Oh, the Places!

Arts, Poetry | 0 comments

Written by Daniel Cespedes

May 23, 2020

Today’s not your day. 

You’re stuck in one place now! 

You’re bored with no pay! 


You have clothes on your bed. 

You’ve gone weeks without shoes. 

You simmer in all of 

your quarantine blues. 

You’re inside alone. Your chin hairs have grown. 

And YOU need to stop binge watching those shows. 


You look up and down streets. Where are the people, where!? 

You look across and you say, “I wish I could go there.” 

With your mask on your face and your hands in your gloves,

you wish you could go back to the way life once was.

So, you retreat back inside 

to your stupid, dumb house.

And once you’re inside, 

you hit click on your mouse. 



Not again, man, come on. 


You sit there in despair 

as you frequently do 

and miss all the days that 

you slept with your boo. 


But one day things will open, 

don’t worry, don’t plea. 

Just wait some more time. 

And once the world’s ready, 




Graphic above by Abby Smith

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