All publications
- Y. Huang, G. Li, T. Bai, Y. Shin, X. Wang, A. I. More, P. Boucher, C. Chandrasekaran, J. Liu, and H. Fang, “Flexible electronic-photonic 3D integration from ultrathin polymer chiplets,” npj Flexible Electronics, 8:61, 2024.
- J. Ryu, Y. Qiang, L. Chen, G. Li, X. Han, E. Woon, T. Bai, Y. Qi, S. Zhang, J. Liou, K. J. Seo, B. Feng, and H. Fang, “Multifunctional Nanomesh Enables Cellular-Resolution, Elastic Neuroelectronics,” Advanced Materials, 2403141, 2024.
- G. Li, D. Jang, Y. Shin, Y. Qiang, Y. Qi, S. Wang, and H. Fang, “Cracking modes and force dynamics in the insertion of neural probes into hydrogel brain phantom,” Journal of Neural Engineering, 21, 046009, 2024.
- Y. Shin, J. Ryu, T. Bai, Y. Qiang, Y. Qi, G. Li, Y. Huang, K. J. Seo, H. Fang, “Array-wide uniform PEDOT:PSS electroplating from potentiostatic deposition,” Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 261, 116418, 2024.
- K. J. Seo, M. Hill, J. Ryu, C.-H. Chiang, I. Rachinskiy, Y. Qiang, M. Trumpis, C. Wang, J. Viventi and H. Fang, “A soft, high-density neuroelectronic array,” npj Flexible Electronics, 7:40, 2023.
- Y. Qi, S.-K. Kang and H. Fang, “Advanced materials for implantable neuroelectronics,” MRS Bulletin, 48, 475–483, 2023. (cover article)
- J. Ryu, Y. Qiang, D. Jang, J. Suh and H. Fang, “Bilayer-Nanomesh Transparent Neuroelectrodes on 10μm-Thick PDMS,” IEEE IEDM, 2022.
- G. Shull, T. Jochum, K. J. Seo, Y. Shin, J. Morizio, H. Fang and J. Viventi, “Design and Simulation of a Low Power 384-channel Actively Multiplexed Neural Interface,” IEEE BioCAS, 477-481, 2022.
- N. Bhattacharjee, K. Mahalingam, A. Fedorko, A. Will-Cole, J. Ryu, M. Page, M. McConney, H. Fang, D. Heiman and N. Sun, “Effects of Crystalline Disorder on Interfacial and Magnetic Properties of Sputtered Topological Insulator/Ferromagnet Heterostructures,” ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 4, 9, 4288–4297, 2022.
- H. Fang and X. Yu, “Special Section Guest Editorial: Hybrid Photonic/X Neurointerfaces,” Neurophotonics, 9(3), 032201, 2022.
- Y. Qiang, W. Gu, Z. Liu, S. Liang, J. Ryu, K. J. Seo, W. Liu and H. Fang, “Crosstalk in Polymer Microelectrode Arrays,” Nano Research, 14, 3240–3247, 2021. (Nano Research Award Special Issue 2021)
- Z. Ramezani, K. J. Seo and H. Fang, “Hybrid Electrical and Optical Neural Interfaces,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 31, 044002, 2021.
- S. Vinnikova, H. Fang and S. Wang, “Mechanics of Regular-Shape Nanomeshes for Transparent and Stretchable Devices,” Journal of Applied Mechanics, 87(10): 101010, 2020.
- C.-H. Chiang, S.M. Won, A.L. Orsborn, K. J. Yu, M. Trumpis, B. Bent, C. Wang, Y. Xue, S. Min, V. Woods, C. Yu, B.H. Kim, S.B. Kim, R. Huq, J. Li, K.J. Seo, F. Vitale, A. Richardson, H. Fang, Y. Huang, K. Shepard, B. Pesaran, J.A. Rogers and J. Viventi, “Development of a Neural Interface for High-Definition, Long-Term Recording in Rodents and Non-Human Primates,” Science Translational Medicine, 12 eaay4682, 2020.
- Y. Mei, W. Gao, H. Fang, Y. Lin and G. Shen, “Preface to the Special Issue on Flexible Materials and Structures for Bioengineering, Sensing, and Energy Applications,” Journal of Semiconductors, 41(4), 040101, 2020.
