Many have argued that education without reflection fails its students. How do we prepare today’s students with the resilience, compassion, and insight to encounter a changing world?  This conference explores the innovative Contemplative Studies Program at Brown University and its Warren Alpert School of Medicine with colleagues from Dartmouth College, Geisel School of Medicine, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, and the Upper Valley community to consider what contemplative studies is and why it is needed, now more than ever.


Throughout history and across cultures, formal education has embraced a contemplative aspect to the training of young people. How do we prepare today’s students with the resilience, compassion, and insight to encounter a changing world?  This conference brings together experts from Brown University and its Warren Alpert School of Medicine with colleagues from Dartmouth College, Geisel School of Medicine, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, and the Upper Valley community to consider what contemplative studies is and why it is needed, now more than ever.

Guided by colleagues from Brown – the first major North American research university to initiate a formal undergraduate major in Contemplative Studies – this conference will explore the historical, philosophical, and scientific roots of contemplative studies as well as questions about what teaching contemplative curricula across institutions and ages can involve. How do contemplative study and practice relate to medical education and practice?  How can contemplative studies inspire interdisciplinary and interfaith dialogue?

This event is free and open to the public, with opportunities for contemplative practice. You are welcome to attend any or all of the panels and related events.

All panels for this conference will occur in Batchelder Lounge of The Church of Christ at Dartmouth College, 40 College Street, Hanover. Contemplative practice sessions will be held in the Memorial Chapel or a nearby outdoor location, weather dependent. See map for details.

A space for contemplation in the Upper Valley – Granite Bench, Hanover, NH, designed by Nick Fabrikant.