Category: Past presentationsPage 3 of 11

Inoculation theory, postcards, and persuasion: Bamforth and Company’s Soldier #39 comic, “How you feel at the first inoculation”

Complex messages—including and perhaps especially those that have the trappings of a simple message, like a simple postcard—are good candidates for rhetorical scrutiny, yielding insight into where we…

Opinion Science Podcast

Episode #49: Inoculating against persuasion with Josh Compton. Opinion Science. October 25, 2021. Josh Compton studies how “inoculating” people against persuasion can make them more resistant to arguments they…

Image repair, image prepare, and It: Inoculating against horror portrayals of professions

I’m turning to a unique case study of public communication to hopefully gain unique insights into inoculation theory. Here, the threat is fear. Josh Compton In September 2017,…

Mixing metaphors: The analogics of inoculation theory and character assassination

More often than not, we contend, a broader view of the targets and or bases in the analogics of inoculation theory and character assassination reveal connections that not…

Conversation starter: Image prepare, preemptive image repair, and inoculation theory in the preface to Winans’ (1938) Speech-making

The preface to James Winans’ Speech-making—an influential early text on public speaking—is analyzed from the perspective of image repair, with special attention to inoculation theory-based image building strategies Josh…

The Devil and Vaccination and inoculation theory: Health communication, parody, and anti-vaccination rhetoric

In this unique conglomeration of religious and health rhetoric, the poem seems to reject both inoculation as a medical strategy and inoculation as a rhetorical strategy.

Depictions of medical inoculation on postcards

The artifacts raise important questions about vaccination rhetoric, the effects of comical depictions of health issues, and the unique opportunities afforded by postal rhetoric. Josh Compton At first…

Inoculation theory and public relations

Our hope is that this work benefits a full range of public relations scholars and practitioners. For those already doing work or applied campaigns in the area of…

Severity, susceptibility, efficacy, certainty and salience: Insights from early-stage ‘vestedness’ of Midwestern populations toward the novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

One option for strategically targeting components of vestedness to improve health messaging would be an applied inoculation theory-based health campaigns. Alicia Mason & Josh Compton Introduction Fear is…

Evidence of inoculation theory in The Evidence at Large (1805): Finding an inoculation rhetorical strategy in the Preface to House of Commons’ vaccine inoculation testimony and debate

The primary argumentation strategy, this analysis offers, is inoculation, or the pairing of counterattitudinal content with refutations, thereby weakening the counterattitudinal content, that parallels the medical practice of…