Zooming Out

Art + Design, Arts | 0 comments

Written by Julia Levine

September 28, 2020
Dear Dartmouth,

There are two sides to every story. And while we often hear the story of the picturesque community that embodies Dartmouth College, it is important to note that that story leaves many behind. Our community, like so many other communities across our country, is not free from the longstanding issues of socioeconomic inequity. If you can, take a moment to look below and find a more complete picture of the story of the Upper Valley.

Richardson Dorm
Above the Ledyard Bridge
Below the Ledyard Bridge (Photographer: James M. Patterson)
Pillars of Dartmouth
Residents of Occom
Residents of White River Junction

To address the issues of systemic and monetary injustice in this country, we must acknowledge its presence in our own backyard. Until next time, stay engaged and stay well.

Your friend,




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