For the most up-to-date listing of our publications, please visit Bob’s Google Scholar profile.
* Graduate Student Author, ** Undergraduate Author, *** Post-Doc Author
[58] * Derek Pickell and Robert Hawley. In Press. Performance characterization of a new, low-cost multi-GNSS instrument for the cryosphere. Journal of Glaciology.
[57] Ian E. McDowell, Kaitlin M. Keegan, Nander Wever, Erich C. Osterberg, Robert L. Hawley, Hans-Peter Marshall. 2023. Firn core evidence of two-way feedback mechanisms between meltwater percolation and firn microstructure from the western percolation zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface.
[56] William H. Armstrong, David Polashenski, Martin Truffer, Greg Horne, Jacob B. Hanson, Robert L. Hawley, Anthony M. Hengst, Lily Vowels, Brian Menounos, Wesley Van Wychen. 2022. Declining Basal Motion Dominates the Long-Term Slowing of Athabasca Glacier, Canada. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. 1 – 22.
[55] Gerbi, C, S. Mills, R. Clavette, S. Campbell, S. Bernsen, *D. Clemens-Sewall, *I. Lee, R. Hawley, K. Kreutz, K. Hruby. 2021. Microstructures in a shear margin: Jarvis Glacier, Alaska. Journal glaciology. 1 – 14
[54] * Giese, A., S. Arcone, R. L. Hawley, G. Lewis, and P. Wagnon. 2021. The response of supraglacial debris to elevated, high frequency GPR: Volumetric scatter and interfacial dielectric contrasts interpreted from field and experimental studies. Journal glaciology. 1– 13.
[53] Lewis, G., E. Osterberg, R. Hawley, H.-P. Marshall, T. Meehan, K. Graeter, F. McCarthy, *T. Overly, Z. Thundercloud, D. Ferris, B. Koffman, J. Dibb. 2021. Atmospheric Blocking Drives Recent Albedo Change Across the Western Greenland Ice Sheet Percolation Zone. Geophysical Research Letters.
[52] Hawley, R. L., T. A. Neumann, C. M. Stevens, K. M. Brunt, and T. C. Sutterly. 2020. Greenland Ice Sheet Elevation Change: Direct Observation of Process and Attribution at Summit. Geophysical Research Letters 47(22).
[51] Meehan, T., H-P. Marshall, J.H. Bradford, R.L. Hawley, *T. Overly G,M. Lewis, K. Graeter, E. Osterberg, F. McCarthy. 2020. Historical surface mass balance reconstruction 1984 − 2017 from GreenTrACS multi-offset ground-penetrating radar. Journal of Glaciology. 1–10.
[50] Hruby, K., C. Gerbi, P. Koons, S. Campbell, C. Martín, and R.L. Hawley. 2020. The impact of temperature and crystal orientation fabric on the dynamics of mountain glaciers and ice streams. Journal of Glaciology. 66 1– 11.
[49] * Giese, A., A. Boone, P. Wagnon, and R. L. Hawley. 2020. Incorporating moisture content in surface energy balance modeling of a debris-covered glacier. The Cryosphere 14, 1555-1577. 2020
[48] Meyer, C. R., K. M. Keegan, I. Baker, and R. L. Hawley. 2020. A model for French-press experiments of dry snow compaction. The Cryosphere 14, 1449–1458.
[47] **Liu, J, D. E. Lawson, R. L. Hawley, J. W. Chipman, B. T. Tracy, Xun Shi, Yaning Chen. 2020. Estimating the longevity of glaciers in the Tian Shan in Xinjiang, China through remote sensing observations of glacier area change. Journal of Glaciology. 1-14. doi:10.1017/jog.2020.24.
[46] *Lee, I., R.L Hawley, S. Bernsen, S.W. Campbell, *D Clemens-Sewall, C.C. Gerbi and K. Hruby. 2020. A Novel Borehole Tilt Sensor for Investigation of Streaming Ice: Application to Jarvis Glacier, Alaska. Journal of Glaciology 66(255), pp 74-82. doi:10.1017/jog.2019.84
[45] Lewis, G. M., E. Osterberg, R.L. Hawley, H-P. Marshall, T. Meehan, K. Graeter, F. McCarthy, *T. Overly, Z. Thundercloud, Ferris, D. 2019. Recent Precipitation Decrease Across the Western Greenland Ice Sheet Percolation Zone. The Cryosphere 13, pp 2797-2815. doi:10.5194/tc-13-1-2019.
