A Cup of Love

Culinary | 0 comments

Written by Sarah Jewett

May 23, 2020

Cooking! It is something calming for me, meditative… at least it was until my family is in the same room with me the entire time. That’s mostly a joke, Mom, okay??  

The best part of cooking is that it is a way to practice creative problem-solving! That’s right folks, creative problem-solving can be more than a bullshit term you write on your resume. You can cook to solve (or avoid) all kinds of problems in your life.  


Graphic by Abby Smith

My current quarantine problem: boring snacks.
A girl can only eat a banana or popcorn so many times. (That’s actually only half true, I could eat popcorn every day for the rest of my life.) So I wanted to share with you guys my favorite homemade granola recipe, courtesy of JoyFoodSunshine. This granola is good on its own or on yogurt, as cereal, with fruit, the options are endless.

I follow the recipe below to the T, but it is very versatile. For honey, you could use maple syrup or agave. For peanut butter, any kind of nut butter. Add more warming spices if you want. Add nuts. This is how I like it! If you’re sick of reading, go ahead and watch this very high-quality produced and budgeted video I made of me making the recipe. Sorry it goes sideways sometimes.  





Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Grease a large cookie sheet and set aside.

In a small bowl, mix together oats, salt and cinnamon. Set aside.

In a microwave safe dish or on the stovetop, melt the peanut butter and honey (or maple syrup) together until smooth.

Remove from heat and stir in vanilla.

Stir in dry ingredients and mix until well combined.

Spread mixture on prepared cookie sheet.

Bake in the preheated oven for 15-20 minutes, or until granola is lightly browned, stirring the granola once gently half way through. (A great way to test for doneness is to remove a small portion of the granola from the pan and set it on the counter. If it hardens as it cools the rest of the granola is done)!

Remove from the oven and let sit until cooled.

Once cooled, break apart and eat!


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