- P.-M. Wang, S. Culaclii, K. J. Seo, Y. Wang, H. Fang, Y.-K. Lo, and W. Liu, “Challenges in the Design of Large-Scale, High-Density, Wireless Stimulation and Recording Interface,” Interfacing Bioelectronics with Clinical Investigation, New York: Springer, Cham, pp 1-28, 2020.
- Y. Qiang, A. Ren, X. Zhang, P. Patel, X. Han, K. J. Seo, Z. Shi, Y. Wang, and H. Fang, “Design of Atomically-Thin-Body Field-Effect Sensors and Pattern Recognition Neural Networks for Ultra-Sensitive and Intelligent Trace Explosive Detection,” 2D Materials, 6, 044002, 2019.
- E. Song, C.-H. Chiang, R. Li, X. Jin, J. Zhao, M. Hill, Y. Xia , L. Li, Y. Huang, S. M. Won, K. J. Yu, X. Sheng, H. Fang, M. A. Alam, Y. Huang, J. Viventi, J.-K. Chang, and J. A. Rogers, “Flexible electronic/optoelectronic microsystems with scalable designs for chronic biointegration,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116, 15398-15406, 2019.
- X. Han†, K. J. Seo†, Y. Qiang, Z. Li, S. Vinnikova, Y. Zhong, X. Zhao, P. Hao, S. Wang, and H. Fang, “Nanomeshed Si Nanomembranes,” npj Flexible Electronics, 3:9, 2019.
- K. J. Seo†, P. Artoni†, Y. Qiang, Y. Zhong, X. Han, Z. Shi, W. Yao, M. Fagiolini, and H. Fang, “Transparent, Flexible, Penetrating Microelectrode Arrays with Capabilities of Single Unit Electrophysiology,” Advanced Biosystems, 1800276, 2019. (cover article)
- G. Rong, E. Kim, Y. Qiang, W. Di, Y. Zhong, X. Zhao, H. Fang, and H. Clark, “Imaging sodium flux during action potentials in neurons with fluorescent nanosensors and transparent microelectrodes,” ACS Sensors, 3, 2499–2505, 2018. (cover article)
- E. Song, R. Li, X. Jin, H. Du, Y. Huang, J. Zhang, Y. Xia, H. Fang, Y. K. Lee, K. J. Yu, Y. Mei, M. A. Alam, Y. Huang, and J. A. Rogers. “Ultra-thin Trilayer Assemblies as Long-Lived Barriers Against Water and Ion Penetration in Flexible Bioelectronic Implants,” ACS Nano,12, 10317–10326, 2018.
- Y. Qiang†, P. Artoni†, K. J. Seo†, S. Culaclii, V. Hogan, X. Zhao, Y. Zhong, X. Han, P.-M. Wang, Y.-K. Lo, Y. Li, H. A. Patel, Y. Huang, A. Sambangi, J. S. V. Chu, W. Liu, M. Fagiolini, and H. Fang, “Transparent Arrays of Bilayer-Nanomesh Microelectrodes for Simultaneous Electrophysiology and 2-Photon Imaging in the Brain,” Science Advances, 4, eaat0626, 2018.
- K. J. Seo†, X. Han†, Y. Qiang, X. Zhao, Y. Zhong, Z. Shi, and H. Fang, “Wafer-scale, Stretchable Nanomeshes from an Ultrathin-Support-Layer Assisted Transfer,” Applied Physics Letters, 112, 263101, 2018.
- G. Conti, S. Nemšák, C.-T. Kuo, M. Gehlmann, C. Conlon, A. Keqi, A. Rattanachata, O. Karslıoğlu, J. Mueller, J. Sethian, H. Bluhm, J. E. Rault, J. P. Rueff, H. Fang, A. Javey, and C. S. Fadley, “Characterization of free standing InAs quantum membranes by standing wave hard x-ray photoemission spectroscopy,” APL Materials, 6, 058101, 2018.
- Y. Qiang†, K. J. Seo†, X. Zhao, P. Artoni, N. Golshan, S. Culaclii, P.-M. Wang, W. Liu, K. S. Ziemer, M. Fagiolini, and H. Fang, “Bilayer Nanomesh Structures for Transparent Recording and Stimulating Microelectrodes,” Advanced Functional Materials, 1704117, 2017.
