The Visual Glossary is broken down into six sections: External Landscapes , Interiors , Material Culture , Mustang in NYC , People , and Religion and Ritual . Within these sections are various subcategories. Overlap between sections is natural, as the totality of a place and the lives therein cannot be annexed into neat categories. It is our hope that these photographs taken by SRC and her friends over the years can work to better illustrate Mustang, its people, and the connections that lie between them. We recognize that the glossary is nowhere close to extensive, and that there is no substitute for visiting Mustang in person.
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1. External Landscapes
a. Agriculture and Pastoralism
Apples waiting for export
Apple orchard
Private fields in Monthang
Buckwheat flowers
Poplars in early fall
Tshonup fields
Harvest in Drakmar
Women working fields in Drakmar
Rapeseed field
Tractor filled with juniper after road building destruction
Hired grain thresher
Collecting yak wool
Dried cheese, garlic, and juniper
Drying apples
Jersey cow
Local apricots
Local chrysanthymum tea
Local mortar and pestle
Making churpi, dried cheese
Threshing barley on an ulza
Wild thyme and dzimbu
b. Road
Bulldozers and road-building
3rd Gear Road heading toward border
Border consciousness
Crazy road to Mustang pt. 2
Old oil drums – road building
Jomsom circa 2016
Jeeps Tshug (Chuksang)
Border 2018
Border 2018
Border 2019
Crazy road between Samar and Syangbochen 2019
c. Village Views
Mustang village Tshoshar before trees (cred. Macduff Everton)
Tsarang chorten
Mustang village Tangye (cred. Macduff Everton)
Monthang Palace 2016
View of Lo Manthang from Kechar fort (cred. Thomas Kelly)
Mustang village Lubrak (cred. Macduff Everton)
Kathmandu from Swayambhu hills
Darchog for family members on Dzar roof
Monthang from the roof of the palace
Jomsom after the earthquake
Kathmandu mural
Monthang alley
New Monthang doorway
Chode Monastery wall in Monthang
Lubrak village gonpa (cred. Macduff Everton)
New Jomsom monastery
Tsarang monastery
d. Landscapes
Snow leopard
Above Tsele
Nilgiri from the Kali Gandaki valley
A dry part of the Kali Gandaki bed
La, top of a pass
Looking south down Kali Gandaki from Tsele (cred. Macduff Everton)
Ancient poplar
Sacred tree where serpent spirit dwells
Mani Wall (cred. Macduff Everton)
Om Mani Padmi Hum
e. Tourism
Muktinath Valley Hotel
Kag sign
Tourists are not ATMs
Blessing new hotel in Monthang
Yac Donalds
Monthang store
2. Interiors
a. Educational Spaces
Daycare art
Daycare values
Daycare sign
Monthang daycare
Hostel values
Jomsom Hostel Interior
Tsarang nunnery library
Dhaulagiri Boarding School Jomsom
Ghami school kids on a field trip to Mal Dang Rinmo Mani Wall
Ghami Solar School
Inside a local community school
Inside local community school
Inside Pokhara site of Mustang school
Monastic school interior
Pokhara dormitory
Pokhara Mustang school motto
Kunzom at Ghami Solar School
Pema Tsal Pokhara Monastery
Pema Tsal Pokhara Monastery
b. Homes
Phorwa on bottom, teacups on top, stores of grains
Namgyal post-earthquake, new home
Interior of home
Ghami interior
Ghami interior 2
Interior of nomad tent above Monthang, 2019
One of the earthquake tents
Mustang cupboard
Interior in Chung Jung
Personal shrine room (cred. Macduff Everton)
Sa go nam go (earth door sky door) protector at entrance to house
Monthang household ritual
3. Material Culture
Many beer bottles that will be repurposed
Chuba, Kiti, Kaou (cred. Macduff Everton)
Local weaving
Baragaon woman headdress
Locally-made bag
Traditional stove in Monthang
Arak distillery
4. Mustang in NYC
Sherpa Gonpa Jackson Heights
Tsampa in Jackson Heights
Queens Himalayan household shrine
NYTSC identity art
NYTSC identity art
NYTSC identity art
NYTSC Sunday School
Jackson Heights
NYC language and culture class, Buddha made of subway map
NYC language and culture class
Himalayan cultural program
Tenzin Salon
Typical apartment building in NYC
Tibetan-American momo truck in Queens
Mustang to NYC wedding
Mustang to NYC wedding
NYC wedding
5. People
a. Group Photos
2012 Research Team
2014 Research Team
2015 Earthquake Research Team visiting Bhaktapur
2019 Team Photo
b. People of Mustang
A local horseman
All Mustang Soccer Tournament 2012
Kids on the way back to school after the holidays
Grandma and grandchild
Lowland laborer
Mother’s group in Monthang
King circa 1996 (cred. Macduff Everton)
Mustang Queen (cred. Thomas Kelly)
Mustang King (cred. Thomas Kelly)
Namgyal Khenpo on the roof of new monastery
Sadhu on road to Mustang
c. SRC and Friends
SRC with friends at the Muktinath temple consecration 2018
SRC with friends and Dartmouth student 2008
Sienna and Kunzom, Muktinath 2012
6. Religion and Ritual
a. Boudha
Offerings at Boudha
Monk feeding pigeons at Boudha
Boudha Kora (cred. Macduff Everton)
Old men at Boudha
b. Do Gyab
Do Gyab mask
Do Gyab ritual arrows
Do Gyab cham 1
Do Gyab cham 2
c. King Funeral
King funeral pyre (cred. Thomas Kelly)
King funeral ritual (cred. Thomas Kelly)
King funeral (cred. Thomas Kelly)
King funeral, Loba (cred. Thomas Kelly)
d. Wedding
Lo wedding, 2019
Lo wedding caravan, 2019
Lo wedding, 2019
e. Ritual Moments, Ritual Instruments
Shabdrung Rinpochee Wang 2019
Muktinath Buddha statue ritual consecration
New, giant statue, Muktinath
Ngachen and ritual trumpet
Monks at Muktinath ritual consecration 2018
Tiji from roof of palace in Monthang (cred. Macduff Everton)
Ritual conch shell
Lighting butter lamps
Mani wheels
Mani stones