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Meeting Kimberly Hassel & Final Class with KUIS Students

Recap of a fast-paced week before some students switch homestay families!

After DisneySea, the LSA+ students had a test on Tuesday, but the week didn't end there! On Wednesday, Kimberly Hassel, Dartmouth '16 and DA of the LSA+ for 16X (the year I went!), came over all the way from Yokohama, and during 3rd period, she presented her research/ethnography on ハーフ (hafu) in Japan. She is pursuing a PhD in East Asian Studies at Princeton, as well as studying anthropology, but is in Japan this summer for field research.

When 3rd period ended, we all went to La Paz and chatted for another hour or two about Kimberly's research. We also talked about the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship program and Kimberly's experience at Dartmouth. Afterwards, Kimberly gave us her business card - it was two-sided! one side in English, the other in Japanese - and students left to study or go home. Kimberly actually saw Kyland again, as she had her homestay family two years ago, and they had okonomiyaki and yakisoba that night.

Dartmouth students with Kimberly Hassel, Dartmouth '16 (middle front).

On Thursday, we had our last class with Sekiya-sensei's class, as all the KUIS students have finals the next week before their summer break. We took a group photo to commemorate. Dartmouth students will still be on campus and clubs at KUIS run during summer break, but there will be no other students taking classes. After class (2nd period), we ate lunch with some students from Sekiya-sensei's class in KUIS8, and then hung out with them after 3rd period. Autumn and Kenny played Scrabble again with Daiki and Ryuji.

Dartmouth students and Sekiya-sensei's class
Dartmouth students and Sekiya-sensei's class

On Saturday, some of the students are changing homestays, and we have a Japanese paper-making workshop with the homestay families at KUIS. My year we did makizushi, but this year Dorsey-sensei is changing it up!