
I am a paleoanthropologist, interested in the evolution of upright walking in the hominin lineage. I have studied wild chimpanzees in Uganda, and early human fossils in Museums throughout Eastern and South Africa. My published research can be found below, grouped into my main areas of research.

Hominin foot and ankle evolution

DeSilva, J., McNutt, E., Zipfel, B., Ward, C.V., Kimbel. W.H. 2020. Short Communication: Associated Australopithecus afarensis second and third metatarsals (A.L. 333-133) from Hadar, Ethiopia. Journal of Human Evolution. pdf.

McNutt, E., DeSilva, J. 2020. Evidence for an elongated Achilles tendon in AustralopithecusThe Anatomical Record. pdf.

DeSilva, J., McNutt, E., Zipfel, B. 2019. One Small Step: A review of Plio-Pleistocene hominin foot evolution. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology. pdf.

McNutt, E., Zipfel, B., DeSilva, J. 2018. Evolution of the human foot. Evolutionary Anthropology. pdf.

Boyle, E., McNutt, E., Sasaki, T., Suwa, G., Zipfel, B., DeSilva, J. 2018. A quantification of calcaneal lateral plantar process position with implications for locomotion in Australopithecus. Journal of Human Evolution. 123: 24-34. pdf.

DeSilva, J., Gill, C., Prang, C., Bredella, M., Alemseged, Z. 2018. A nearly complete foot from Dikika, Ethiopia and its implications for the ontogeny and function of Australopithecus afarensis. Science Advances. 4: eaar7723. pdf.

Gill, S., Keimig, S., Kelty-Stephen, D., Hung, Y-C., DeSilva, J. 2016. The relationship between foot arch measurements and walking parameters in children. BMC Pediatrics. 16: 1-8. pdf.

Gill, C., Bredella, M.A., DeSilva, J. 2015. Skeletal development of hallucal tarsometatarsal joint curvature and angulation in extant apes and modern humans. Journal of Human Evolution. 88: 137-145. pdf.

DeSilva, J. Bonne-Annee, R., Swanson, Z., Gill, C., Sobel, M., Uy, J., Gill, S. 2015. Midtarsal break variation in modern humans: functional causes, skeletal correlates, and paleontological implications. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 156: 543-552. pdf.

Boyle, E., DeSilva, J. 2015. A large Homo erectus talus from Koobi Fora, Kenya (KNM-ER 5428) and Pleistocene hominin talar evolution. PaleoAnthropology. 1-13. pdf.

Gill, C., Taneja, A., Bredella, M., Torriani, M., DeSilva, J. 2014. Osteogenic relationship between the lateral plantar process and the peroneal tubercle in the human calcaneus. Journal of Anatomy. 224: 173-179. pdf.

Gill, S., Lewis, C., DeSilva, J. 2014. Arch height mediation of obesity-related walking in adults: Contributors to physical activity limitations. Physiology Journal. 821482. pdf.

Venkataraman, V.V., Kraft, T.S., DeSilva, J., Dominy, N.J. 2013. Phenotypic plasticity of climbing-related traits in the ankle joint of great apes and rainforest hunter-gatherers. Human Biology. 85: 309-328. pdf.

Kuo, S., DeSilva, J., Devlin, M., McDonald, G., Morgan, E. 2013. The effect of the Achilles tendon on trabecular structure in the primate calcaneus. The Anatomical Record. 296: 1509-1517. pdf.

DeSilva, J., Gill, S. 2013. Brief Communication: A midtarsal (midfoot) break in the human foot. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 151: 495-499. pdf.

DeSilva, J., Devlin, M. 2012. A comparative study of the trabecular bony architecture of the talus in humans, non-human primates, and Australopithecus. Journal of Human Evolution. 63: 536-551. pdf.

DeSilva, J., Proctor, D., Zipfel, B. 2012. A complete second metatarsal (StW 89) from Sterkfontein Member 4, South Africa. Journal of Human Evolution. 63: 487-496. pdf.

Weiss, E., DeSilva, J., Zipfel, B. 2012. Brief Communication. Radiographic study of metatarsal one basal epiphyseal fusion: A note of caution on age determination. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 147: 489-492. pdf.

DeSilva, J., Papakyrikos, A. 2011. A case of valgus ankle in an early Pleistocene hominin. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. 21: 732-742. pdf.

DeSilva, J., Throckmorton, Z. 2010. Lucy’s Flat Feet: The relationship between the ankle and rearfoot arching in early hominins. PLoS One. 5: e14432. pdf.

DeSilva, J., Tocheri, M., Zipfel, B., Van Arsdale, A. 2010. The OH 8 foot. Adult or subadult? Journal of Human Evolution. 58: 418-423. pdf.

DeSilva, J. 2010. Revisiting the “midtarsal break”. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 141: 245-258. pdf.

Zipfel, B., DeSilva, J., Kidd, R.S. 2009. Earliest complete hominin fifth metatarsal- implications for the evolution of the lateral column of the foot. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 140: 532-545. pdf.