- K.J. Seo†, Y. Qiang†, I. Bilgin, S. Kar, C. Vinegoni, R. Weissleder, and H. Fang, “Transparent Electrophysiology Microelectrodes and Interconnects from Metal Nanomesh,” ACS Nano, 11, 4365–4372, 2017.
- H. Fang, K.J. Yu, C. Gloschat, Z. Yang, E. Song, C.-H. Chiang, J. Zhao, S.M. Won, S. Xu, M. Trumpis, Y. Zhong, S.W. Han, Y. Xue, D. Xu, S.W. Choi, G. Cauwenberghs, M. Kay, Y. Huang, J. Viventi, I.R. Efimov, and J.A. Rogers, “Capacitively Coupled Arrays of Multiplexed Flexible Silicon Transistors for Long-Term Cardiac Electrophysiology,” Nature Biomedical Engineering, 1, 0038, 2017. (highlighted article)
- J-K Chang†, H. Fang†, C.A. Bower, E. Song, X. Yu, and J.A. Rogers, “Materials and processing approaches for foundry-compatible transient electronics,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(28), E5522-E5529, 2017.
- E. Song, Y.K. Lee, R. Li, J. Li, X. Jin, K. J. Yu, Z. Xie, H. Fang, Y. Zhong, H. Du, J. Zhang, G. Fang, Y. Kim, Y. Yoon, M.A. Alam, Y. Mei, Y. Huang, and J.A. Rogers, “Transferred, Ultrathin Oxide Bilayers as Biofluid Barriers for Flexible Electronic Implants,” Advanced Functional Materials, 1702284, 2017.
- X. Jin, C. Jiang, E. Song, H. Fang, J. A. Rogers, and M. A. Alam, “Stability of MOSFET-Based Electronic Components in Wearable and Implantable Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 64, 3443-3451, 2017.
- E. Song†, H. Fang†, X. Jin, J. Zhao, C. Jiang, K. J. Yu, Y. Zhong, D. Xu, J. Li, G. Fang, H. Du, J. Zhang, J. M. Park, Y. Huang, M. A. Alam, Y. Mei, and J. A. Rogers, “Thin, Transferred Layers of Silicon Dioxide and Silicon Nitride as Water and Ion Barriers for Implantable Flexible Electronic Systems,” Advanced Electronic Materials, 1700077, 2017.
- X. Li, L. Tao, Z. Chen, H. Fang, X. Li, X. Wang, J.-B. Xu, and H. Zhu, “Graphene and related two-dimensional materials: Structure-property relationships for electronics and optoelectronics,” Applied Physics Reviews, 4, 021306 2017.
- H. Fang, J. Zhao, K. Yu, E. Song, A.B. Farimani, C.H. Chiang, X. Jin, Y. Xue, D. Xu, W. Du, K.J. Seo, Y. Zhong, Z. Yang, S. Won, G. Fang, S.W. Choi, S. Chaudhuri, Y. Huang, M. Ashraful Alam, J. Viventi, N.R. Aluru, and J.A. Rogers, “Ultra-thin, Transferred Layers of Thermally Grown Silicon Dioxide as Biofluid Barriers for Bio-Integrated Flexible Electronic Systems,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113, 11682-11687, 2016.
- K.J. Yu, D. Kuzum, S.-W. Hwang, B.H. Kim, H. Juul, N.H. Kim, S.M. Won, K. Chiang, M. Trumpis, A.G. Richardson, H. Cheng, H. Fang, M. Thompson, H. Bink, D. Talos, K.J. Seo, H.N. Lee, S.-K. Kang, J.-H. Kim, J.Y. Lee, Y. Huang, F.E. Jensen, M.A. Dichter, T.H. Lucas, J. Viventi, B. Litt, and J.A. Rogers, “Bioresorbable Silicon Electronics for Transient Spatiotemporal Mapping of Electrical Activity from the Cerebral Cortex,” Nature Materials, 15, 782-791, 2016.
- L. Gao, Y. Zhang, H. Zhang, S. Doshay, X. Xie, H. Luo, D. Shah, Y. Shi, S. Xu, H. Fang, J.A. Fan, P. Nordlander, Y. Huang, and J.A. Rogers, “Optics and Nonlinear Buckling Mechanics in Large-Area, Highly Stretchable Arrays of Plasmonic Nanostructures,” ACS Nano, 9(6), 5968-5975, 2015.
