We are looking for 2 page position statements or research summaries that the organizers will select for presentations as short 5 minute presentations, grouping related submissions into sessions. Our goal is not to have a paper style of workshop but more open and directed discussion around key challenges — we aim for interaction. We are interested in short position or research papers on the following topics (not an exhaustive list):
- AI@Work
- Mobile@Work
- IOT/mobile sensing
- Technology to augment human performance in the workplace
- Social media in the workplace
- Technology for worker interaction
- Augmented reality and work
- Workers’ privacy and risk assessment of new technologies @Work
- The impact of blurring the boundary between work and home
- Health@Work
- Automation and robotics in the workplace
- Performance@Work
- Voice assistants
- Predictive analytics
- Wearables and new devices in the workplace
- Study experiences
Submissions can be made through: PCS
- Please select “SIGCHI” as Society, “UbiComp / ISWC 2020” as Conference / Journal and “Ubicomp 2020 / ISWC Workshop: Future Technology @ Work” as the track in the submission page.
- In the submission page, please enter the title, authors, and abstract of the paper, and upload your workshop paper, and any supplemental files.
- It will have to use the same ACM template detailed in the template information page.
Deadlines for submission are as follows:
- Submission deadline: June 19, 2020
- Notification date: July 3, 2020
- Camera-ready deadline for workshop description (ACM DL): July 17, 2020
- Camera-ready deadline for workshop papers (ACM DL): July 17, 2020
For more information, please visit Ubicomp 2020 Workshops Page.