A Blue Dividing Line

A Blue Dividing Line

A Blue Dividing Line Written by Carter Welch August 9, 2020 Dear Dartmouth,  Seven and a half miles north of my house, the St. Joseph River flows placid into sparkling Lake Michigan. The river spills its brown entrails into the otherwise blue, surprisingly Caribbean...
Rest in Delicious Peace

Rest in Delicious Peace

Rest in Delicious Peace Written by Carter Welch Graphic by Abby Smith Dear Dartmouth,  As most of us pull through week 9 (is that right? Are we this far?), a few recent, major newsmakers caught all of us off-guard. The first came ten days past, as Morano Gelato—a...
The People’s Porridge

The People’s Porridge

The People’s Porridge Written by Carter Welch April 25, 2020 I planned to write this piece in anticipation for our return to the College after spring break. Instead, I currently sit at my kitchen table in Michigan dreaming of Hanover. So I’ll begin by stating...