- T. Roy, M. Tosun, X. Cao, H. Fang, D.-H. Lien, P. Zhao, Y.-Z. Chen, Y.-L. Chueh, J. Guo, and A. Javey, “Dual-Gated MoS2/WSe2 van der Waals Tunnel Diodes and Transistors,” ACS Nano, 9(2), 2071–2079, 2015.
- P. Zhao, S. Desai, M. Tosun, T. Roy, H. Fang, A. Sachid, M. Amani, C. Hu, and A. Javey, “2D Layered Materials: From Materials Properties to Device Applications,” IEEE IEDM, 27.3.1 – 27.3.4, 2015.
- H. Fang, C. Battaglia, C. Carraro, S. Nemsak, B. Ozdol, J.S. Kang, H.A. Bechtel, S.B. Desai, F. Kronast, A.A. Unal, G. Conti, C. Conlon, G.K. Palsson, M.C. Martin, A.M. Minor, C.S. Fadley, E. Yablonovitch, R. Maboudian, and A. Javey, “Strong interlayer coupling in van der Waals heterostructures built from single-layer chalcogenides,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111 (17), 6198-6202, 2014.
- S.B. Desai, G. Seol, J.S. Kang, H. Fang, C. Battaglia, R. Kapadia, J.W. Ager, J. Guo, and A. Javey, “Strain-Induced Indirect to Direct Bandgap Transition in Multilayer WSe2 ,” Nano Letters, 14 (8), 4592–4597, 2014.
- M. Tosun, S. Chuang, H. Fang, A.B. Sachid, M. Hettick, Y. Lin, Y. Zeng, and A. Javey, “High Gain Inverters Based on WSe2Complementary Field-Effect Transistors,” ACS Nano, 8(5), 4948–4953, 2014.
- S. Chuang, C. Battaglia, A. Azcatl, S. McDonnell, J.S. Kang, X. Yin, M. Tosun, R. Kapadia, H. Fang, R.M. Wallace, and A. Javey, “MoS2 P-type Transistors and Diodes Enabled by High Workfunction MoOx Contacts,” Nano Letters, 14 (3), 1337–1342, 2014.
- H. Fang, H.A. Bechtel, E. Plis, M.C. Martin, S. Krishna, E. Yablonovitch, and A. Javey, “Quantum of Optical Absorption in Two-Dimensional Semiconductors,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110, 11688-11691, 2013.
- H. Fang, M. Tosun, G. Seol, T-C. Chang, K. Takei, J. Guo, and A. Javey, “Degenerate n-Doping of Few-Layer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides by Potassium,” Nano Letters, 13, 1991-1995, 2013.
- S. Chuang, R. Kapadia, H. Fang, T.C. Chang, W.-C. Yen, Y.-L. Chueh, and A. Javey, “Near-ideal electrical properties of InAs/WSe2van der Waals heterojunction diodes,” Applied Physics Letters, 102, 242101, 2013. (cover article)
- K. Takei, R. Kapadia, H. Fang, E. Plis, S. Krishna, and A. Javey, “High quality interfaces of InAs-on-insulator field-effect transistors with ZrO2 gate dielectrics,” Applied Physics Letters, 102, 153513, 2013.
- H. Fang, S. Chuang, T.C. Chang, K. Takei, T. Takahashi, and A. Javey, “High-Performance Single Layered WSe2 p-FETs with Chemically Doped Contacts,” Nano Letters, 12, 3788-3792, 2012.
- J. Nah†, H. Fang†, C. Wang, K. Takei, M.H. Lee, E. Plis, S. Krishna, and A. Javey, “III–V Complementary Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Electronics on Silicon Substrates,” Nano Letters, 12, 3592-3595, 2012.
- H.Fang, S.Chuang, K.Takei, H.S.Kim, E.Plis, C.-H.Liu, S.Krishna, Y.-L.Chueh, and A. Javey, “Ultrathin-Body, High-Mobility InAsSb-on-Insulator Field-Effect Transistors,” IEEE EDL, 33(4), 504-506, 2012.
