Category: ResearchPage 5 of 9

Osler’s Man’s Redemption of Man: Preemptive protection, attitudinal inoculation, and smallpox inoculation

I offer this case that Osler’s redemption message was not one of education, but instead, of inoculation. Josh Compton One such specific purpose of Man’s Redemption of…

Book: Persuasion and communication in sport, exercise, and physical activity

By providing contemporary theoretical and research coverage, alongside practical recommendations for message design and communication methods, we hope this book will not only stimulate new research developments, but…

Image repair, image prepare, competing civic responsibilities, and high school football

We also contend that there was a missed opportunity for image prepare.  Josh Compton & Jordan Compton The Camden Hills high school football season was cancelled mid-season…

Food safety and corporate public relations

This analysis points to the importance of timely, detailed responses to health- and food-related scandals, which can be emotionally evocative situations. Josh Compton In December 2012, the…

Chapter: Inoculation messaging

Just as muscle builds through periods of failure and recovery, during attitudinal inoculation, an attitude (or a belief, behavior, or’ some other related construct) becomes stronger during periods…

Re-thinking anxiety: Using inoculation messages to reduce and reinterpret public speaking fears

Although public speaking is recognized as one of the foremost stress-inducing evaluative contexts, these findings may help inform the treatment of acute anxiety across work, education, sport, music,…

Image prepare: Image repair, inoculation theory, and anticipated attacks on credibility

What separates image repair (a rhetorical attempt to reclaim an audience’s positive perception of a rhetor after a perceived infraction by that rhetor) from inoculation theory (a method…

Sorry sorries: Image repair after regretted apologies

Successfully apologizing for an apology would seem to demand a deft rhetorical touch. The implied message would be: I did not mean my earlier apology, but I do…

Vaccinating voters: New directions for political campaign inoculation scholarship

We think new development in this line of research is long overdue. Josh Compton & Bobi Ivanov Inoculation theory has seen dramatic theoretical development since it was…

Persuading others to avoid persuasion: Inoculation theory and resistant health attitudes

We hope to contribute to ongoing and future work with health and inoculation theory by proposing new applied and theoretical areas for this important scholarship—work that pushes forward…