Finkelstein A, Ji Y, Mahoney N. Voluntary regulation: Evidence from Medicare payment reform. The quarterly journal of economics. 2022 Feb;137(1):565-618.
  4. Cooper Z, Stiegman O, Ndumele CD, Staiger B, Skinner J. Geographical variation in health spending across the US among privately insured individuals and enrollees in Medicaid and Medicare. JAMA Network Open. 2022 Jul 1;5(7):e2222138-.
  5. Agha L, Skinner J, Chan D. Improving efficiency in medical diagnosis. Jama. 2022 Jun 14;327(22):2189-90.
  6. Agha L, Zeltzer D. Drug diffusion through peer networks: The influence of industry payments. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. 2022 May 1;14(2):1-33.
  7. Staiger B. Disruptions to the patient-provider relationship and patient utilization and outcomes: evidence from Medicaid managed care. Journal of health economics. 2022 Jan 1;81:102574.
  8. Davis MA, Chang CH, Simonton S, Bynum JP. Trends in US medicare decedents’ diagnosis of dementia from 2004 to 2017. InJAMA Health Forum 2022 Apr 1 (Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. e220346-e220346). American Medical Association.
  9. Grodstein F, Chang CH, Capuano AW, Power MC, Marquez DX, Barnes LL, Bennett DA, James BD, Bynum JP. Identification of dementia in recent medicare claims data, compared with rigorous clinical assessments. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A. 2022 Jun 1;77(6):1272-8.
  10. McCarthy EP, Chang CH, Tilton N, Kabeto MU, Langa KM, Bynum JP. Validation of claims algorithms to identify Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A. 2022 Jun 1;77(6):1261-71.
  11. Davis MA, Lee KA, Harris M, Ha J, Langa KM, Bynum JP, Hoffman GJ. Time to dementia diagnosis by race: a retrospective cohort study. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2022 Nov;70(11):3250-9.
  12. Nyweide DJ, Austin AM, Bynum JP. Resource use among diabetes patients who mainly visit primary care physicians versus medical specialists: a retrospective cohort study. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2022 Feb 1:1-7.
  13. Zipkin RJ, Schaefer A, Wang C, Loehrer AP, Kapadia NS, Brooks GA, Onega T, Wang F, O’Malley AJ, Moen EL. Rural-urban differences in breast cancer surgical delays in Medicare beneficiaries. Annals of Surgical Oncology. 2022 Sep;29(9):5759-69.


  1. Mohan D, MacMartin MA, Chelen JS, Maezes CB, Barnato AE. Development of a theory-based video-game intervention to increase advance care planning conversations by healthcare providers. Implementation Science Communications. 2021 Dec;2:1-1.
  2. Mohan D, Sacks OA, O’Malley J, Rudolph M, Bynum J, Murphy M, Barnato AE. A new standard for advance care planning (ACP) conversations in the hospital: results from a Delphi panel. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2021 Jan;36:69-76.
  3. Sacks OA, Barnato AE, Skinner JS, Birkmeyer JD, Fowler A, Birkmeyer N. Elevated risk of COVID-19 infection for hospital-based health care providers. Journal of general internal medicine. 2021 Nov;36(11):3642-3.
  4. Couillard BK, Foote CL, Gandhi K, Meara E, Skinner J. Rising geographic disparities in US mortality. Journal of Economic Perspectives. 2021 Nov 1;35(4):123-46.
  5. Columbo JA, Martinez-Camblor P, O’Malley AJ, Suckow BD, Hoel AW, Stone DH, Schanzer A, Schermerhorn ML, Sedrakyan A, Goodney PP, Society for Vascular Surgery’s Vascular Quality Initiative. Long-term reintervention after endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Annals of surgery. 2021 Jul 1;274(1):179-85.
  6. Morden NE, Chyn D, Wood A, Meara E. Racial inequality in prescription opioid receipt—role of individual health systems. New England Journal of Medicine. 2021 Jul 22;385(4):342-51.
  7. Emeny RT, Batsis JA, Morden NE. Intense use of fracture-associated drugs among Medicare beneficiaries in long-term care. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2021 Jun;36:1818-20.
  8. Horwitz JR, Davis C, McClelland L, Fordon R, Meara E. The importance of data source in prescription drug monitoring program research. Health Services Research. 2021 Apr;56(2):268-74.
  9. Emeny RT, Batsis JA, Morden NE. Regional Variation in Fracture-Associated Prescription Drug Use and Hip Fractures in Long-Term Care: an Observational Study. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2021 Nov 1:1-4.
