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Open letters from the National Football League, concussion prevention, and image repair rhetoric

Rhetors can preempt attacks against their image using principles of inoculation. Josh Compton & Jordan Compton Open letters offer a unique focus for rhetorical analysis in sport…

Preempting performance challenges: The effects of inoculation messaging on attacks to task self-efficacy

These findings also offer insight into the messaging strategies that may help individuals thrive in the face of challenges to their confidence in their ability. Given that such…

The general content of postinoculation talk

The results reported here take us one step closer to a clearer understanding of the nature and quality of [postinoculation talk], and how it may function in multiple…

“You lie!” and “I’m sorry.”

A short two-word outburst led to an extended national dialogue about decorum, authority, etiquette, and civility in an unprecedented rhetorical scenario. Unprecedented, we argue, but likely not an…

Arby’s image repair tactics as a public relations strategy

Upon closer inspection, each of the “repeated” strategies added a nuanced elevation. Josh Compton Arby’s, a fast food restaurant, made a marketing appeal based on geography in…

Chapter: Inoculation theory

My current take on the analogy debate is this: The inoculation analogy is both limiting and flexible enough. Josh Compton After Michael Pfau and I offered what was,…

College sports, losing seasons, and image repair through open letters to fans

Coaches and administrators do not need to wait for a crisis before sending open letters to fans. Josh Compton & Jordan Compton College sports coaches and administrators…

Inoculating for small pox inoculation objections in Reverend Cooper’s Letter to a Friend in the Country

Cooper’s unique rhetorical strategy remains useful for considering contemporary debates over medical inoculation. Josh Compton & Brian Kaylor The early 18th century rhetoric of Boston minister William…

Boosting the potency of resistance: Combining the motivational forces of inoculation and psychological reactance

This theory-driven method of fine-tuning the basic inoculation model should help to sustain and enrich inoculation as an active and dynamic theory of resistance to attitude change. Claude…

Presidents as speech professors

The investigation stems from a simple thought: presidents regularly do public speaking, but how do they view it? The answers offer a nuanced look into presidential rhetoric about presidential rhetoric—and…