“Should we Care About the Truth”

Carlos Franenkel
James McGill Profesor of Philosophy andJewish Studies
McGill University

Carlos Frankel is James McGill Professor of Philosophy and Jewish Studies at McGill Uiversity in Montreal. His publications include From Maimonides to Samuel ibn
Tibbon: The Transformation of the Dalālat al-Ḥā’irīn into the Moreh ha-Nevukhim (Hebrew, Magnes Press, 2007), Philosophical Religions from Plato to Spinoza: Reason,
Religion, and Autonomy (CUP, 2012), and Teaching Plato in Palestine: Philosophy in a Divided World (Princeton University Press, 2015). He is currently writing a book on the
purpose of philosophy and a family memoir.

October 11, 2019
4:30 p.m.
Rockefeller 002

Sponsored by the Daniel WEbster Project and the Jewish Studies Program.

Free and open to the public