  10. Gilstrap L, Austin AM, Gladders B, Goyal P, O’Malley AJ, Barnato A, Tosteson AN, Skinner JS. The association between neurohormonal therapy and mortality in older adults with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2021 Oct;69(10):2811-20.
  11. Gilstrap L, Austin AM, O’Malley AJ, Gladders B, Barnato AE, Tosteson A, Skinner J. Association between beta-blockers and mortality and readmission in older patients with heart failure: an instrumental variable analysis. Journal of general internal medicine. 2021 Aug;36(8):2361-9.
  12. Zipkin R, Schaefer A, Chamberlin M, Onega T, O’Malley AJ, Moen EL. Surgeon and medical oncologist peer network effects on the uptake of the 21‐gene breast cancer recurrence score assay. Cancer Medicine. 2021 Feb;10(4):1253-63.
  13. Nemesure MD, Schwedhelm TM, Sacerdote S, O’Malley AJ, Rozema LR, Moen EL. A measure of local uniqueness to identify linchpins in a social network with node attributes. Applied network science. 2021 Dec;6(1):1-4.


  1. Birkmeyer JD, Barnato A, Birkmeyer N, Bessler R, Skinner J. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on hospital admissions in the United States: study examines trends in US hospital admissions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Health Affairs. 2020 Nov 1;39(11):2010-7.
  2. Sacks OA, Knutzen KE, Rudolph MA, Mohan D, Barnato AE. Advance care planning and professional satisfaction from “doing the right thing”: interviews with hospitalist chiefs. Journal of pain and symptom management. 2020 Oct 1;60(4):e31-4.
  3. Barr PJ, Berry SA, Gozansky WS, McQuillan DB, Ross C, Carmichael D, Austin AM, Satterlund TD, Schifferdecker KE, Council L, Dannenberg MD. No date for the PROM: the association between patient-reported health events and clinical coding in primary care. Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes. 2020 Dec;4(1):1-8.
  4. Einav L, Finkelstein A, Ji Y, Mahoney N. Randomized trial shows healthcare payment reform has equal-sized spillover effects on patients not targeted by reform. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2020 Aug 11;117(32):18939-47.
  5. Weng W, Van Parys J, Lipner RS, Skinner JS, Sirovich BE. Association of regional practice environment intensity and the ability of internists to practice high-value care after residency. JAMA Network Open. 2020 Apr 1;3(4):e202494-.
  6. Yasaitis LC, Guan J, Ko DT, Chandra A, Stukel TA. Cardiac intervention rates for older patients with acute myocardial infarction in the United States and Ontario, 2003–2013: a retrospective cohort study. Canadian Medical Association Open Access Journal. 2020 Apr 1;8(2):E437-47.
  7. Chandra A, Staiger DO. Identifying sources of inefficiency in healthcare. The quarterly journal of economics. 2020 May 1;135(2):785-843.
  8. Columbo JA, Ramkumar N, Martinez-Camblor P, Kang R, Suckow BD, O’Malley AJ, Sedrakyan A, Goodney PP. Five-year reintervention after endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair in the Vascular Quality Initiative. Journal of vascular surgery. 2020 Mar 1;71(3):799-805.
  9. Jeffery MM, Morden NE, Larochelle M, Shah ND, Hooten WM, Meara E. Response to propoxyphene market withdrawal: analgesic substitutes, doses, and adverse events. Medical care. 2020 Jan 1;58(1):4-12.
  10. Gilstrap L, Skinner JS, Gladders B, O’Malley AJ, Barnato AE, Tosteson AN, Austin AM. Opportunities and Challenges of Claims-Based Quality Assessment: The Case of Postdischarge β-Blocker Treatment in Patients With Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection Fraction. Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 2020 Mar;13(3):e006180.
  11. O’Malley AJ, Onnela JP, Keating NL, Landon BE. The impact of sampling patients on measuring physician patient‐sharing networks using Medicare data. Health Services Research. 2021 Apr;56(2):323-33.
  12. O’Malley AJ, Moen EL, Bynum JP, Austin AM, Skinner JS. Modeling peer effect modification by network strength: The diffusion of implantable cardioverter defibrillators in the US hospital network. Statistics in medicine. 2020 Apr 15;39(8):1125-44.


  1. Barnato AE, O’Malley AJ, Skinner JS, Birkmeyer JD. Use of advance care planning billing codes for hospitalized older adults at high risk of dying: a national observational study. Journal of hospital medicine. 2019 Apr;14(4):229-31.
  2. Skinner J, Chalkidou K, Jamison DT. Valuing protection against health-related financial risks. Journal of benefit-cost analysis. 2019 Apr;10(S1):106-31.
  3. Cutler D, Skinner JS, Stern AD, Wennberg D. Physician beliefs and patient preferences: a new look at regional variation in health care spending. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. 2019 Feb 1;11(1):192-221.
