10th Issue, 10 Questions, 10 Words

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Written by Ana

Dear Dartmouth, 

To celebrate our 10th issue, here are 10 questions answered in 10 words or less. By Dartmouth, for Dartmouth.

Featured Image by Adrian Curiel on Unsplash

For the ’22s, what is your best advice for the other classes?

everything will be okay- enjoy the moment and good times because it’s not infinite

Don’t let the bastards get you down. Keep moving.

You can indeed do anything, but you can’t do everything. Prioritize.

Your work will get done. There’s other things in life.

Talk about the one thing in your room that reminds you of home

an old black and white photo of my parents in Barcelona, it is the one thing I carry with me wherever I move

my stuffed animal i sleep with every night

My RBG painting I hang in my room, it was a birthday gift from my mom :)

My Grenadian Flag

the posters that my mom gave me :)

My stuffed tiger. And no, I am not too old!

I have a Japanese hanging banner that I found hidden away in a cabinet at home. It shows a cat watching fireworks.

stuffed panda

a painting i made when i was little

African food stuffs

state flag shot glass (that my mom gave me for christmas)

photo wall

Electric kettle. Wherever I go I’m constantly heating up water.

The colorful collection of magnets on my dorm mini fridge

I consider Hanover to be home now, so I’d say the pictures I stuck on the wall from the disposable cameras I used all last year.

My Grenadian Flag

a photo of Grama, flipping me off, hiding her face

my winnie the pooh baby blanket (dont judge)

Share the first memory that comes to mind about your first day at Dartmouth

Lugging a ginormous suitcase down the stairs between Thayer and the river dorms

speaking English all day was exhausting

having all of my stuff taken in by uga’ and my parents telling me that will never happen again in college or in real life


Tbh this part is blurry but i remember lots of girls circled on the green talking nervously

Sam changed the alma mater to be inclusive for me.

taking a solo pic if myself in front of ’53 commons

taking a solo pic if myself in front of ’53 commons

shmobbing foco with half the girls on my floor

Honestly, fear, with a tiny bit of excitement to learn

I had to set my room up by myself because of Covid-19, but I was so hot so my dad ran to the hardware store to buy me a fan, which res ops people let him hand-off to me.


Sitting on the Green with the new friends I had made during the day, watching people play Frisbee and get to know one another on the Green, and thinking that this was the community I wanted to be a part of for four years.

I got into an argument with a “fire and brimstone” street preacher on Main Street. He was preaching condemnation, but I believe that Jesus frees people, rather than condemning them.

the wind gently rustling the trees, outside of Wheeler Hall

I did Dartmouth Bound but I remember my admissions officer saying at dimensions that everything the green touches belongs to you and I claim that.

Taking a picture with my little brother on the green

awkwardly asking 2 girls on the coach if they wanted to get lunch with me


My UGA and about ten other people were outside the dorm to welcome me and bring my things inside

Seeing all the Trip leaders dressed in flair

I saw my friend who I had met in high school in the south house line and she ran and hugged me and that took away so much anxiety

Walking up the stairs of South Mass and taking in everyone who was walked those same steps before you

taking steps off the coach and rolling lous on no sleep with my first dartmouth friend

What is your version of self care?

Not setting an alarm
start the day with yoga or go to Nefertiti and be completely absorbed by the
TLC that’s on and feeling very put together afterwards
doing my laundry, skincare routines, watching a movie with my friends or gossiping with my roommates
nice long hot showers
Wine, gold fish, facemask, YouTube
Going to fun campus events like trivia.
Eat and listen to music
Sitting with myself, either banging out to some music, or writing the next short story
Going for a walk in the woods when it’s foggy. Going on errands (side quests!) with friends. Taking several hours to deep clean and organize my room, including laundry and vacuuming.
Netflix, Face Mask, Laying on my dorm floor, sprinting around campus, writing poetry, and hugging a horse
A long shower, a face mask, and mac and cheese
Sleeping early
Hang out alone with myself, do yoga, go on a walk, eat something yummy
cleaning my room turning on nice lights lighting a candle showering and maybe a face mask/nails

How do you find your ~pleasure~ on campus?

