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The 2019-20 Eric Eichler D’57 Fellowship for Healthcare Leaders

Dartmouth Healthcare Foundations is pleased to announce the 2019-20 cohort of The Eric Eichler '57 Fellowship for Healthcare Leaders.

Congratulations to these future leaders!

Matthew Fam, D’21
Jamie Fenton, D’20
Michael Huang, D’20
Jessica Kobsa, D’20
Emily Luy Tan, D’20
Veta Mayer, D’21
Kathleen Mulligan, D’21
Namrata Ramakrishna, D’20
Uma  Ramesh, D’20
Ameena Razzaque, D’21
Antonio Vitor Souza, D’21
Honora Verdone, D’20

To learn more about each of these outstanding Dartmouth undergraduates, follow us on Foundations Instagram, follow our blog, and look for more on LinkedIn.    #FellowsFriday