Furlon, Jacob M., et al. "Bioinformatics‐driven discovery of novel Clostridioides difficile lysins and experimental comparison with highly active benchmarks." Biotechnology and Bioengineering 118.7 (2021): 2482-2492.
Blumenthal, Ian, et al. "Nonclassical antagonism between human lysozyme and AMPs against Pseudomonas aeruginosa." FEBS open bio 11.3 (2021): 705-713.
Zhao, Hongliang, et al. "Electrostatic-Mediated Affinity Tuning of Lysostaphin Accelerates Bacterial Lysis Kinetics and Enhances In Vivo Efficacy." Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 65.4 (2021): e02199-20.
Fang Y, Kirsch JR†, Heim S†, Tamm C†, Li L, Xiong YQ, Cheng H, Brooks SA, Eszterhas SK, Zhao H, Griswold KE. Deimmunized Lysostaphin Synergizes with Small-molecule Chemotherapies and Re-sensitizes MRSA to β-Lactam Antibiotics. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (2020), Accepted
Choi Y, Jeong S, Choi J-M, Ndong C, Griswold KE, Bailey-Kellogg C, Kim H-S. Computer-guided Binding Mode Identification and Affinity Improvement of an LRR Protein Binder without Structure Determination. PLoS Computational Biology (2020), 16(8):e1008150
Zhao Hǂ, Brooks SAǂ, Eszterhas SK, Heim S†, Li L, Xiong YQ, Fang Y, Kirsch JR†, Verma D, Bailey-Kellogg C, Griswold KE. Globally deimmunized lysostaphin evades human immune surveillance and enables highly efficacious repeat dosing. Science Advances (2020), 6(36): eabb9011
Lai J., Eszterhas SK, Brooks SA, Guo C†, Zolla-Pazner S, Seaman MS, Bailey-Kellogg C, Griswold KE, Ackerman ME. Induction of cross-reactive HIV-1 specific antibody responses by engineered V1V2 immunogens with reduced conformational plasticity. Vaccine (2020), 38(18):3436-3446.
Laura Bricio-Moreno, Victoria H Sheridan, Ian Goodhead, Stuart Armstrong, Janet KL Wong, Elaine M Waters, Joscelyn Sarsby, Stavros Panagiotou, James Dunn, Adrita Chakraborty, Yongliang Fang, Karl E Griswold, Craig Winstanley, Joanne L Fothergill, Aras Kadioglu, Daniel R Neill "Evolutionary trade-offs associated with loss of PmrB function in host-adapted Pseudomonas aeruginosa." Nature communications 9.1 (2018): 2635. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29980663/]
Y Choi, JM Furlon, RB Amos, KE Griswold, C Bailey-Kellogg. "DisruPPI: structure-based computational redesign algorithm for protein binding disruption." Bioinformatics 34.13 (2018): i245-i253. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29949961]
Y Fang, TH Chu, ME Ackerman, KE Griswold. "Going native: Direct high throughput screening of secreted full-length IgG antibodies against cell membrane proteins." MAbs. Vol. 9. No. 8. Taylor & Francis, 2017. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28933630]
Regina S. Salvat, Deeptak Verma, Andrew S. Parker, Jack R. Kirsch, Seth A. Brooks, Chris Bailey-Kellogg, and Karl E. Griswold."Computationally optimized deimmunization libraries yield highly mutated enzymes with low immunogenicity and enhanced activity." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114.26 (2017): E5085-E5093. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28607051]
BW Ficko, C NDong, P Giacometti, KE Griswold, SG Diamond. "A feasibility study of nonlinear spectroscopic measurement of magnetic nanoparticles targeted to cancer cells." IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 64.5 (2017): 972-979. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27352362]