[44] Fudge, T.J., S. Biyani, *D. Clemens-Sewall, and R.L. Hawley. 2019. Constraining geothermal flux at coastal domes of the Ross Ice Sheet, Antarctica. Geophysical Research Letters 46(22), pp 13090-13098. doi:10.1029/2019GL084332
[43] R. L. Hawley and **J. D. Millstein. 2018. Quantifying the cost of snow drift on Arctic structures: a case study at Summit, Greenland, using UAV-based Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry. Cold Regions Science and Technology. 167 pp. 163-170 doi: 10.1016/j.coldregions.2018.10.007
[42] *Schild, K. M., C. E. Renshaw, D. I. Benn, A. Luckman, R. L. Hawley, P. How, N. R. J. Hulton, L. Trusel. 2018. Calving Rates due to Subglacial Discharge and Fjord Circulation. Journal of Geophysical Research. doi:10.1029/2017JF004520
[41] Andrews, L.C., M. J. Hoffman, T. A. Neumann, G. A. Catania, M. P. Lüthi, R. L. Hawley, *K. M. Schild, C. Ryser, *B. F. Morriss. 2018. Seasonal evolution of the subglacial hydrologic system modified by supraglacial lake drainage in western Greenland. Journal of Geophysical Research. 123(6) doi:10.1029/2017JF004585
[40] Graeter, K. A., E. C. Osterberg, D. G. Ferris, R. L. Hawley, H. P. Marshall, G. Lewis, T. Meehan, F. McCarthy, and S. D. Birkel. 2018. Ice Core Records of West Greenland Melt and Climate Forcing. Geophysical Research Letters. 45 doi:10.1002/2017GL076641
[39] Bertler, N. A. N., and 70 others including Hawley, R. L. 2018. The Ross Sea Dipole – Temperature, Snow Accumulation and Sea Ice Variability in the Ross Sea Region, Antarctica, over the Past 2,700 Years, Climate of the Past, 14, 193-214, doi:10.5194/cp-14-193-2018
[38] Winski, D., Osterberg, E., Ferris, D., Kreutz, K., Wake, C., Campbell, S., Hawley, R., Roy, S., Birkel, S., Introne, D., and Handley, M. 2017. Industrial-age doubling of snow accumulation in the Alaska Range linked to tropical ocean warming. Nature Scientific Reports. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-18022-5
[37] *Schild, K, R. L. Hawley, J. W. Chipman, and D. I Benn. 2017. Quantifying suspended sediment concentration in subglacial sediment plumes discharging from two Svalbard tidewater glaciers using Landsat–8 and in situ measurements. International Journal of Remote Sensing 38:23, 6865-6881, doi:10.1080/01431161.2017.1365388
[36] Brunt, K. M., R. L. Hawley, ***Eric R. Lutz, M. Studinger, J. G. Sonntag, M. A. Hofton, L. C. Andrews, and T. A.. Neumann. 2017. Assessment of NASA airborne laser altimetry data using ground-based GPS data near Summit Station, Greenland, The Cryosphere, 11, 681-692, doi:10.5194/tc-11-681-2017
[35] Lewis, Gabriel, Osterberg, Erich, Hawley, Robert, **Whitmore, Brian, Marshall, Hans Peter, Box, Jason. 2016. Regional Greenland Accumulation Variability from Operation IceBridge Airborne Accumulation Radar. The Cryosphere. doi:10.5194/tc-2016-248
[34] Hoffman, M, L. Andrews, S. Price, G. Catania, T. Neumann, M. Lüthi, J. Gulley, C. Ryser, R. L. Hawley, and *B. Morriss. 2016. Greenland subglacial drainage evolution regulated by weakly-connected regions of the bed. Nature Communications 7 doi:10.1038/ncomms13903.
[33] *Overly, T. B, R. L. Hawley, V. Helm, E. M. Morris, and **R. N. Chaudhary. 2016. Greenland annual accumulation along the EGIG line, 1959–2004, from ASIRAS airborne radar and neutron-probe density measurements. The Cryosphere, doi:10.5194/tc-10-1679-2016.
