I remember the night I told you I saw dragons
they were hovering above me and they were green and
I was so distracted and that was so different
from the way I was around you
from the way I loved you how I saw every part of you…
I remember the night I told you I saw dragons
they were hovering above me and they were green and
I was so distracted and that was so different
from the way I was around you
from the way I loved you how I saw every part of you…
Dear Dartmouth, The Renaissance was a long time ago (duh). So why do we still care about all this art from the 14th to 17th century so much? The art of the Renaissance was beautiful and marked a big change in the way we as humans create, but it often...
vox rediit these mountains, this valley they never they never asked for my acquaintance they never heard me beg for theirs a warm welcome and a cold one twenty weeks it took to love you 2020 it took to lose you i make memories with you bittersweetly if...
Renaissance Through Poetry: A Set of Works by Attiya KhanStars I cannot believe the stars in the sky are Bigger than earth Or that the sun is only a mid-size star That will expand and lose heat until it dies. This little earth will die in fire only To be...
Songs to dance to now that we've survived the plague. Enjoy your rebirth! A Dear Dartmouth playlist.
Dear D(art)mouth,
Da-Dandy by Hannah Höch is a collage of images of women in dandy-style dress, a flirty, upper-class style of the 1920’s just coming into vogue when Höch created this piece in 1919. In this collage she has compiled essential elements of the style: velvet dresses, luxurious, pearls, and heels…
today i feel calm
calm and nearly complete…
A fun cookie recipe, from contributor Chelsea-Starr!
Dear Dartmouth,
Before I get any raised eyebrows or tsk-tsks thrown in my direction, please know that I resisted for as long as I could…