vox rediit, A Poem by Daniel Cespedes

vox rediit, A Poem by Daniel Cespedes vox rediit these mountains, this valley they never they never asked for my acquaintance they never heard me beg for theirs   a warm welcome and a cold one twenty weeks it took to love you 2020 it took to lose you   i...


calm Written by Daniel Cespedes May 23, 2021 today i feel calm calm and nearly complete completely entranced by you you yesterday, today, and tomorrow tomorrow today will be a story a story marked by a dash in stone or on a box a box in the ground or on a shelf where...
Nine One One

Nine One One

Nine One One Written by Daniel Cespedes January 3, 2021 Tell me what a vote’s gonna do for me. Trump is out, but is anybody free? A world on pause, no check to show for it Bezos gets the pieces, we get the bits. Serf’s up, dude, I guess we’re all dirt poor now. You...
Cops and Robbers

Cops and Robbers

Cops and Robbers Written by Daniel Cespedes November 2, 2020 Cops and robbers between friends David’s hiding in the bushes While his friends are turned to cops and robbers By the Clintons and the Bushes   Victims of a crooked system Are there no heroes, did we...
El Reino De Los Sueños

El Reino De Los Sueños

El Reino De Los Sueños Written by Daniel Cespedes August 9, 2020 ¿Será mejor morir sobre una espalda que sufrir desde una jaula?  Hoy me quedo inseguro.  ¿Como explicarle a un niño que después de tantas promesas llenas de oro y de sentido que el hombre que lo detiene...