In addition to documenting travel adventures and extending holiday greetings to friends and family, postcards can also function as health communication. This investigation turns to a unique type…
Vintage golf postcards are an underexplored resource for an increased understanding of visual-historical sport communication. This rhetorical analysis of a collection of vintage golf postcards reveals insight into…
This study analyzes “SHOTS,” a World War II-era postcard depicting a soldier receiving a vaccine while an observer watches with concern. “SHOTS” is an example of vintage postcard…
Inoculation theory explains how a position can be made more resistant to change in ways similar to how a body can be made more resistant to viruses: through…
Summary: This review surveys some of the most recent findings of inoculation theory in health contexts, with special attention to applications and findings that differ in key ways…
In this conceptual paper, the idea of the inoculated news consumer is revisited and expanded to consider inoculation theory and the inoculated mass communication consumer. It surveys pioneering…
A little over two miles from the Hyatt Regency in Cambridge, Massachusetts—the site of the 115th Annual Eastern Communication Association Convention—the Washington Elm stood for decades until it…
Mason, A. M., Compton, J., & Spencer, E. A. (2023). Understanding individual differences in the dimensions of ‘vestedness’ within Midwestern populations toward the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) during early-stage…
This study aims to understand the general web accessibility of digital information networks which may serve as barriers for access to the global discipline of Communication through institutional…
Research published by Richards and Banas and Richards et al. demonstrated that an inoculation treatment given to participants prior to their exposure to a series of freedom-threatening persuasive…