- C. Wang, J.-C. Chien, H. Fang, K. Takei, J. Nah, E. Plis, S. Krishna, A.M. Niknejad, and A. Javey. “Self-Aligned, Extremely High Frequency III–V Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors on Rigid and Flexible Substrates,” Nano Letters, 12, 4140-4145, 2012.
- J. Nah, S.B. Kumar, H. Fang, Y.-Z. Chen, E. Plis, Y.-L. Chueh, S. Krishna, J. Guo, and A. Javey, “Quantum Size Effects on the Chemical Sensing Performance of Two-Dimensional Semiconductors,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116, 9750–9754, 2012.
- K. Takei, M. Madsen, H. Fang, R. Kapadia, S. Chuang, H.S. Kim, C.-H. Liu, E. Plis, J. Nah, S. Krishna, Y.-L. Chueh, J. Guo, and A. Javey, “Nanoscale InGaSb heterostructure membranes on Si substrates for high hole mobility transistors,” Nano Letters, 12, 2060-2066, 2012.
- K. Takei†, H. Fang†, S.B. Kumar†, R. Kapadia, Q. Gao, M. Madsen, H.S. Kim, C.-H. Liu, Y.-L. Chueh, E. Plis, S. Krishna, H.A. Bechtel, J. Guo, and A. Javey.”Quantum Confinement Effects in Nanoscale-Thickness InAs Membranes,” Nano Letters, 11, 5008–5012, 2011.
- H. Fang, M. Madsen, C. Carraro, K. Takei, H.S. Kim, E. Plis, S.-Y. Chen, S. Krishna, Y.-L. Chueh, R. Maboudian, and A. Javey, “Strain engineering of epitaxially transferred, ultrathin layers of III-V semiconductor on insulator,” Applied Physics Letters, 98, 012111, 2011.
- M. Madsen, K. Takei, R. Kapadia, H. Fang, H. Ko, T. Takahashi, A.C. Ford, M.H. Lee, and A. Javey, “Nanoscale Semiconductor “X” on Substrate “Y” – Processes, Devices and Applications,” Advanced Materials, 23, 3115–3127, 2011.
- K. Takei, S. Chuang, H. Fang, R. Kapadia, C.-H. Liu, J. Nah, H.S. Kim, E. Plis, S. Krishna, Y.-L. Chueh, and A. Javey, “Benchmarking the performance of ultrathin body InAs-on-insulator transistors as a function of body thickness,” Applied Physics Letters, 99, 103507, 2011.
- B. Cheng, H. Fang, J. Lan, Y. Liu, Y.-H. Lin, and C.-W. Nan, “Thermoelectric Performance of Zn and Ge Co-Doped In2O3 Fine-Grained Ceramics by the Spark Plasma Sintering,” Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 94 (8), 2279–2281, 2011.
- H. Ko, K. Takei, R. Kapadia, S. Chuang, H. Fang, P.W. Leu, K. Ganapathi, E. Plis, H.S. Kim, S.-Y. Chen, M. Madsen, A.C. Ford, Y.-L. Chueh, S. Krishna, S. Salahuddin, and A. Javey, “Ultrathin compound semiconductor on insulator layers for high performance nanoscale transistors,” Nature, 468, 286–289, 2010.
- O. Ergen, D.J. Ruebusch, H. Fang, A.A. Rathore, R. Kapadia, Z. Fan, K. Takei, A. Jamshidi, M. Wu, and A. Javey, “Shape-Controlled Synthesis of Single-Crystalline Nanopillar Arrays by Template-Assisted Vapor-Liquid-Solid Process,” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132 (40), 13972–13974, 2010.
- M. Zheng, K. Takei, B. Hsia, H. Fang, X. Zhang, N. Ferralis, H. Ko, Y.-L. Chueh, Y. Zhang, R. Maboudian, and A. Javey, “Metal-Catalyzed Crystallization of Amorphous Carbon to Graphene,” Applied Physics Letters, 96, 063110, 2010.
- J. Lan, Y.H. Lin, H. Fang, A. Mei, C.W. Nan, Y. Liu, S. Xu, and M. Peters, “High‐Temperature Thermoelectric Behaviors of Fine‐Grained Gd‐Doped CaMnO3 Ceramics,” Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 93(8), 2121-2124, 2010.
† denotes equal contributions.
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