Category: ResearchPage 3 of 9

Inoculation theory in the post-truth era

Amidst a worldwide “infodemic,” we contend that the study and application of inoculation theory has never been more relevant and exciting for social psychologists and communication scholars than…

How do inoculation messages work?

By advancing our understanding of the ways through which inoculation messages prepare individuals for attitudinal attacks, these findings provide important future research directions and may inform effective inoculation…

Chapter: Narrative and the inoculation theory of resistance to influence

Narrative has been part of inoculation theory’s story for quite some time now, including the use of stories in inoculation treatment messages and narratives used as attack messages….

Inoculating against fake news about COVID-19

We look forward to future research on both prophylactic and therapeutic applications of psychological inoculation in the context of COVID-19. Sander van der Linden, Jon Roozenbeek, & Josh…

Prophylactic versus therapeutic inoculation treatments for resistance to influence

One of the most significant departures from conventional inoculation theory is its intentional application for individuals already “infected”—that is, inoculation not as a preemptive strategy to protect existing…

“Inoculate yourself with the word of God” Persuasion inoculation, medical inoculation, and religious rhetoric

The conflation of inoculation terminology with a non-inoculation process likely only adds to these confusing, potentially dangerous, public statements on health from a religious leader. Josh Compton…

Chapter: Inoculation against/as character assassination

Routledge Handbook of Character Assassination and Reputation Management What can distinguish inoculation theory as it relates to character assassination is, foremost, its timing. Conventional inoculation is a preemptive…

Late night television comedy, mid-afternoon congressional testimony: Attacks on Stephen Colbert’s House Judiciary committee appearance

Colbert’s breaking of character—a rare inconsistency—received less attention than the consistency of his characterised testimony. Josh Compton This analysis examines criticism of Stephen Colbert’s congressional testimony on…

Inoculation at play

And yet, there is space for play on both sides of the analogic, too. Josh Compton Inoculation is often considered to be serious business – whether in its literal…

Chapter: Inoculation theory and metaliterate learning

The goal of an inoculation campaign, then, is to create a more robust, healthier immune response to that which could harm. Josh Compton This chapter draws on…