Y Choi, D Verma, KE Griswold, C Bailey-Kellogg. "EpiSweep: Computationally driven reengineering of therapeutic proteins to reduce immunogenicity while maintaining function." Computational Protein Design. Humana Press, New York, NY, 2017. 375-398. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27914063]
Griswold K.E. and Bailey-Kellogg C. Design and Engineering of Deimmunized Biotherapeutics. Current Opinion in Structural Biology (2016), 39: 79-88 [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27322891]
Ficko B., NDong C., Giacometti P., Griswold K.E., Diamond S. A feasibility study of nonlinear spectroscopic measurement of magnetic nanoparticles targeted to cancer cells. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (2016) [In Press]: DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2016.2584241 [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27352362]
Choi Y., Ndong C., Griswold K.E., Bailey-Kellogg C. Computationally-Driven Antibody Engineering Enables Simultaneous Humanization and Thermostabilization. Protein Engineering Design and Selection (2016) [In Press]: DOI: 10.1093/protein/gzw024 [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27334453]
Zhu Y., Kekalo K., NDong C., Huang Y., Shubitidze F., Griswold K.E., Baker I., Zhang X.J. Magnetic-Nanoparticle-Based Immunoassays-on-Chip: Materials Synthesis, Surface Functionalization, and Cancer Cell Screening. Advanced Functional Materials (2016), 26 : 3953-3972 [http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/adfm.201504176/abstract]
Funaro M.G., Nemani K.V., Chen Z., Bhujwalla Z.M., Griswold K.E., Gimi B. Effect of alginate microencapsulation on the catalytic efficiency and in vitro enzyme-prodrug therapeutic efficacy of cytosine deaminase and of recombinant E. coli expressing cytosine deaminase. Journal ofMicroencapsulation (2016), 33(1): 64-70 [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26642874]
Zhao H., Verma D., Li W., Choi Y., Ndong C., Fiering S.N., Bailey-Kellogg C., Griswold K.E. Depletion of T cell epitopes in lysostaphin mitigates anti-drug antibody response and enhances antibacterial efficacy in vivo. Chemistry and Biology (2015), 22(5): 629-639 [Pubmed]
Blazanovic† K., Zhao H., Choi Y., Li W., Salvat R.S., Osipovitch D.C., Fields J., Moise L., Berwin B.L., Fiering S.N., Bailey-Kellogg C., Griswold K.E. Structure-based Redesign of Lysostaphin Yields Potent Anti-Staphylococcal Enzymes that Evade Immune Cell Surveillance. Molecular Therapy – Methods and Clinical Development (2015), 2: 15021 [Pubmed]
Baker I., Fiering S.N., Griswold K.E., Hoopes P.J., Kekalo K., Ndong C., Paulsen K., Petryk A.A., Pogue B., Shubitidze F., Weaver J. The Dartmouth Center for Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence: magnetic hyperthermia. Nanomedicine (2015), 10(11): 1685-1692 [Pubmed]
Nemani K.V., Ennis† R.C., Griswold K.E., Gimi B. Magnetic nanoparticle hyperthermia induced cytosine deaminase expression in microencapsulated E. coli for enzyme-prodrug therapy. Journal of Biotechnology (2015), 203: 32-40 [Pubmed]
NDong C., Toraya-Brown S., Kekalo K., Baker I., Gerngross T.U., Fiering S.N., Griswold K.E. Antibody-mediated targeting of iron oxide nanoparticles to the Folate receptor alpha increases tumor cell association in vitro and in vivo. International Journal of Nanomedicine (2015), 10: 2595–2617 [Dove Press]
Osipovitch D.C., Therrien† S., Griswold K.E. Discovery of novel s. aureus autolysins and molecular engineering to enhance bacteriolytic activity. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (2015), (2015), 99(15): 6315-6326 [Pubmed]