[32] * Schild, K. M., R. L. Hawley, and *B. F. Morriss. 2016. Subglacial hydrology at Rink Isbrae, West Greenland inferred from sediment plume emergence. Annals of Glaciology 57(72) doi:10.1017/aog.2016.1
[31] *G J Wong, E C Osterberg, R L Hawley, Z R Courville, D G Ferris and J A Howley. 2015. Coast-to-interior gradient in recent northwest Greenland precipitation trends (1952-2012). Environmental Research Letters (10) doi:10.1088/1748-9326/10/11/114008
[30] Osterberg, E. C., R. L. Hawley, *G. Wong, Ben Kopec, David Ferris, Jennifer Howley. 2015. Coastal Ice Core Record of Recent Northwest Greenland Temperature and Sea Ice Concentration. Journal of Glaciology 61(230) 1137-1146 doi:10.3189/2015JoG15J054
[29] * Geise, A., R. L. Hawley 2015. Thermal diffusivity in the shallow firn at Summit, Greenland, inferred from subsurface temperature profiles. Journal of Glaciology 61(227) 503-510 doi:10.3189/2015JoG14J204.
[28] Martin P. Lüthi, Claudia Ryser, Lauren C. Andrews, Ginny A. Catania, Martin Funk, Robert L. Hawley, Matt J. Hoffman, and Thomas A. Neuman. 2015. Excess heat in the Greenland Ice Sheet: Dissipation, temperate paleo- firn and cryo-hydrologic warming. The Cryosphere 9 doi:10.5194/tc-9-245-2015
[27] Ryser, C., M. P. Lu ̈thi, L. C. Andrews, G. A. Catania, M. Funk, R. Hawley, M. Hoffman, T. A. Neumann. 2014. Caterpillar-like ice motion in the ablation zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Journal of Geophysical Research 119(10), 2258-2271, doi:10.1002/2013JF003067
[26] Andrews, L. C., G. A. Catania, M. J. Hoffman, J. D. Gulley, M. P. Lüthi, C. Ryser, R. L. Hawley & T. A. Neumann. 2014. Direct observations of evolving subglacial drainage beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet. Nature 514, 80-83, doi:10.1038/nature13796
[25] Reyser, C., M.P. Lüthi, L.C. Andrews, M.J. Homan, G.A. Catania, R.L. Hawley, T. A. Neumann. 2014. Sustained high sliding motion under the Greenland Ice Sheet revealed by borehole deformation. Journal of Glaciology 60(220) 647-660, doi: 0.3189/2014JoG13J196
[24] Polashenski, C., Z. Courville, C. Benson, A. Wagner, J. Chen, *G. Wong, R. Hawley & D. Hall. 2014. Observations of Pronounced Greenland Ice Sheet Firn Warming and Implications for Runoff Production. Geophysical Research Letters. DOI: 10.1002/2014GL059806
[23] Hawley, R. L., Z. R. Courville, **L. M. Kehrl, ***E. R. Lutz, E. C. Osterberg, T. B. Overly, *G. J. Wong. 2014. Recent Accumulation Variability in Northwest Greenland from GPR and Shallow Cores Along the Greenland Inland Traverse. Journal of Glaciology. 60(220), 60, doi: 10.3189/2014JoG13J141
[22] ** Kehrl, L. M., R. L. Hawley, E.C. Osterberg, **D.A. Winski, and **A.P. Lee. 2014. 25 years of volumetric change on lower Peyto Glacier, Alberta, Canada. Journal of Glaciology 60(219)
[21] Gray, L., D. Burgess, L. Copland, R. Cullen, N. Galin, R. Hawley, and V. Helm. 2013. Swath processing of interferometric altimetry for glacier surface topography. The Cryosphere 7 1857-1867. doi:10.5194/tc-7-1857-2013
[20] *Morriss, B. F., R. L. Hawley, J. W. Chipman, L. C. Andrews, G. A. Catania, M. J. Hoffman, M. P. Lüthi, and T. A. Neumann. 2013. A ten-year record of supraglacial lake evolution and rapid drainage in West Greenland using an automated processing algorithm for multispectral imagery. The Cryosphere 7 1767-1877. doi:10.5194/tc-7-1869- 2013
[19] Arthern, R, H. F. J. Corr, F. Gillet-Chaulet, R.L. Hawley, Elizabeth M. Morris. 2013. Inversion for the density-depth profile of polar firn using a stepped-frequency radar. Journal of Geophysical Research 118(3) 1257- 1263, doi: 10.1002/jgrf.20089
[18] Hawley R. L., O. Brandt, T. Dunse J.-O. Hagen V. Helm, J. Kohler, K. Langley, E. Malnes K.-A. Hogda. 2013. Using airborne Ku-band altimeter waveforms to investigate winter accumulation and glacier facies on Austfonna, Svalbard. Journal of Glaciology 59(217), doi: 10.3189/2013JoG13J051.
