Climate Change Info Links
1. IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (2013)
Synthesis Report: Distilled version for those looking for a quick understanding of where we stand
Working Group 1: “The Physical Science Basis”: Detailed info and climate change data and models
Working Group 2: “Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability”: Detailed info on impacts of climate change
Working Group 3: “Mitigation of Climate Change”: Detailed look on what we can do about it
2. U.S. Fourth National Climate Assessment (2017-2018)
3. Arctic Climate Assessment (2017)
4. New England Climate Change Assessments/Reports (many from Climate Solutions New England and Dr. Cam Wake)
- Climate Ready Boston: Reports and maps of impacts from temperature and sea level rise
- Preparing New Hampshire for Projected Storm Surge, Sea-Level Rise, and Extreme Precipitation (2016)
- Massachusetts Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flooding Viewer
- Climate Change and Human Health in New Hampshire (2015)
- Sea-Level Rise, Storm Surges, and Extreme Precipitation in Coastal New Hampshire (2015)
- Climate Change in Northern New Hampshire: Past, Present and Future (2014)
- Climate Change in Southern New Hampshire: Past, Present and Future (2014)
- Sea Level Rise: Understanding and Applying Trends and Future Scenaios for Analysis and Planning (Massachusetts; 2013)
- Climate Impacts on the Winter Tourism Economy of the United States (2012)
- Trends in Wintertime Climate in the Northeast United States (2008)
5. “Climate science from climate scientists”. And they really are. These articles are all by very well respected scientists in the field of climate and paleoclimate, and they have great discussions about the topics of the day.
Climate Data Links
The Climate Reanalyzer: UMaine’s beautiful site for reanalysis data, model results, and instrumental data – by Dr. Sean Birkel
World Data Center for Paleoclimatology: Downloadable raw data from paleoclimate studies of all types
Ice Core Gateway: Downloadable raw data from many ice cores collected all over the globe
- National Snow and Ice Data Center: University of Colorado database of snow and ice data and information
- Arctic Sea Ice recent news and analysis from the NSIDC
Climate Prediction Center: El Nino-Southern Oscillation
Climate Prediction Center: North Atlantic Oscillation
Climate Prediction Center: Pacific/North American Pattern
Climate Prediction Center: Storm tracks
NOAA National Climate Data Center: Climate Monitoring: Detailed monthly reports on global climate
- NOAA Nation Temperature and Precipitation Maps: Rankings of state, regional, and national temp and precip maps back to 2001
NOAA National Climate Data Center: US Climate at a Glance: See maps and create your own plots of national, regional, and state temperature and precipitation over the past 100 years.
- National Drought Monitor: Current national map of drought conditions, with links to regional conditions
Plot NCEP Reanalysis data: 6-Hourly mean and anomaly composites
Plot NCEP Reanalysis data: Daily mean and anomaly composites
Plot NCEP Reanalysis data: Monthly/Seasonal mean and anomaly composites
Plot NCEP Reanalysis data: Monthly/Seasonal linear correlations with climate indices or your own data
Plot US Climate data: Monthly/Seasonal linear correlations with climate indices or your own data
Download monthly atmospheric and oceanic indices time series (e.g. PNS, ENSO, NAO, PDO, etc.)
Create your own monthly/seasonal timeseries from US Climate data or NCEP reanalysis data
- 54 Sources for Climate Change News: From George Washington Unviersity
Earth Science Teaching Links
Teaching with Google Earth: from Carleton College SERC
Google Ocean: More cool KMZ files
GeoMapApp: free GIS interface with marine geology data and bathymetry
NOAA Science on a Sphere: Awesome animations on a spherical globe
NASA Visible Earth: Amazing collection of satellite photos
Carleton College Science Education Resource Center (SERC): Must see for all Earth Science teachers. So many great online resources for Earth Science education
On the Cutting Edge: Professional Development for Geoscience Faculty from Carleton College
- Some fundamentals of the water cycle