The 46th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics
Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, USA, 7-10 August 2013
conference website: https://sites.dartmouth.edu/icstll46/home
We are pleased to announce that the 46th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics will be held at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, USA, from 7-10 August 2013.
***If you expect to attend ICSTLL46, please take a moment to send a brief email indicating your intent to the organizer, David A. Peterson, at icstll46@gmail.com to aid in planning.***
Call for papers
We invite submission of abstracts for papers covering all aspects of linguistic research on Sino-Tibetan and other area languages. Papers may treat issues in specific core linguistic areas, they may present field reports, or they may involve research in allied fields, such as prehistory. Papers will be allotted twenty minutes for presentation followed by ten minutes for questions and discussion. The language for presentations will be English.
Abstracts for the main session should be submitted online in pdf format using Easychair (https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icstll46). Abstracts should be no longer than 350 words in a 12-point, unicode-compliant font, and should be written in English. Authors should take care to remove self-identifying references so that the abstract may be properly reviewed. The deadline for abstract submission is 17 March 2013.
Pre-conference workshops
7 August will be devoted to focused workshops. James Stanford has offered to organize a workshop on Tai-Kadai. Please contact him directly if you would like to participate in the workshop (James.N.Stanford@Dartmouth.edu). There will also be a workshop on Kuki-Chin, featuring invited papers on specific topics in Kuki-Chin grammar by specialists in this branch of Tibeto-Burman.
An additional workshop may be organized on Hmong-Mien, and a STEDT orientation session is expected to be scheduled for the same day. Further information about these workshops will be made available as soon as possible. It is expected that abstracts for workshops will be due at approximately the same time as those for the main session and will have the same format specifications, but they will be submitted directly to the workshop organizers rather than via Easychair.
Important dates
17 March 2013: deadline for abstract submission
20 April 2013: notification of acceptance
1 July 2013: deadline for registration at discounted rate (details to follow)
Please check the conference website regularly for updates on accommodation, plenary speakers, workshops, and registration. The website will also include important information on how to reach Dartmouth and visas.
Any further inquiries should be directed to the organizer: icstll46@gmail.com