buying Yerba Mate at collis market
oh i’m laughing but i love balancing alone time and time spent with people I love
literally just spending time with my friends gives me so much joy
Cabin and Trail
Talking to my friends
running around campus
Honestly? Tinder. Basements. Lots of SWC condoms
I rented an electric guitar from Hanover Strings
Tender. Bob. Marley. Buffalo sauce.
I ride horses with the equestrian team and produce shows with the black underground theatre association. I also cling close to the lovely black community.
By surrounding myself with people who seek out their own
Playing pong, walking in the woods, jumping in the river
wherever my friends are is where i’m happiest. especially when they’re all in one place <3

Write a love note to yourself, one year from now

you’re doing your best and that’s okay <3
you’re doing so much better than you think

Girl you are so freaking unbelievable. I can’t believe you doubted yourself for a second! There’s more to uncover don’t stop!!

Dear me, I’m proud of you (and you’re so hot)

dear self, i hope you have found more inner peace and love yourself a little more <3

Hey girl. I love you and you are great—don’t forget this as you might forget this but you might also not forget this so just try to not forget this


You are talented and amazing and remember when that random man at the HOOD museum said yon would be famous one day, how does it feel to be famous and known.

you have made it so far, overcome so much, and i’m so proud of your growth.

Tag yourself (dining plan edition)

the 80
the 80
Ivy Unlimited plan
no dining plan

@ DBA in the negatives

Bruh I’m freeeeeee. I’ve saved literal thousands of dollars by having no dining plan living off campus. DDS is a ripoff.

118 block or 180 I can’t remember


FOCO cereal bar seven days a week (and collis smoothies)
Foco Head

How did your best friend become your best friend?

Dartmouth housing survey (thank you for random roommates)
brought together by greek life, chance, and fate
honestly we just had so many shared interests that we ended up spending more and more time together and suddenly I realized I basically don’t go anywhere without her and I actually got withdrawals when we did separate things lol
dorm party. south fay. frat ban.
we got incredibly high accidentally and spent the entire night on the ground of a study room together
long walks to and from the river
Met on the first day of move-in, we shared a wall freshman fall.
He asked me out. I’m about to break up with him.
dartmouth housing shortage making me crash at her place 1/2 the days last spring term
I would tell you if I wouldn’t get deported for it
I forced them to be my best friend
We met at a Christian Union event during O week. We went to a lot of the same events in the Christian community, and an upperclassman befriended both of us and invited us to hang out. I think we were just the right blend of similar and polar opposite, and somehow didn’t self destruct.
I don’t have a best friend, bold of you to assume
we had the same name phonetically and were both poor
She made the first move (thanks 19F Sheba open practice)
We bonded over john mulaney and the fact that she dated my high school roommate
Floormates freshman year during COVID!!!

The most YOU song lyric

I put my sunny side up! – surfaces
Jesus Christ I’m so blue all the time, and that’s just how I feel, always have and always will -Funeral by Phoebe Bridgers
I’m more than what my mum told me to be – inkpot gods, the amazing devil
Why not defy entropy? Why not taunt history? Even though time insists it cannot reverse? Do we dare disturb the universe?
And I ain’t going no where so you can get to know me
“I tried to be cool but you’re so hot that I melted” – I’m Yours by Jason Mraz
“One day I’m up, the next I’m down Problems comin’ faster than I can count Who can I run to? No one to talk to Can’t somebody tell me what to do? Why did I do it? Why did this happen to me You can get through it, you just have to believe What I do now, gotta make it all count”
I’m rested and I’m ready to begin
I feel fine, I’m freaking out, and I feel fine
sometimes i think i think too much
i’m only 17, i don’t know anything

10 words.

I don’t have the Sunday scaries this week, thank God
YES (10x)
i am writing ten words so that ale is happy (alternate choice: sometimes a good nap is just the reset you need)
oddment, nitwit, blubber, tweak
A younger you would be amazed of who you’ve become
ambition, music, art, architecture, connectivity, heritage, home, hiking, new, carefree
Everybody don’t have to understand you, but you got to!
One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten.

look behind you! haha got you. you can’t catch me.

lit. crazy. movie. disco. scones. magic. dartmouth. lone. pine. money
Sometimes you’re up, sometimes you’re down; Grow. You are loved.
I am a powerful black women who refuses to be conquered by the racist individuals on this campus
Sky turned blue and we all actually like this school.
ten words are easy to write, but hard to mean
A little more work now, makes tomorrow much much easier
i love dartmouth, my time here, and all my friends

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