Do YOU want to dance at 🏀🏈 games?
Winter tryouts for the team will take place: 10/13 Location: Manley 87, Time: 6:30-8:00.
We will teach a sideline, field performance, and have a technique section as well as an optional tricks section.
We encourage dancers from all backgrounds to tryout; we will work on skills throughout the year. Our team is made up of a wide array of different dance backgrounds, ranging from Indian dancing to ballet to competitive to hip hop.
We can’t wait to dance with you soon! 💚
Each dancer will submit a video (or videos) that will include an introduction, two sideline routines, and technique skills. A dance solo video can also be included but is optional. Videos must be sent to by Friday, August 2nd at 11:59pm (EST). We encourage dancers from all backgrounds to tryout; we will work on skills throughout the year.
What to upload/submit:
Before Uploading, Fill out Waiver/Form on DartmouthGroups: (if not opening directly, search for Dance Team on Dartmouth Groups and join)
Short Introduction (20-45 seconds)
This is an opportunity to let us get to know you better. Provide a brief overview of yourself (name, hometown, potential major, etc.), dance background, and why you think you’d be a good fit for the team.
Sideline 1:
Sideline 2:
Technique skills:
If you do not feel comfortable or safe performing all of the skills, you do not need to submit a video of yourself doing the skill. We are trying to have a better understanding of your background in dance.
- Single pirouette (both sides)
- Double pirouette (both sides)
- Grand jete (both sides)
- Calypso
- Tilt (both sides)
- Front, side, and back kicks (both sides)
Optional Solo Video:
If you have a solo video under 3 minutes, you are more than welcome to include it in your submission. We are accepting pre-filmed or new videos.
Optional Tricks:
- A La Seconde Turns
- Turning sequence
- Jumps
- Acro
- Tumbling