
Built around a key framework of sustainability in nanotechnology, our group is focused on understanding, utilizing, and leveraging the benefits of nanoscale materials to break away from traditional engineering limitations and expand the advanced nanostructural materials spaces. We are tackling these problems by combining the opportunities for spatial and multi-material control in nanoscale AM with nanomechanical understanding of device-relevant and mulit-axial stress states. In addition to harnessing size effects in 3D printed nano-devices, we also investigate self-organized nanostructural materials and methods for scaling nanostructural spatial design to macroscale technologies.

The Gallivan Group is also very interested in understand the frontiers of complex nanostructures and multi-mechanism interactions. We are always looking for collaborators or enthusiastic students interested in integrating ML and Computer Vision techniques to develop better methods for microstructural characterization and nanomechanical analysis.

Research Areas

Additive Manufacturing

Micro- and nano-scale materials processing using 3D printing

TEM image of nanoporous silver structure made by dealloying 3D printed copper silver materials

Functional Nanostructures

Design of nanoscale features in materials and structure for new and advanced devices

SEM image of nanocrystalline zinc oxide after failure. Structure around one micron.


Fundamentals of nanoscale mechanical phenomena for enhanced performance

Enhanced Characterization

From integration of Machine Learning tools to correlative techniques and new methods