SalvatÇ‚ R.S., ChoiÇ‚ Y., Bishop† A., Bailey-Kellogg C., Griswold K.E. Protein deimmunization via structure-based design enables efficient epitope deletion at high mutational loads. Biotechnology & Bioengineering (2015), 112(7): 1306-1318 [Pubmed]
Osipovitch, D.C. and Griswold, K.E. Fusion with a cell wall binding domain renders autolysin LytM a potent anti-Staphylococcus aureus agent. FEMS Microbiology Letters (2015), 362(2): 1–7 [Pubmed]
NDong C., Tate J.A., Kett W.C., Batra† J., Demidenko E., Lewis L.D., Hoopes P.J., Gerngross T.U., Griswold K.E. Tumor cell targeting by iron oxide nanoparticles is dominated by different factors in vitro versus in vivo. PLoS One (2015), 10(2): e0115636 [Pubmed]
Salvat R.S., Parker A.S., Choi Y., Bailey-Kellogg C., Griswold K.E. Mapping the pareto optimal design space for a functionally deimmunized biotherapeutic candidate. PLoS Computational Biology (2015), 11(1): e1003988 [Pubmed]
Salvat R.S., Parker A.S., Guilliams† A., Choi Y., Bailey-Kellogg C., Griswold K.E. Computationally Driven Deletion of Broadly Distributed T cell Epitopes in a Biotherapeutic Candidate. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (2014), 71(24): 4869–4880 [Pubmed]
Zhao H., Blazanovic† K., Choi Y., Bailey-Kellogg C., Griswold K.E. Gene and protein sequence optimization for high level production of fully active and aglycosylated lysostaphin in Pichia pastoris. Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2014), 80(9): 2746–2753 [Pubmed]
Salvat R, Moise L, Bailey-Kellogg C, Griswold KE (2014) A High Throughput MHC II Binding Assay for Quantitative Analysis of Peptide Epitopes. Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE (85). doi:10.3791/51308 [Pubmed]
Scanlon T.C., Dostal S.M., Griswold K.E. A High Throughput Screen for Antibiotic Drug Discovery. Biotechnology & Bioengineering (2014), 111(2): 232-243 [Pubmed]
Teneback C.C., Scanlon T.C., Wargo M..J, Bement J.L., Griswold K.E., Leclair L.W. Bioengineered lysozyme reduces bacterial burden and inflammation in a murine model of mucoid Pseudomonas aeruginosa lung infection. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (2013), 57(11), pp. 5559-5564 [Pubmed]
Lamppa J.W., Tanyos S.A., Griswold K.E. Engineering Escherichia coli for Soluble Expression and Single Step Purification of Active Human Lysozyme. Journal ofBiotechnology (2013), 164, pp. 1-8 [Pubmed]
Choi Y., Griswold K.E., Bailey-Kellogg C. Structure-based Redesign of Proteins for Minimal T cell Epitope Content. Journal of Computational Chemistry (2013), 34(10), pp. 879-891 [Pubmed]
Lamppa J.W. and Griswold K.E. Alginate Lyase Exhibits Catalysis-Independent Biofilm Dispersion and Antibiotic Synergy. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (2013), 57(1), pp. 137-145 [Pubmed]
Parker A.S., Choi Y.J., Griswold K.E., Bailey-Kellogg C. Structure-Guided Deimmunization of Therapeutic Proteins. Journal of Computational Biology (2013), 20(2), pp. 152-165 [Pubmed]
Osipovitch D.C., Parker A.S., Makokha C.D., Desrosiers J., Kett W.C., Moise L., Bailey-Kellogg C., Griswold K.E. Design and Analysis of Immune-Evading Enzymes for ADEPT Therapy. Protein Engineering, Design & Selection (2012), 25(10), pp. 613-624 [Pubmed]
Parker, A.S., Griswold, K.E., Bailey-Kellogg, C. Optimization of combinatorial mutagenesis. Journal of Computational Biology (2011), 18(11), pp. 1-14 [Pubmed]