DeSilva, J. 2009. Functional morphology of the ankle and the likelihood of climbing in early hominins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 106: 6567-6572. pdf. Supplement pdf.

Homo naledi

Friedl, L., Claxton, A., Walker, C., Churchill, S.E., Holliday, T.W., Hawks, J.W., Berger, L.R., DeSilva, J., Marchi, D. 2019. Femoral neck and shaft structure in Homo naledi from the Dinaledi Chamber (Rising Star System). Journal of Human Evolution. pdf.

Walker, C., Cofran, Z.D., Grabowski, M., Marchi, D., Cook, R.W., Churchill, S.E., Tommy, K.A., Throckmorton, Z., Ross, A.H., Hawks, J., Yapunich, G.S., Van Arsdale, A.P., Rentzeperis, F., Berger, L., DeSilva, J. 2019. Morphology and evolution of the Homo naledi femora from Lesedi. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. pdf.

Hawks, J., Elliot, M., Schmid, P., Churchill, S.E., de Ruiter, D.J., Roberts, E., Hilbert-Wolf, H., Garvin, H.M., Williams, S.A., Delezene, L.K., Feuerriegel, D.M., Randolph-Quinney, P., Kivell, T.L., Laird, M.F., Tawane, G., DeSilva, J., Bailey, S.E., Brophy, J.K., Meyer, M.R., Skinner, M.M., Tocheri, M.W., VanSickle, C., Walker, C.S., Campbell, T.L., Kuhn, B., Kruger, A., Tucker, S., Gurtov, A., Hlophe, N., Hunter, R., Morris, H., Peixotto, B., Ramalepa, M., van Rooyen, D., Tsikoane, M., Dirks, P., Berger, L.R. 2017. New fossil remains of Homo naledi from the Lesedi Chamber, South Africa. eLIFE. 6:e24232. pdf.

Marchi, D., Walker, C.S., Wei, P., Holliday, T.W., Churchill, S.E., Berger, L.R., DeSilva, J. 2017. The thigh and leg of Homo naledi. Journal of Human Evolution. 104: 174-204. pdf.

Harcourt-Smith, W.E.H., Throckmorton, Z., Congdon, K.A., Zipfel, B., Deana, A.S., Drapeau, M.S.M., Churchill, S.E., Berger, L.E., DeSilva, J. 2015. The foot of Homo naledi. Nature Communications. 6: 1-8. pdf. Supplement pdf.

Berger, L.R., Hawks, J., de Ruiter, D.J., Churchill, S.E., Schmid, P., Delezene, L., Kivell, T., Garvin, H.M., Williams, S.A., DeSilva, J.M., Skinner, M., Musiba, C.M., Cameron, N., Holliday, T.W., Harcourt-Smith, W., Ackermann, R.R., Bastir, M., Bogin, B., Bolter, D., Brophy, J., Cofran, Z.D., Congdon, K.A., Deane, A.S., Dembo, M., Drapeau, M., Elliott, M., Feuerriegel, E.M., Garcia-Martinez, D., Green, D.J., Gurtov, A., Irish, J.D., Kruger, A., Laird, M.F., Marchi, D., Meyer, M.R., Nalla, S., Negash, E.W., Orr, C., Radovcic, D., Schroeder, L., Scott, J.E., Throckmorton, Z., Tocheri, M., VanSickle, C., Walker, C.S., Wei, P., Zipfel, B. 2015. Homo naledi, a new species of the genus Homo from the Dinaledi Chamber, South Africa. eLIFE. 4:e09560. 1-35. pdf.

Australopithecus sediba

DeSilva, J., Carlson, K.J., Claxton, A., Harcourt-Smith, W.E.H., McNutt, E., Sylvester, A.D., Walker, C., Zipfel, B., Churchill, S.E., Berger, L.R. 2018. The anatomy of the lower limb skeleton of Australopithecus sediba. PaleoAnthropology. 357-405. pdf.

Holliday, T., Churchill, S., Carlson, K., DeSilva, J., Schmid, P., Walker, C., Berger, L. 2018. Body size and proportions of Australopithecus sediba. PaleoAnthropology. 406-422. pdf.

Williams, S., DeSilva, J., de Ruiter, D. 2018. Introduction to Australopithecus sediba special issue. PaleoAnthropology. 49-55. pdf.

Zhang, A., DeSilva, J. 2018. Computer animation of walking mechanics in Australopithecus sediba. PaleoAnthropology. 423-432. pdf.

DeSilva, J., Holt, K., Churchill, S., Carlson, K., Walker, C., Zipfel, B., Berger, L. 2013. The lower limb and walking mechanics in Australopithecus sediba. Science. 340: 1232999-1-1232999-5. pdf.

Zipfel, B., DeSilva, J., Kidd, R., Carlson, K., Churchill, S., Berger, L. 2011. The foot and ankle of Australopithecus sediba. Science. 333: 1417-1420. pdf.

Brain evolution

DeSilva, J. 2018. Comment on “The growth pattern of Neandertals, reconstructed from a juvenile skeleton from El Sidrón (Spain).” Science. 359: eaar3611. pdf.