[16] *Wong, G. J., R. L. Hawley, ***E. R. Lutz, and E. C. Osterberg. 2013. Trace-element and physical response to melt percolation in Summit (Greenland) snow. Annals of Glaciology, 54(63), doi:10.3189/2013AoG63A602.
[15] **Kehrl, L. M., R. L. Hawley, R. D. Powell, and J. B-Grette. 2011. Glacimarine sedimentation processes at Kronebreen and Kongsvegen Glaciers, Svalbard. Journal of Glaciology, 57(205), 841-847.
[14] Hawley, R.L., E.D. Waddington. 2011. In-Situ Measurements of Firn Compaction Profiles Using Borehole Optical Stratigraphy. Journal of Glaciology, 57(202), 289-294.
[13] *Siegfried, M. R., R. L. Hawley, and J. F. Burkhart. 2011. High-resolution ground-based GPS measurements show inter-campaign bias in ICESat elevation data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 49(10).
[12] Hawley, R.L., A.P. Shepherd, R. Cullen, V. Helm, and D. Wingham. 2009. Ice-Sheet elevations from across- track processing of airborne interferometrioc radar altimetry. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L22501,
[11] Hawley, R.L., E.M. Morris, and J. R. McConnell. 2008. Rapid techniques for determining annual accumulation applied at Summit, Greenland. Journal of Glaciology. 54(188), 839-846.
[10] Brandt, O., R.L. Hawley, J. Kohler, J. O. Hagen, E. M. Morris, T. Dunse, J. B. T. Scott, and T. Eiken. 2008. Comparison of airborne radar altimeter and ground-based Ku-band radar measurements on the ice cap Austfonna, Svalbard. The Cryosphere Discussions. 2, 777-810.
[9] Hawley, R.L., Ola Brandt, E.M. Morris, Jack Kohler, Andrew P. Shepherd, Duncan J. Wingham. 2008. Techniques for measuring high-resolution firn density profiles: case study from Kongsvegen, Svalbard. Journal of Glaciology. 54(186), 463-468.
[8] Hawley, R.L., E.M. Morris. 2006. Borehole Optical Stratigraphy and neutron-scattering density measurements at Summit, Greenland. Journal of Glaciology. 52(179), 491-496.
[7] Bay, R. C., N. Bramall, P. B. Price, G. D. Clow, R. L. Hawley, R. Udisti, E. Castellano. 2006. Globally-synchronous ice core volcanic tracers and abrupt cooling during the Last Glacial Period. Journal of Geophysical Research 111(D11108).
[6] Hawley, R.L., E.M. Morris, R. Cullen, U. Nixdorf, A.P. Shepherd, and D. Wingham. 2005. ASIRAS airborne radar resolves internal annual layers in the dry-snow zone of Greenland. Geophysical Research Letters 33(L04502), doi:10.1029/2005GL025147.
[5] Hawley, R.L., E.D. Waddington, G.L. Lamorey, and K.C. Taylor. 2004. Vertical-strain measurements in firn at Siple Dome, Antarctica. Journal of Glaciology. 50(170). 447 – 452.
[4] Hawley, R.L., E.D. Waddington, R.B. Alley, and K.C. Taylor. 2003. Annual layers in polar firn detected by Borehole Optical Stratigraphy. Geophysical Research Letters 30(15), doi:10.1029/2003GL017675.
[3] Hawley, R.L., E.D. Waddington, D.L. Morse, N.W. Dunbar, and G.A. Zielinski. 2002. Dating firn cores by vertical strain measurements. Journal of Glaciology, 48(162), 401 – 406.
[2] Albert, M.R. and R.L. Hawley. 2002. Seasonal changes in surface roughness characteristics at Summit, Greenland: implications for snow and firn ventilation. Annals of Glaciology 35, 510-514.
[1] Albert, M.R. and R.L. Hawley. 2000. Seasonal differences in surface energy exchange and accumulation at Summit, Greenland. Annals of Glaciology 31, 387-390.