Parker, A.S., Griswold, K.E., Bailey-Kellogg, C. Optimization of Therapeutic Proteins to Delete T-Cell Epitopes While Maintaining Beneficial Residue Interactions. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (2011), 9(2), pp. 207-229 [Pubmed]
Lamppa, J.W., Ackerman, M.E., Lai, J.I., Scanlon, T.C., Griswold, K.E. Genetically Engineered Alginate Lyase-PEG Conjugates Exhibit Enhanced Catalytic Function and Reduced Immunoreactivity. PLoS One (2011), 6(2): e17042 [Pubmed]
Gill, A., Scanlon, T.C., Osipovitch, D.C., Madden, D.R., Griswold, K.E. Crystal structure of a charge engineered human lysozyme having enhanced bactericidal activity. PLoS One (2011), 6(3): e16788 [Pubmed]
Scanlon, T.C., Teneback, C.C., Gill, A., Bement, J.L., Lamppa, J.W., Weiner, J.A., Leclair, L.W., Griswold, K.E. Enhanced antimicrobial activity of engineered human lysozyme. ACS Chemical Biology (2010), 5(9), pp. 809-818. [Pubmed]
Parker, A.S., Zheng, W., Griswold, K.E., Bailey-Kellogg, C. Optimization algorithms for functional deimmunization of therapeutic proteins. BMC Bioinformatics (2010), 11(1), 180. [Pubmed]
Zheng, W., Griswold, K.E., Bailey-Kellogg, C. Protein fragment swapping: A method for asymmetric, selective site-directed recombination. Journal of Computational Biology (2010), 17(3), pp. 459-475. [Pubmed]
Scanlon, T.C., Jewell, H.L., Gray, E.C., Griswold, K.E. The Monoclonal Myth: addenda to Quantifying and resolving multiple vector transformants in S. cerevisiae plasmid libraries. Bioengineered Bugs, (2010), 1(3), pp. 1-4. [Bioengineered Bugs]
Scanlon*, T.C., Gray*†, E.C., Griswold, K.E. Quantifying and Resolving Multiple Vector Transformants in S. cerevisiae Plasmid Libraries. BMC Biotechnology (2009), 9(1), 95. [Pubmed]
Zheng, W., Griswold, K.E., Bailey-Kellogg, C. Protein fragment swapping: A method for asymmetric, selective site-directed recombination. Proceedings of the 13th Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology (2009) pp. 321-338. [Link]
Griswold, K.E., Aiyappan, N.S., Iverson, B.L., Georgiou, G. The Evolution of Catalytic Efficiency and Substrate Promiscuity in Human Theta Class 1-1 Glutathione Transferase. Journal of Molecular Biology (2006), 364(3), 400-10. [Pubmed]
Griswold, K.E., Kawarasaki, Y., Ghoneim, N., Benkovic, S.J., Iverson, B.L., Georgiou, G. Evolution of highly active enzymes by homology-independent recombination. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA (2005), 102(29), 10082-7. [Pubmed]
Levy, M., Griswold, K.E., Ellington, A.D. Direct selection of trans-acting ligase ribozymes by in-vitro compartmentalization. RNA (2005), 11(10):1555-62. [Pubmed]
Kawarasaki, Y., Griswold, K.E., Stevenson, J.D., Selzer, T., Benkovic, S.J., Iverson, B.L., Georgiou, G. Enhanced crossover SCRATCHY: construction and high-throughput screening of a combinatorial library containing multiple non-homologous crossovers. Nucleic Acids Research(2003), 31(21), e126/1-e126/8. [Pubmed]
Griswold, K.E., Mahmood, N.A., Iverson, B.L., Georgiou, G. Effects of codon usage versus putative 5'-mRNA structure on the expression of Fusarium solani cutinase in the Escherichia coli cytoplasm. Protein Expression and Purification (2003), 27(1), 134-42. [Pubmed]
Griswold, K.E. pH sensing agar plate assays for esterolytic enzyme activity. Methods in Molecular Biology (Totowa, NJ, United States) (2003), 230, 203-11. [Pubmed]
Book Chapters
Georgiou, G., Harvey, B.R., Griswold, K.E., Iverson, B.L. (2005). Applications of Flow Cytometry in Protein Engineering. (Chapter 12) In Larry A. Sklar (Ed), Flow Cytometry in Biotechnology. Oxford University Press. [Google Books]