Rhetorical analysis is a productive way to (1) establish that inoculation theory exists in practice; (2) identify specific components of inoculation theory at work in such rhetoric; and…
By simply addressing the top six error types (i.e., low contrast, linked images missing ALT texts and form labels, empty buttons and empty links), online environmental information providers…
The challenges are many, but the potential solutions—especially from those in a communication discipline embracing the importance of process and recognizing the power of relationships—are even greater. ELIZABETH…
[S]ome of the rhetorical moves Winans makes, I contend, are doing particularly notable work, with a focus toward image prepare—the preemptive use of image-building strategies against anticipated attacks….
Our analysis adds to a growing body of sport image repair scholarship and adds to the theorizing of inoculation strategies in the face of disappointing seasons or losses.
If the last few years are an indicator, inoculation research will soon better reflect the important role of affect in inoculation’s story, and particularly, the role of affect…
January One World‽. A curated gallery of early 20th century postcards. [personal collection] J. Compton, 2021 This curated gallery of early 20th century New Year postcards offers a…
We will go one step further with this argument: Addressing web accessibility problems can improve the health information-seeking experiences for everyone—for people with disabilities and for people without disabilities….