  4. Regenbogen SE, Cain-Nielsen AH, Syrjamaki JD, Chen LM, Norton EC. Spending on postacute care after hospitalization in commercial insurance and Medicare around age sixty-five. Health Affairs. 2019 Sep 1;38(9):1505-13.
  5. Mainor AJ, Morden NE, Smith J, Tomlin S, Skinner J. ICD-10 coding will challenge researchers: caution and collaboration may reduce measurement error and improve comparability over time. Medical care. 2019 Jul 1;57(7):e42-6.
  6. Austin AM, Carmichael D, Berry S, Gozansky WS, Nelson EC, Skinner JS, Barr PJ. Chronic condition measurement requires engagement, not measurement alone. The Journal of ambulatory care management. 2019 Oct 1;42(4):295-304.
  7. Bekelis K, Missios S, Coy S, Mayerson B, MacKenzie TA. Emergency medical services for acute ischemic stroke: hub-and-spoke model versus exclusive care in comprehensive centers. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. 2019 Feb 1;60:12-6.
  8. Columbo JA, Sedrakyan A, Mao J, Hoel AW, Trooboff SW, Kang R, Brown JR, Goodney PP. Claims-based surveillance for reintervention after endovascular aneurysm repair among non-Medicare patients. Journal of vascular surgery. 2019 Sep 1;70(3):741-7.
  9. Columbo JA, Kang R, Hoel AW, Kang J, Leinweber KA, Tauber KS, Hila R, Ramkumar N, Sedrakyan A, Goodney PP. A comparison of reintervention rates after endovascular aneurysm repair between the Vascular Quality Initiative registry, Medicare claims, and chart review. Journal of vascular surgery. 2019 Jan 1;69(1):74-9.
  10. Columbo JA, Martinez-Camblor P, MacKenzie TA, Kang R, Trooboff SW, Goodney PP, O’Malley AJ. A comparative analysis of long-term mortality after carotid endarterectomy and carotid stenting. Journal of vascular surgery. 2019 Jan 1;69(1):104-9.
  11. Emeny RT, Chang CH, Skinner J, O’Malley AJ, Smith J, Chakraborti G, Rosen CJ, Morden NE. Association of receiving multiple, concurrent fracture-associated drugs with hip fracture risk. JAMA network open. 2019 Nov 1;2(11):e1915348-.
  12. Cher BA, Morden NE, Meara E. Medicaid expansion and prescription trends: opioids, addiction therapies, and other drugs. Medical care. 2019 Mar 1;57(3):208-12.
  13. Bynum J, Passow H, Austin A, Carmichael D, Grodstein F. Serious Illness and End‐of‐Life Treatments for Nurses Compared with the General Population. Journal of the American geriatrics Society. 2019 Aug;67(8):1582-9.
  14. Bynum J, Passow H, Carmichael D, Skinner J. Exnovation of Low Value Care: A Decade of Prostate‐Specific Antigen Screening Practices. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2019 Jan;67(1):29-36.
  15. Moen EL, Bynum JP. Evaluation of physician network-based measures of care coordination using Medicare patient-reported experience measures. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2019 Nov;34:2482-9.
  16. An C, O’Malley AJ, Rockmore DN. Towards intelligent complex networks: the space and prediction of information walks. Applied Network Science. 2019 Jun 13;4(1):35.
  17. Lewis VA, Maddox KJ, Austin AM, Gottlieb DJ, Bynum JP. Developing and validating a measure to estimate poverty in Medicare administrative data. Medical care. 2019 Aug 1;57(8):601-7.
  18. Hill AD, Stukel TA, Fu L, Scales DC, Laupacis A, Rubenfeld GD, Wunsch H, Downar J, Rockwood K, Heyland DK, Sinha SK. Trends in site of death and health care utilization at the end of life: a population-based cohort study. Canadian Medical Association Open Access Journal. 2019 Apr 1;7(2):E306-15.
  19. Moen EL, Bynum JP, Skinner JS, O’Malley AJ. Physician network position and patient outcomes following implantable cardioverter defibrillator therapy. Health services research. 2019 Aug;54(4):880-9.
  20. Moen EL, Kapadia NS, O’Malley AJ, Onega T. Evaluating breast cancer care coordination at a rural National Cancer Institute Comprehensive Cancer Center using network analysis and geospatial methods. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. 2019 Mar 1;28(3):455-61.
  21. Austin AM, Carmichael DQ, Bynum JP, Skinner JS. Measuring racial segregation in health system networks using the dissimilarity index. Social science & medicine. 2019 Nov 1;240:112570.