Devin Walker

Devin Walker in front of blackboardAssistant Professor of Physics
Department of Physics and Astronomy

By focusing on the intersection between theory and experiment at the Cosmic, Energy, and Intensity Frontiers, I pursue understanding the particle nature of dark matter, the observed matter-antimatter asymmetry, as well as new physics beyond the Standard Model needed for the stability of the weak scale. My research aims to produce new constraints and signatures of new physics, and theoretical models that will contribute to the search for new physics.

A native of Memphis, Tennessee, I received a B.A. in Physics from Hampton University as well as an A.M. and Ph.D. in Physics from Harvard University.

Physics is a complex subject requiring discipline, patience, and the ability to work effectively independently as well as part of a team. Unfortunately, sometimes the physics culture isolates individuals in ways that hinder their success in the field. I am committed to cultivating an environment where creativity and the exchange of ideas are valued and respected.  This environment is one where asking questions and interacting is understood to be a natural part of the learning process and does not reflect negatively on one’s capacity to comprehend.  There is a palpable sense of belonging without qualification.