Navigating Dartmouth’s Social Scene as a ‘25

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Written by Lauren Azrin

October 24, 2021

Dear Dartmouth,

Or maybe more selectively my fellow ‘25s. In addition to being thrown into a new environment, fast-paced terms, and academics like never before, we are tasked with the challenge of navigating the social scene on campus. I first just want to say, that however satisfied you are with your social life here at Dartmouth, it has only been 4 weeks, and developing friendships, finding your place, and establishing communities takes time. Every day is a new opportunity to meet people, and I’ve encountered hardly anyone who wasn’t open to meeting someone new. 

From my (very) limited time here, there’s a few things that have helped me find some people who I really enjoy my time with. The first place you can find people who you’ll always have a connection with is your trippees. Even if you don’t think they’ll ever be your best friends, you spent a lot of time together and are bonded by similar experiences, so it can’t hurt to reach out and grab a meal together.

I also think that freshman floors are such a great place to meet people. I’ve talked to some people who have said that they barely know the people on their floor, and I can’t believe it. I’ve made most of my closest friends here from my floor. I encourage everyone to reach out and get to know your floormates. You’ll be neighbors not only for the rest of this term, but for two more after, so getting to know them isn’t a bad idea.

It also can’t hurt to introduce yourself to people in your classes. Not only can you help each other (study groups!), but you already have something in common, which will only help you to build your friendship.  

I also think that clubs are such a great way to meet people who share your interests. Whether that’s a club sport, a cultural club, a career-based club, or an academically oriented club, it is an instant way to meet ‘25s who you will instantly have something in common with, in addition to upperclassmen.

Image courtesy of editor Sarah Jewett, taken during Homecoming 2019

On the Appalachian Trail.

Another great way to meet people that I recently just tried is a DOC trip! There’s so many that vary in activity and level (just scroll through the DOC trailhead), and you can meet really great people while doing something fun!

Lastly, meeting friends of friends is a great way to meet people who you know you’ll get along with (if your friend likes them, and you like your friend, transitive property right?). I’ve met a handful of people that are friends of friends that I love spending time with – my floormates’ tripees for example. 

When in doubt, remember that there is so much time left in your Dartmouth experience, and don’t put pressure on yourself to be the life of the party or to have a thousand friends. Your community will come with time.

Lauren Azrin

Image courtesy of editor Sarah Jewett, at Holt’s Ledge

Image courtesy of editor Sarah Jewett, in Sanborn

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