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Freidberg, S. 2020. Unable to determine: Limits to metrical governance in agricultural supply chains. Science, Technology and Human Values, 45, 4, 738-760.
Freidberg, S. 2020. Assembled but unrehearsed: Corporate food power and the ‘dance’ of supply chain sustainability. Journal of Peasant Studies, 47, 2, 383-400.
Freidberg, S. 2017. Trading in the secretive commodity. Economy and Society, 46, 499-521.
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Freidberg, S. 2004. The ethical complex of corporate food power. Society and Space, 22, 4, 513-31.
Freidberg, S. 2003. French beans for the masses: a modern historical geography of food in Burkina Faso. Journal of Historical Geography 29, 3, 445-62 (Reprinted 2004, J. Watson and M. Caldwell, Eds., The Cultural Politics of Food and Eating. Blackwell).
Freidberg, S. 2003. Cleaning up down South: supermarkets, ethical trade, and African horticulture. Social and Cultural Geography 4, 1, 27-43.
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Freidberg, S. 2001. To garden, to market: gendered meanings of work on an African urban periphery. Gender, Place and Culture, 8, 1, 5-24.
Freidberg, S. 2001. Gardening on the edge: The social conditions of unsustainability on an African urban periphery. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 91, 2, 349-69.
Freidberg, S. 1997. Contacts, contracts and green bean schemes: liberalisation and agro-entrepreneurship in contemporary Burkina Faso. Journal of Modern African Studies, 35, 1, 101-28.
Freidberg, S. 1997. Tradeswomen and businessmen: the social relations of contract gardening in southwestern Burkina Faso. Journal of African Rural and Urban Studies, 3, 3.