Grabowski, M., Costa, B., Rossoni, D., Marroig, G., DeSilva, J., Herculano-Houzel, S., Neubauer, S., Grabowski, M. 2016. From Bigger Brains to Bigger Bodies: The Correlated Evolution of Human Brain and Body Size. Current Anthropology. 57 (2). pdf.

Cofran, Z. DeSilva, J. 2015. A neonatal perspective on Homo erectus brain growth. Journal of Human Evolution. 81: 41-47. pdf.

O’Connell, C.O., DeSilva, J. 2013. Mojokerto Revisited: Evidence for a unique pattern of brain growth in Homo erectus. Journal of Human Evolution. 65: 156-161. pdf.

DeSilva, J., Lesnik, J. 2008. Brain size at birth throughout human evolution. A new method for estimating neonatal brain size in human ancestors. Journal of Human Evolution. 55: 1064-1074. pdf.

DeSilva, J., Lesnik, J. 2006. Chimpanzee neonatal brain size: Implications for brain growth in Homo erectus. Journal of Human Evolution. 51: 207-212. pdf.

Pelvis anatomy and evolution of childbirth

Laudicina, N., Rodriguez, F., DeSilva, J. 2019. Reconstructing birth in Australopithecus sedibaPLoS ONE. pdf.

DeSilva, J., Laudicina, N., Rosenberg, K., Trevathan, W. 2017. Neonatal shoulder width suggests a semi-rotational oblique birth mechanism in Australopithecus afarensis. The Anatomical Record. 300: 890-899. pdf.

Rosenberg, K., DeSilva, J. 2017. Evolution of the human pelvis. The Anatomical Record. 300: 789-797. pdf.

DeSilva, J., Rosenberg, K. 2017. Anatomy, development, and function of the human pelvis. The Anatomical Record. 300: 628-632. pdf.

Claxton, A.G., Hammond, A.S., Romano, J., Oleinik, E., DeSilva, J. 2016. Virtual reconstruction of an Australopithecus female pelvis (Sts 65) and birth in early hominins. Journal of Human Evolution. 99: 10-24. pdf.

Wells, J., DeSilva, J., Stock, J. 2012. The obstetric dilemma: an ancient game of Russian Roulette, or a variable dilemma sensitive to ecology? Yearbook of Physical Anthropology. 149: 40-71. pdf.

DeSilva, J. 2011. A shift toward birthing relatively large infants early in human evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 108: 1022-1027. pdf.

Trabecular bone microarchitecture

Fajardo, R.J., DeSilva, J., Manoharan, R.K., Knittel, J.M., MacLatchy, L.M., Bouxsein, M.L. 2013. Lumbar vertebral body bone microstructural scaling in small to medium-sized strepsirhines. The Anatomical Record. 296: 210-226. pdf.

Fajardo, R., Cory, E., Patel, N., Nazarian, A., Laib, A., Manoharan, R., Schmitz, J., DeSilva, J., MacLatchy, L., Snyder, B., Bouxsein, M. 2009. Specimen size and porosity can introduce error into μCT-based tissue mineral density measurements. Bone. 44: 176-184. pdf.

Hominoid evolution

Böhme, M., Spassov, N., DeSilva J., Begun, D. 2020. Reply to: Reevaluating bipedalism in DanuviusNature. pdf.

DeSilva, J., Morgan, M.E., Barry, J.C., Pilbeam, D. 2010. A hominoid distal tibia from the Middle Miocene of Pakistan. Journal of Human Evolution. 58: 147-154. pdf.

DeSilva, J., Shoreman, E., MacLatchy, L. 2006. A fossil hominoid proximal femur from Kikorongo crater, southwestern Uganda. Journal of Human Evolution. 50: 687-695. pdf.

Monkey fossils

DeSilva, J., Steininger, C., Patel, B. 2013. Cercopithecoid primate postcranial fossils from Cooper’s D, South Africa. Geobios. 46: 381-394. pdf.


Pobiner, B., DeSilva, J., Sanders, W., Mitani, J. 2007. Taphonomic analysis of skeletal remains from chimpanzee hunts at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda. Journal of Human Evolution. 52: 614-636. pdf.

Education and Interdisciplinary Research

Gill, S., Vessali, M., Pratt, J., Watts, S., Pratt, J., Raghavan, P., DeSilva, J. 2015. The importance of interdisciplinary research training and community dissemination. Clinical and Translational Science. 8: 611-614. pdf.

DeSilva, J. 2003. Interpreting evidence. An approach to teaching human evolution in the classroom. The American Biology Teacher. 66: 257-267. pdf.

Book Reviews

DeSilva, J. 2013. African Genesis: Perspectives on Hominin Evolution. American Journal of Human Biology. 25, 138-139. pdf 

DeSilva, J. 2012. Missing Links. The African and American Worlds of R.L. Garner, Primate Collector by J. Rich. International Journal of African Historical Studies. 45, 335-336. pdf.

DeSilva, J. 2009. Lucy’s Legacy. The Quest for Human Origins by D. Johanson & K. Wong. Paleoanthropology. 2009: 176-178. pdf.